Heavenletter #4488 Reality vs. Truth
Heavenletter #4488 Reality vs. Truth 9.3.2013
Dear Gloria,
Is it possible that the word proscribed which means forbidden has to be prescribed. Theophil translated it this way in German, but I'm not sure
what is meant by this sencence. Is suffering proscribed or prescribed?
Even what are called tragedies do not have to be looked at tragically. It has been as if you have been given a book to follow. It is a book of suffering. This book lists categories of offense and their accepted responses. You think the lists of acceptable responses are to be followed. And so your suffering has been proscribed to you.
Thank you!
from heart to heart,
Beloved Anneke, you are a
Beloved Anneke, you are a life-saver. Yes, absolutely, prEscribed is the word we want. We seem to suffer as if it had been a prescription prescribed for us. PrOscribed would mean as if suffering had been banned from us!
This is not the first time I confused these two words, and, I did it again. Sorry, and so happy that you discovered my mistake and pointed it out! I'm indebted to you!
I fixed it, Anneke.
Thanks again!
Love, Gloria
no problem
Dear Gloria,
you're very welcome!
It's only human to make mistakes or typo's. We all do the best we can and at the end of the day that's all that matters.
from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke