Godwriting to Me

God said:

You begin: “God said.” You could begin: “God whispered.” “God thought.” “God smiled.”

You may hear words from Me, but I speak not in words. I speak in a vibration of sound. My thoughts are a vibration, and the vibration of My thought swirls up, and you catch a layer of My vibration and cut off a slice.

As you know, all is vibration. Even the innocent physical chairs and tables vibrate. They really are not sitting still there. They contain moving molecules that dance around.

You jump into My thoughts the same way as when you were a child playing jump-rope on the sidewalk with a group of friends. Two friends twirl the rope. When it is your turn, you kind of lean in. Then, it is as if you hear, “Now, now jump in.” No one specifically says, “Jump in.” You sense the message. You feel when to jump in. And then you jump in.

You lean in to My thoughts, and you catch My thoughts when they are ready to come off the assembly line, as it were. We can say I speak in the universal language of vibration. As you Godwrite, you begin to sense the intent of the vibrating, and so you hear words you write down. You hear without hearing.

It is like you dive into a pool of knowledge. You dive and come up. You come out knowing on a deeper level than thought. You leap into the pool, and, almost without awareness, you come up with, not the fish that swam there, but with the idea of the fish that swam there. You pull up a memory, We could say. You come up with an image of the fish, and so you Godwrite. The image is a form of My vibration that you can write down. We could say you are a filter in the pool of knowledge.

It takes no special hearing to hear Me. Swim in the pool, and it is automatic. All you have to do is to step into the pool and immerse yourself there. You may not feel that you go deep, but, beloveds, you will have gone to the very depth of My heart. I put no obstacles before you. This is easy. This is as easy as jumping off a log. It is easier.

We could say that this pool is My mouth. I utter sounds here. The sounds are meaningful to you. You catch the drift of what I am saying. Waves of My awareness flow over you, and you get wet. There is nothing to it, to get wet. All you have to do is to dive into the pool. Just be a dolphin who enjoys the water. Splash in and out.

I do not speak in Greek nor English nor any language on Earth. I speak in the vibration from which all languages come. We could say I speak in the language of love, for I know no other.

Even as you leave the lagoon of pure knowledge, even as you dry off and sit in the hot sun, you are not absent from the water. You have absorbed some of the water, Beloveds. You may have swallowed some. Certainly your pores drink up some. There is no way you can be out of My Presence. You may think so, based on this or that. It doesn’t matter. There is no way you can be away from Me.

Deep within you lies the DNA of all My love and the DNA of all My knowledge. They are yours for the asking. They are yours for the taking. So ask. So take. I want you to. Right now, come swim with Me.

Read Comments

Hi Gloria Many thanks for

Hi Gloria Many thanks for such a wonderful Heavenletters

and GOD is Wonderful, His Majesty Awesome, when we listen to what He has to say he will show us the way...

When we kneel and pray he gives the answers, sometimes the answers are not what we expect to hear, sometimes we have to get ourselves out the way....

and when the answers come their is no mistaking. You cannot get muddled with a wrong number or can not connect for God he is all Powerful, All Knowing, Lord of Lords and Mighty Counsellor... His Wonders to perform.. Luv Daisy

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said catch the drift
Of My vibration of sound
And come out knowing

God said as you know
I speak the language of love
I know no other

God said deep within
Begin to sense the intent
And so you Godwrite

Love, Light and Aloha!

Thanks for this Heavenly

Thanks for this Heavenly blessing ! it's our innermost intimate relationship with God, the heart of the heart, what a divine blessing!


In sacred sound I swim in

In sacred sound I swim in joy
In Divine Cosmic Ocean
My heart and Soul do hear Love's voice
Pure poetry in motion

Dear Gloria, This letter is

Dear Gloria,
This letter is wonderful! Yes, the inherent vibration of consciousness........
Your gift of 'catching' them is a gift to us all.

So simple, so easy to

So simple, so easy to understand, so encompassing! This is the best explanation/analogy I've heard so far!

Thanks God/Gloria!

Interesting. I almost

Interesting. I almost couldn't believe the title when I opened my mail. How timely.
I am going to the last Iowa session before Gloria moves.

Somehow, I never was great at jumping rope and knowing when to jump in. I really do hope learning to Godwrite is easier. Seems like a lot of folks have learned it. Hope I'm one of those folks!

Still a little apprehensive. Maybe I want to do it so much I'm giving myself room to fail, just in case! Not really being negative, I just cannot believe I can actually hear God! What a treasure that would be! I don't even know what I would ask. I think just thanking Him for such a beautiful world, my happiness, and all the things available to me may be what I'll tell Him. I think I already have the tools to handle the bologna. It's still unbelievable that if I did have a burning question, all I have to do is ask. Is this some kind of miracle? Could I actually be MORE blessed than I already am in hearing what God has to say? It couldn't get any better than this!
Which is why I'm nervous......HELLO GOD!


Nancy, I was surprised too

Nancy, I was surprised too when this Heavenletter came!

You know, Nancy, everyone who comes to a workshop has doubts that he or she can do it. You are in good company!

And apprehension is good! I also wonder if God isn't just doing some work on you ahead of time!

Your sentiments in your last paragraph are utterly beautiful.

For the record, we have you driving in from Illinois, a married couple flying in from Michigan, and people driving in from Wisconsin and Canada. I hope we'll have some people from Fairfield too!

With love and blessings,


like playing jump-rope on the sidewalk

Your song, dear God, is sweet indeed.

Dear Rover, thank you for

Dear Rover, thank you for reminding us of this Heavenletter. This is a must for the upcoming online Godwriting workshop. Beautiful comment you gave.


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