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Heaven News ~ Heavenreader, Translator & Administrator News ~

God said:

"Inspire, or bite your tongue!"
     Heavenletter #3899 How Do You Make Your Garden Grow?


In This Issue…

Cosmic Tree of Peace, Original Art by Marek Toczylowski, Australia


Two Great New Translators and How They Got Here 


Cat, Chinese Translator, Recruits New Translator


Heavenletters on Facebook in Many Languages


Remarkable New Comments from Heavenreaders


Quick Notes

Help Wanted! No pay! Great Rewards! God is an Equal-Opportunity Employer of Great Proportions!

Open Letter to Santhan -- Update on New Website!


Introducing William Harader – More to come



Two New Translators


Susan Almeida 


My full name is Susana Ramos Viegas de Almeida Carvalho, a big traditional Portuguese name :)  Professionally, I use just Susana Almeida, the reason being that many of my Portuguese patients will recognize Susana Almeida and will love to know and to read God's letters.

I am a 39 year-old kind and caring person. One of my missions on Earth is taking care of the sick and helping them to reunite with their physical/ emotional/spiritual health.

I am a medical doctor, and I am also a spiritual person, connected to the Universe and to God. I understand God gave me a few missions to complete. I do take them very seriously and with lots of love in my heart. I have done some lectures about Inner growth, Heaven and Healing, Power of believing in Energy, etc.

Originally from Portugal, I am living on the outskirts of London for three years now, and I am happily married to a wonderful man and we have three blessed and beautiful  girls.

I have worked in translation from English to Portuguese and vice versa plenty of times. Some of these translations were part of courses I taught in Medical school in Portugal.  I also translated some messages from works about angels and God from well-known organizations.

I am a very peaceful and calm person whom you can always count on.

I'm very happy to be joining the Heaven Team, and I know this will be very graceful and a good way to receive knowledge and to grow as a spiritual me.

I do appreciate the opportunity and will work hard and joyfully. Thank you for having me. And thanks to Nuno for all his help.

Sending love,

Susana Almeida


Jose Salvador, Spanish


I read Heavenletters everyday, and they light my way!...


The day before yesterday I said goodbye to my grandfather by reading out loud to him Heavenletter #5608 A Field of Daisies.  My grandfather couldn't speak, yet I saw joy in him when I read to him about the beautiful fields of daisies, and it was that night when he finally let go in perfect peace.


And today my smile lighted up my face when I read your e-mail. I'm finally getting to walk through my life with light and without planning or worrying about the "what should I do" questions, so thank you for Heavenletters being part of my life!!

I can't wait to start such a beautiful task! Definitely God chooses us! I believe there's no other will than God's, and that's where my happiness resides!


I'm so happy to know that you and the Heaven team are listening! :)


To tell more about myself, my name is José Miguel Salvador. I'm from Quito - Ecuador - and I'm 34 years old. Especially, when there's something hard to process, I have felt alone, and that's how I came to search for more of God on Google and found Heavenletters!


Even though I just signed up yesterday, the truth is I've been following Heavenletters for about a Year! :)


From that moment on, I wake up everyday right into my inbox to see if I can find a loving message from our Godly (I don't know how to express the feeling of awe in great magical enormous infinite love) God! and now here I am! so glad I found you! I am very very lucky to, so please know, my heart is always grateful.


I have a beautiful wife; we've been married for a little more than a year and a half, I have no kids but five beautiful nieces from both my older brother and my younger sister. I have wonderful parents and pets :) . I would love to spread the messages that God, so kindly and lovingly, shares with all of us.


I'm sending three pictures of me in this e-mail, one taken right now :), one with my beautiful wife and one with my beautiful mother.


It's so nice to be in touch with you all!! Thanks for everything!


Love, Jose


[Note: Jose, there are some similarities between your spiritual journey and mine.

Free E-Book -- I Hear God Speak & 10  Magnificent Heavenletters, Love Letters from God]




One more new Chinese translator coming up!


Beloved Cat, who translates Heavenletters faithfully into Chinese, recruited another translator of the beautiful Chinese language to pitch in. Now there will be a partnership of Chinese translators. We're so appreciative of your taking the initiative, Cat, and looking forward to knowing more about our new Chinese translator. Thank you, Cat.



Heavenletters on Facebook


Posted March 14th, 2016 by paula


Here are the links to the Heavenletters Facebook pages I found.  Some time ago, a lady asked me about posting the Russian translations, and yesterday, a lady asked me about posting the German translations. I referred both of them to William Harader, so I hope they will create their own Facebook pages. 

Paula, English

Paula, Italian

Wanda, Spanishês-374074329442936/?fref=ts 

Nuno, Portuguese 

Dawie, Afrikaans  

Uta, German

Sofi Amarilla, Instagram in Spanish


Paula further wrote:


The one Heavenletter that has reached the most people on Facebook so far is Heavenletter #5591, God Has No Gated Communities, more than 1000 fans.


