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Heaven #4404 There is a Greater Swath Before You

Dear Gloria,

in this last proofed HL, I have difficulty relating the word Swath in the title (and the last sentence) with the content of the Heavenletter.

The only meaning I find from "swath" is bandage, or something you are rolled in. Are there other meanings to swath?


Dear Normand, I hope the

Dear Normand,

I hope the below definitions help you understand the usage here...a long broad strip or belt.

Definition of SWATH

a : a row of cut grain or grass left by a scythe or mowing machine
b : the sweep of a scythe or a machine in mowing or the path cut in one course

: a long broad strip or belt

: a stroke of or as if of a scythe

: a space devastated as if by a scythe


Thanks Nancy. I still can

Thanks Nancy.

I still can hardly connect the precise idea of a swath with the one that is developed in this Heavenletter, namely "Focus on yourself is too limiting a focus. There is a greater swath before you." What's the connection between broadening your focus and seeing a greater swath before you?

Perhaps Gloria could help.

Beloved Nancy and

Beloved Nancy and Normand,

This expression has always been familiar to me. It's possible this is because I was an English major, and maybe it was used commonly in less modern English and American literature.

I do have the image of cutting a wide swath -- a wide spread, a vast field -- a wide swath as opposed to a narrow strip of grass, for instance. Yes, someone in a field with a scythe.

Now I'm gong to see if I can find some examples from literature. Will come back in a minute.

Okay, I'm back. I didn't find examples from literature, yet I did find more examples from various dictionairies:

What does "cut a wide swath" mean? Draw a lot of attention, make a considerable display, as in:

Although he was new to the company, he cut a wide swath.

This metaphoric use of making a big sweep of the scythe in cutting grass survives despite the mechanization of farming and the declining use of the noun swath. [Mid-1800s]

To cut a swath:

1. To create a great stir, impression, or display: “He cut a bold and even sacrificial swath across American politics” (Gail Sheehy).

2. To extend in distinctive physical length and width: “the surprising 17th Arrondissement, which cuts a generous swath across northwest Paris” (Jean Rafferty).

In terms of this Heavenletter, God is intimating that to focus on ourselves is too narrow a swath:

Consider yourself one who swims through the Universe bringing other fishies with you. You may even drop them off before you enter the Door of Enlightenment. Perhaps you hold the door open for others before yourself. That may be how it is that the last goes first.

Focusing on yourself is not benevolent. It is not brotherhood. It is not loving your neighbor. Focus on yourself is too limiting a focus. There is a greater swath before you.

Does it fit together better now, dear one?

For me, the most meaningful

For me, the most meaningful among the definitions of "swath" in the context of this HL is "to extend in distinctive physical length and width (cf. widening our focus). Anyway, that's the one I chose.

Thanks Nancy and Gloria.


Sometimes the distance from literal to figurative, is quite vast! I am in awe of what you do for Heavenletters.


Dear Nancy, We are in awe of

Dear Nancy, We are in awe of what you do for Heavenletters in the back stage. And this applies also to those others who work behind the scene.

Thousands of thanks.