Heaven News November 26, 2009 Thanksgiving
Opening God Quote
“Send your thanks-giving out into the world.”
Upcoming TV and Radio Shows
See Gloria on Virtual Light Internet Web Broadcast Live 26-minutes THIS Saturday November 28, at 11:30 a.m. PST, 1:30 CST.
Tune in to the show here: http://Lightworker.com/VirtualLight
Or come see the show at La Quinta Hotel, 3970 South Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada (For directions, call 702 796 9000). It would be wonderful to see you in person.
Gloria’s good friend Sandie Sedgbeer sandie@planetlightworker.com will interview Gloria.
This is Steve Rother’s show. Steve and his wife Barbara will be on at 11 a.m.
At noon, you can see the guest after me – Mark David Gerson http://www.markdavidgerson.com/index.html
The Virtual Light Broadcast is an Internet web cast TV show dedicated to helping people remember who they are.
Thank you, Steve and Sandie, for the opportunity you are giving us to let more people know about Heavenletters™ and to come closer to God through His words of love and wisdom.
Listen Live to Bernie Siegel, Santhan (Heaven Admin) and Gloria THIS Tuesday
When: Tuesday, December 1. Noon to 1 p.m. EST Time, (11 to 12 CST)
The name of Bernie’s Show is Mind Health Matters. The topic is Bringing Earth Closer to Heaven. Call in with your questions and comments! +1 800 555-5453 (toll free), +1 310 371-5444 (CA)
Listen live here: http://www.healthylife.net/RadioShow
Bernie Siegel, M.D., is a long-time friend of Heavenletters. It is Bernie who funded the Heaven CD. We are so grateful to him. Bernie opens his heart and mind to give us expert advice on personal questions about Health and Healing. His message of hope and love is extended to all who seek a whole person approach for living life fully. He is one of the world's foremost physicians, as well as, a multi-book best-selling author, motivational speaker and advocate for individuals facing the challenges of illness. I can tell you from experience that Bernie is one of the finest people on Earth.
New Subscribers since last Heaven News

25 International Countries
Australia Austria Belgium Canada Columbia Czech Republic France Iceland India Italy Netherlands New Zealand Norway Philippines Portugal Qatar Romania Saint Vincent South Africa Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom
[This listing of countries represents only the countries that new Heavensubscribers have recently come from!]
32 United States
Alabama Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Louisiana Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington Wisconsin
[Heavensubscribers already come from every state in the U.S.!]
Heaven Translators Go the Extra Mile!

Paula Launonen, our very first Heaven translator has now passed the thousand and one mark of Heavenletters. 1001 Heavenletters in Italian. Paula never misses. Congratulations, Paula.
Paula isn’t the only translator who excels. We’re grateful for every translation. We’ll tell more about other translators in next issue of Heaven News.
From Christine Duirat, French Translator:
Dear Gloria, as someone asked to me "what is the story of Heavenletters?", I translated that : http://www.heavenletters.org/fr-une-tres-breve-histoire-des-heavenletter... http://www.heavenletters.org/fr-une-petite-histoire-plus-longue.html?loc...
I will do the followings links as well.
Look how beautiful Heavenletters look in Farsi: خدا گفت:
شما مسافر هستید و خانه بدوش. شاید بیاندیشید که نمی دانید چه مسیری در این جهان برگزینید و با این حال مسیرتان را پیدا می کنید. شما در جایی هستید. در جایی مکان داده شده اید. اکنون که گفته های مرا می خوانید کجا هستید؟
از اینها گذشته، شما گفته های مرا می خوانید. آیا در جای خوبی نیستید؟ آیا جایی بهتر از این وجود دارد که بتوانید آنجا باشید؟ کجا بهتر از بودن با من؟
Thank you so much, dear Oldooz, for bringing Heavenletters to Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Bahrain. Think of it – through you, God’s words are reaching further and further.
Oldooz also publishes Heavenletters in her blog:
At last, a photo of Anco, Dutch translator
Anco posted on the forum to other translators:
We are so happy to have you here as part of Heaven’s team. We are so grateful to you and to all of the beautiful volunteer translators who give so generously of their hearts and skills. We know a gift from God when we see one!
Heavenletter Cookbook!
Andrea Maestri who took a Godwriting workshop in Turin, Italy, in September, suggested that we make a Heaven Cookbook. Food is such a common denominator. We all love good food! What are some of your own favorite non-meat recipes?
Post your recipes here: http://www.heavenletters.org/divine-recipes.html Andrea will compile all the recipes.
And here’s a sample of a favorite recipe of Gloria’s:
The Oneness Journey to Argentina is on the horizon

The first image is of the motorhome we used for the European Godwriting tour. The next 2 pictures are similiar to what we are looking for for the Oneness Journey.
The first image was a standard conversion of a Ford transit vehicle that had a 2.5 litre Turbo Diesel engine. It was perfect for the two passenger journey across Europe with well maintained roads. The second two images are of converted buses/coaches. They have steel chassis and large clearance from the ground. These coaches are huge with enough room to support 4-6 people on a 4 month journey. Their older bodies are made of a better grade of steel which is less prone to rust. To give you an idea of costs. The first vehicle above was available for about $2500 and the 2nd for $9000. Both were advertised as "in running condition and rust free". With a budget of $20 000 we would be able to refurbish and customise (including vege oil/biodiesel conversion and reconditioned or new engine and transmission) both these vehicles to a home on wheels. A refurbished vehicle of this type would be considered a classic and be worth more than what was spent on it. In Argentina we would be able to sell the vehicle for twice of what we spent on it, or could sell it for in the U.S. This is the business plan!
As to when the journey will begin, well it's already started! Nature will decide when we leave Iowa in our refurbished vehicle.
Dear Heavenreaders,
If we had Thanksgiving Day every day and ate the way we do on Thanksgiving every year, we would eat too much every day!
If I had to choose three things I’m grateful for, and only three things, my answers would be:
It is hard to stop at three, isn’t it?
I want to add how grateful I am for my daughter and friends and the few of my family who are alive to celebrate Thanksgiving today.
I am grateful for the family I was born to.
I am grateful for my education.
I am grateful I know how to read.
I am grateful I can grow and change.
I am grateful for my health.
I am grateful for nature and the sun and the sky and flowers and food.
I discover that I can go on and on once I start thinking of what I’m thankful for.
It makes sense to be grateful for all we have been given. It makes no sense to be ungrateful!
We would love you to post what you are thankful for. Press that Add Comment link at the end of this Heaven News.
May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with people you love to celebrate with.
God bless us all.
With love,
Gloria and the Spectacular Heaven Team
Heaven twitter
Be a Heaven Angel!
Or contributions can be mailed to:
Gloria Wendroff
703 E. Burlington Avenue
Fairfield, Iowa 52556
God bless you.
All love,
Gloria and the Spectacular Heaven Team
Ending God Quote
“Even in a poor soup, there can be a good turnip!”
Heavenletter #3287 Turn to the Light