Heaven New January 8 2008
Call In! Ask Gloria Questions! Live Internet Radio Show! Wednesday, January 9, 4-5 P.M. EST 1 877 864 4869 (International +1 877 864 4869). Ask for Phoenix Hour! To listen in, go to www.toginet.net
Opening God Quote
“You already know what enlightenment is, or you would not desire it so much.”
Heavenletter #2597 The Truth about Enlightenment
New subscribers from all over the world and U.S. since last Heaven News
From 16 Countries around the world:

From 27 States in U.S.
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin
Beautiful message from Kambala who runs an orphanage in India:
“I want to bring the love of Heaven Letters to the desk of Indian Prime Minister and the President of India and our state Chief Minister. They must need to know what God says so they will then to rule the people with love and wisdom. I wish to glorify God’s name on this earth and in Heaven. With much love and thanks,” Kambala
Heavenletters in All Languages Welcome, New Translating Angels.
German and Romanian!
Welcome to Alyssa Lara Kollender and Lynn Claudia Kollender, daughter and mother translating team from Solingen, Germany.
Claudia wrote:
“We are happy to be part of this community, bringing love and light to the world.”
Stefan Gracher has been our sole German translator for a long time now. One German translator is now three! Thank you, Stefan, for all you have been doing single-handedly.
Anca is Heaven’s first Romanian translator!
Don’t you just get a feel of Romania from Anca’s photo. Romania is a magical place.
You know, the Heaven book has been translated into Romanian and published by Monica Visan, Editura for You.
We have so longed to be able to email Heavenletters to Romania. At the workshop in Bucharest last year, there were 125 people who came to the workshop. We have longed so much for an angel to appear and translate Heavenletters into Romanian. And now Anca’s here, and we have a translator for all the people of Romania.
Anca Wrote:
“I feel a joy that I haven't felt for a long long time, and I thank God for this chance.”
We have been gaining new translators right and left. In the last issue of Heaven News, we were blessed with Croatian, French and Tagalog.
What language comes next!
Marvelous Things Happening
Allan of the Bridging Heaven and Earth TV Show www.heaventoearth.com recently featured Heavenletters in his monthly newsletter.
Allan also has two Heavenletter interviews on YouTube and Google Video plus 225 more!
650 hours available world-wide, 24/7 on two of he most secure servers on the planet! Thanks, Allan. http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=bridging+heaven+%26+earth&hl=en http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bridging+heaven+%26+earth&se...
Gerry Harringtonwww.newspirituality.org/ on two days published segments of Heavenletter #2593, New Year of Love, in the Humanity’s Team New Spirituality Newsletter, affiliated with Neale Donald Walsch.
Their readership is HUGE, and on the first day, Heaven had 30 new subscribers, many many from Gerry’s newsletter. It’s wonderful how so many great groups introduce their membership to Heavenletters. That speaks so well for the generosity and state of consciousness in the world.
Darlene opened up her My Space blog to Heavenletters, making us a continuing part of hers, posting Heavenletters right and left. She will also create and open up a Heavenletter page on My Space, do it all for us. Not only that, this angel Darlene introduced us to the next magnificent happening! Keep reading!
As soon as Lance King, The Voice of Metal, http://www.myspace.com/lancekingvox http://www.nightmarerecords.com/ received Heavenletters from Darlene, he posted them on his blog, received 23 comments right away. Lance is a powerhouse. I want to take lessons from him on how to have so many people read and post on blogs. How do you do it, Lance? See Lance’s Reader Comment on Heaven’s web site: http://www.heavenletters.org/readercomments.html
Mary Hession has been creating beautiful Heavenletter e-cards. Find them here:
http://www.heavensletters.clara.net/lovenotes.htm A thousand thanks, Mary.
Try the Cosmic Heavenletter™ Generator
Come to the Godwriting™ Blog and Forum!
www.godwriting.org and Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum
Heavenreader Quote:
“What a different world it will be when 20% of the population is radiating love.”
Eleanor, Maryland
Your donations and support help spread the Light of Heaven.
Beloved Heavenreaders,
In this New Year of Love, I asked God to hold all of us in His Hands of Love and help us to fulfill His dreams. I asked that we be a blessing to Him.
Thank you for spreading Heavenletters around the Universe.
With love and blessings,
Gloria and the Spectacular Heaven Team
Ending God Quote:
“Are you not My thought visiting upon Earth?”