Heaven News October 24, 2007
Table of Contents
- Opening God Quote:
- New subscribers from all over the world and U.S. since last Heaven News
- Choose your favorite Heavenletter -- Translators wanted
- The Godwriting™ Blog Now in Blogcatalog
- Poets, Writers, Artists – your work is wanted.
- Many thanks to all who spread the light of Heavenletters
- Namaste, Saraswathie
- God Quote:
Opening God Quote:
"Don’t wait for God’s Will."
From Scott Darant’s early Godwriting™
New subscribers from all over the world and U.S. since last Heaven News
From 10 Countries of the world:

From 18 States in U.S.
United States
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia
Choose your favorite Heavenletter -- Translators wanted
We had the idea of selecting one prime Heavenletter to be published into every language on Earth. Wow! What Oneness that will create. What is your favorite Heavenletter? Please send your choices here:
Volunteer angels translate Heavenletters every day into Italian and Turkish, and very often into Catalan, Dutch, and German, and as often as possible into Greek, Hebrew, Norwegian, and Polish. We would love daily translations in every language!
If you love Heavenletters with all your heart, and you would like to translate even one Heavenletter into your Mother Tongue, we will be so happy and grateful. You can press the link given above, or press the Add Comment link at the end of this Heaven News to let us know who you are.
We have since found a way to enhance this idea! Instead of selecting one Heavenletter we will make a list of Heavenletters as suggested by Heavenreaders that we will translate from top to bottom. The idea is now that we start translating from the top of the list, which never has to end.
The Godwriting™ Blog Now in Blogcatalog
Mojah Media listed the Godwriting blog in this directory:
Will you visit and post a review of the Godwriting blog?
You can also rate the Godwriting blog best and fantastic – 10!
(Might be a good idea to read some of the blog first!) www.godwriting.org.
There’s a new blog entry every day now!
Recent and upcoming entries are:
- Writer's Block
- The Blessing of Work
- Fabulous Automated Message
- Einstein's Relativity
- What a God
- Something said long ago
- Ginger, Apricot Poodle
- God's Ocean of Love
- Personal Godwriting™ 1999
- Languages of the World
- Beautiful Souls
If you have questions or ideas for the blog, please post your thoughts on the blog!
Poets, Writers, Artists – your work is wanted.
Share your original creative expression of self acceptance, unity, tolerance, diversity and global love. Each submission shall be based on the theme: “Love Begins With Me”
“We are one humanity on this planet. All life is interconnected and interdependent. All share in the Universal bond of love. Love begins with self acceptance and forgiveness. With tolerance and compassion we embrace diversity.”
Harold W. Becker - www.thelovefoundation.com
Many thanks to all who spread the light of Heavenletters
HEAVENLETTERS - October 07 - by Gloria Wendroff (Follow this link.)
“Change is the name of the game, beloveds. Be ready to change directions at a moment's notice. More than flexibility is required. You will have to become free-flowing water and be affable whatever direction you go in. In Truth, you are an all-directioned Being. Did you know in advance where you would happen to be right now? Did you know that you would be sitting in this chair in this location facing south or east or north or west...?”
Here’s a photo of Lady Isis: http://home1.gte.net/ladyisis/index.htm
And here’s one of Russ Michael, taken at the workshop in Germany:
Most of all, especial gratitude to Heavenreaders. One by one, it is you, individual Heavenreaders, who tell your friends about Heavenletters and bring them here. Now there are 5,000. We are in this together. Couldn’t be done without you. Next to God, Heavenletters cross the globe because of you.
Namaste, Saraswathie
It was with great sadness we learned that Santhan’s beloved mother passed away October 10 in South Africa. Santhan is the one who does everything for Heavenletters.
Saraswathie leaves a devoted husband, Diviah; two sons, Santhan and Daryl; her mother Prema, nieces and nephews, and friends all over the world. We know there is no death. There is only Eternal Life. We may not have met Saras, yet we know her wonderful son and all he gives, so we know her very well and are grateful for all her blessings to the world.
Hearts can only be touched by reading the enlightened notes of sympathy from Heavenreaders on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community forum and the Godwriting blog. All the responses are so beautiful. Be sure to read Santhan’s response to all your heart-given messages.
Visit both places below:
Santhan blew me away with the following. May we all come to the place where this is our experience:
Saras and I were close and are closer now. Our hearts communicate better now. I celebrate the role she played here and not mourn her moving on. There were those few heavy emotions that arose from my attachments, from my plans on all the things we would do, from my what ifs, if onlys and why didn't I's. Those were released and replaced by wonder and gratitude for being blessed to play the role of son to Saras and by such admiration for what she achieved. Saras accomplished on a subtler level than the physical, yet she used the physical as her springboard towards this accomplishment.
Saras's body healed from a state of dis-ease we refer to as cancer. Through this process she became more aware of God. I too became more aware of God. I received direct experience on how fragile, precious and powerful life is. Through this experience Saras taught me how to love all women...first as Goddess, Mother, Sister, Daughter and companion. Her body did not stop working because of this dis-ease. She did overcome it. Yet when the Director of this Play edits the script, we have to follow! How and why are just details. Better to "Wow!" and "Yay!" rather than how and why!
Strange how we refer to the process of Soul leaving the mortal body, as Death. Can we change this to awakening? In our bodies we are mostly asleep. When we leave we begin to see again. Can we shift our way of seeing things, so that instead of mourning, we can celebrate a Souls liberation from the body. The expression of God that we call Soul who played Saraswathie exists in a vaster state now. Everyone of us has the ability to awaken to this state before the body stops working.
My understanding from working together with you and Heavenletters and all the Heavenreaders, is that anyone who is reading this...Heaven News, The Godwriting Blog and most of all Heavenletters, are so close to being in that awakened state...where death is just a scene in an act. Maybe you're already there and are just about to accept it!
I invite you to celebrate life and awakening (previously death!)...the precious life that flows in all the souls in your circle of life and the awakening of these souls who now exist in that state in which, we who love God, will all surely awaken to.
With love, blessings, and gratitude, and great vision for the future,
Gloria and the Spectacular Heaven Team
God Quote:
“The world can do its thing, while you do Mine.”