Looking forward to seeing how the numbers grow.



A Stream of Korean Translations

 You may remember from the last issue of this news that Vera of the Light and Osiearth, both from North Korea, have both been long-time translators of Heavenletters. Up to 10 years, 7 days a week. 

Now Osiearth, and Clemens, (International Coordinator from Germany) are both loading thousands of Korean translations onto the Heavenletter web site for posterity. Clemens keeps telling me that Osiearth is doing most of the work!  Thank you both.

News Flash just came in! Osiearth and Clemens made short work of this project. It is all finished now! Amazing!


Remarkable New Posted Comments from Heavenreaders


Brenden Ragan says:

"This might sound crazy but this Heavenletters feels like it was meant to be seen by me. Who writes this stuff? Every time I see a Heavenletter it resonates. Who is it writing this stuff about me?"


Rover says:

"Your song, dear God, is sweet indeed."


Amanda says:

"These words are exactly what I've been feeling over the last couple years My dreams tell me this, and the feelings in my heart when I read this tell me this is true..."




Quick Notes


 * Although we are at present without a Dutch translator, Nuno Avó, Portuguese Translator and Administrator, of his own initiative, volunteered to go back to the first translated Dutch Heavenletters and send them out, one by one, every day to all Dutch Heavenreaders. Thanks for thinking on behalf of Heavenletters, dear Nuno.






* Normand Bourque, long-time French Translator and Administrator, who has recovered from a long illness, is now proofing English Heavenletters every day. Great quality-proofing now!


 All translators. This Heaven news will be posted under the Heavenletter Comments AND The Global Translator Circle.  Kindly leave your comments in both places, okay!


Help Wanted! No pay! Great Rewards! God is an Equal-Opportunity Employer of Great Proportions!

We're seeking talented individuals who can offer us one or more of the following skills:

* Outstanding volunteer to help put this newsletter together. Fast worker. Detail-oriented. Save the day!

* Graphic Designer and/or Web Developer – or both! -- to work with William Harader on New Web Site.

* Media/Video Designer to work and learn with Gloria to produce a Godwriting™ Workshop Webinar, and later top it off with Will. Let's make this Godwriting workshop out of this world! 

* Seeking translators who will translate this Translator News into their language and send out to all their subscribers. I'm thinking we want to send this newsletter out to all subscribers throughout the world.

* Seeking New Translators in virtually every language! Let us know who you are. We are especially looking for Japanese and Arabic translators.

* To all beloved translators, administrators, and Heavenreaders:  Send in your comments and stories for the next issue of Heaven News.


Open Letter to Santhan -- Update on New Website!  Drupal 8!


For over ten years, dear Santhan, you took great responsibility for  Heavenletters.  At the very beginning, three times you offered to do everything for Heavenletters. You had to offer three times before it sank into me all you were offering from the goodness of your heart. Where would Heavenletters would be without the dedication  that you, then 26-years old, so generously started to give endlessly?


Before you came here, I was sending Heavenletters out to subscribers MANUALLY. This meant that I had to send out Heavenletters in batches of about 95 people at a time. At this time, I was also writing down Heavenletters in notebooks with a purple pen! Santhan, all you did to bring Heavenletters up to date.


You led the way, and you taught me so much, and you even thanked me for the opportunity Heavenletters offered to you! God and you taught me what giving is.


Now, as you move on to fulfill your own dreams and service to God, you have given over access to your resources to William Harader. Who in the world but you, Santhan! You have opened up the technical workings, behind scenes, simply passing on access so generously from your heart. Thank you.


And now, with your blessings, William Harader has stepped up, eager to move forward with the new website.  


Everyone, Will works fast. He is ready to zoom ahead with a great new website upgrade. Hang on to your hats!



A Taste of William Harader's Work



A newspaper Will runs with some friends




Will's personal web developer business



Will's Daughter, Willow, Technical Trainee, 5 years old!



One More Thing!


Everyone who works at Heavenletters is a volunteer. Will has been giving serious technical help to Heavenletters for two years.


Will works from his home, and is single-handedly raising his little daughter, Willow. In order to make it possible for Will to give his full focus to Heavenletters, we have the idea to start a Web Site fund dedicated to supporting the New Website. 


Are there donors out there, big or small, who would like to contribute to a special website fund?  Please share other ideas with us all.


Thank you, everyone.


God said:


"It is an amazing thing how intrinsic you are to all of Creation, how vital, how instrumental, how beautiful, how aspiring, how fulfilling, how electrical, how amazing in this phenomenon called life."

    Today Alone - Heavenletter #1102


See you next month…

Welcome Susan, welcome José!!

Dear Susan,
dear José,

my most heartily welcome to our wonderful Heaven team! It's so great to have you here with us!

I wish you a blissful experience translating Heavenletters. To work directly for God is a marvellous thing. Enjoy and please share your feelings with all of us.

Love and a million blessings