Heaven News 24 October 2006
Welcome New Subscribers
The Little Things – A Big Thank-you
TV Interview
Are your emailed comments put into Heaven’s Junk Box?
Recent blog entries and comments you don’t want to miss?
Welcome New Subscribers
From around the World!



(Thanks to Suzanne of Switzerland for sparking the idea of using flags for new subscribers who have arrived since last Heaven News.)
From the United States!
Illinois, Nevada, California, Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Florida, South Carolina, New Jersey, Connecticut, Nebraska, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Georgia, Hawaii, Texas, Indiana, Utah, Alabama, New York, Alaska, Illinois, Maryland
The Little Things – A Thank-you
Did you read #2175 The Little Things? It’s about those acts that take just a few moments and are repeated again and again. I would like to mention a few of these little things by great people and try to express how much they are appreciated.
Adrachin, Germany, set up and administers the entire Heavenletters Community Forum, is organizing the Godwriting™ workshop and book signings in Munich, along with his wife Veronika. Also every day Adrachin copies and pastes the daily Heavenletter onto the forum, does it every day without fail. Every day. So it’s really a big thing.
Annette,California, silently, behind the scenes, archives every Heavenletter, indexes them, really prepares them for posterity -- simple daily accumulated acts that she does for the glory of God and for no other reason.
Kirt, Colorado, maintains the web site, puts all the e-books together, coordinates all the details. Whenever there is a new link, he puts it up so quickly. All I have to do is to mention it to Kirt, and then it’s done. Despite all his other responsibilities, Kirt asks for nothing and is happy to do all he can. Not one of Heaven’s volunteers asks for anything but to give.
Santhan, Argentina, South Africa, and Romania, set up the Heaven blog, the mail out system, is working on a vaster web site, takes care of everything when I’m traveling, is amazingly generous to Heavenletters and me. Santhan kindly took over sending Heavenletters out every morning. Not a big thing, some presses of a key, and it is done. Yet he took this little thing off my shoulders in the hopes that, with his taking the responsibility for it, I could perhaps sleep a little later.
The fact is that I do sleep better because of all the angels who faithfully perform the daily acts that support Heavenletters.
Adrachin, Veronika, Annette, Kirt, and Santhan are not the end of the list!
Add the editors of newsletters who so generously include Heavenletters. The translators. Some translate daily, all as often as they can. The proofreaders. What a humble task proofreading is! Margaret of Iowa, without fail, takes the responsibility for proofing the ebooks and print books. Now Kathleen of Oregon has volunteered to proof the daily Heavenletters before they go out. She has thankfully caught so many typos that you will never see!
Add those who sponsor workshops, and those who come to learn to Godwrite™.
Add the great publishers of Heaven books, Rodney Charles in U.S.A., Panos Axiomakaros in Greece who spearheaded The European Godwrting™ Institute, and Monica Vissan in Romania who is making the workshop there a retreat!
Add the beautiful people who post their comments on the forum and on the blog, and those who comment on comments and who go out of their way to welcome new members. I can never express my appreciation enough. Please know that all you do does not go unnoticed.
Add all who read Heavenletters. You are the mainstay of Heavenletters. Please know how much you contribute and how much you are appreciated every day. Without you…
We are all volunteers. There are great workers in the world who are paid great sums. As good as they must be, I don’t see how they can compare to those who simply give their hearts to Heavenletters.
And God bless Shahid of India for sending a Heavenletter to the White House!
And Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of so many great books, from Love, Medicine & Miracles to 365 Prescriptions for the Soul. Bernie has subscribed to Heavenletters for many years. Here’s the email he sent me this morning, and you will see what good friend he is to Heavenletters:
“…new movie out about Neal Donald Walsch and Conversations with God. I saw preview and mentioned you and read God’s last letter to me to audience in post film discussion.”
Bridging Heaven and Earth and Heavenletter TV Interview
Remember I was interviewed on the Bridging Heaven and Earth TV Show in Santa Barbara? Thanks to Allan, the host, and Success Radio, you can listen to the interview here: www.success-talk.com Can you imagine the work and heart that go into making a TV Show?
In addition to Allan, I would like to thank Gregory, Jeff, Diana, Bianca, Kevin, Jerry, Tina, Linda, Shelley, Jean, Richard, Michael, Shyama, Sasha, and Joe, the young clicker!
If I may say so myself, it was a great interview! It would have to be because Allan is so kind and dedicated. Of course, I will never read aloud a Heavenletter again with the words reciprocal and reciprocity in them which, apparently, I cannot pronounce!
Do your emails go into Heaven’s junk box?
Lots of spam and junk mail come here. Lots. It is no exaggeration to say two hundred or more a day. But not all of it belongs in the junk box. Sometimes I catch real emails. Once an important email from Santhan! Once a real offer of a huge gift from a new subscriber! I have even found Heavenletters themselves in the junk folder! Can you imagine my own email sending a Heavenletter to my junk box!
As much I wouldn’t want it to happen, it’s very possible that I miss out on real emails from you.
There is a solution, however -- post your comments on the Heavenletters Community Forum http://heavenletters.org/angelsplace/index.php and the Heaven blog www.godwriting.org where I will be sure to find your messages. I read through the forum and blog every day. Even if there were as many posted comments on the forum and blog as there is spam, I would read every one.
Besides, what you write is too wonderful to keep for one person anyway. It is a great gift to all when you share your heart. Unless it is your personal question to God, I would be so grateful if you would post your comments on the forum or blog where I will be sure to find them. Thank you so much!
Recent Blog entries and comments you don’t want to miss!
· Secrets...Sort of...· Heavenpetals – Sally
· The Little Things
· TV Inspiration -- Book Notes, Movies, and News
· Our Lucky Stars
· How to End All Wars V
God Quotes
“May love grow in the human heart today.
May love come out, and, like the sun this morning,
rise to High Noon.”