God's Touch

God said:

There is a Golden Touch to what I say. More than the words, more than the structure, more than the thoughts, there is an invisible silent blessing from Me. You cannot hear it. You cannot see it. You cannot touch it. And yet My Golden Touch touches you.

Take all My words away, and My Golden Touch remains. Erase, and My love within Heavenletters remains like invisible ink. Take an eraser and erase My written words from your notebook, and still an impression is left. My words once spoken are spoken. What I say stands. Nothing topples it.

You well know by now that there is something greater than My words contained in these messages from My heart. As a matter of fact, My love is instantaneous and eternal and cannot wait for words. My words trail My love. They are an afterthought. My words are the aftermath of My love. And, yet, My love is everywhere, so how, then, can My love go somewhere, and how can it be followed? How can it linger when it can't go anywhere? And My love, which is eternal and timeless, how can it be louder or softer? There is no space to contain it and nowhere for it to go. What do words have to do with My love but to remind you of what is and has always been, even though how can My love be always when there is nothing less than always? How does the word "always" itself exist anymore than the word "never" when there is no time for them to be housed in? What meaning have words? Who can make sense of them? When there is permanence, how can there be impermanence?

You can look at My words without reading them, and they will reach you, just as all the colors of a rainbow affect you whether you look at them or not. What does not affect you, beloveds? Can any glance of Mine affect you less than a lollipop or a lovely breeze?

My words are like a little poke on your shoulder, bringing you to Awareness.

My words are like an idle hum I hum. I call My hum idle yet it can only be meaningful beyond hum. Rhythm has meaning. Rhythm makes you get up and move. Rhythm also helps you to lie down by still waters. How can rhythm make you get up and move when all that exists is the stillness of My love? Who or what can absorb My love and the stillness of the motility of it when it is already absorbed and has permeated you and everything, even though there is no you, and there is no everything inasmuch as only the Oneness of Love exists. There is no when. There is no sequence. How then can there be Cause? One thing does not follow another. Nothing comes before. And before what, anyway, when Love Alone exists?

What a Grand Illusion illusion is! What a lark of the world illusion has made. Of course, it is entertaining. Of course, it has drama. Of course, it is a play of a play of a play, which can only exist in illusion. You are an illusionist then, and you believe in your own tricks. You believe in your made-up illusions hook, line, and sinker.

How can justice exist when there is nothing for it to exist in but illusion? By the same token, how can injustice exist? Only in thought, can it.

Meanwhile, you live in illusion of your own making, and you keep yourself prisoner there when there are no bars. Where can you escape to when there is only you, when there is not even really you, when there really is Oneness Alone, and that's it?

Read Comments

This is what, where I live,

This is what, where I live, we would call "strong tobacco". I'm holding my breath while reading it. The words are spoken as if from deep within myself. I recognize them as my own. God is speaking my words and I know that's not hubris. How, then, ist it possible that I still feel separated? Your are out of time and mind and so am I, how can I still feel not included in Your love? Why am I still an illusionist, larking around, believing in my own tricks? Why does not illusion simply lift like the mist it always was? Understanding and yet not understanding makes me feel very very stupid and lost, dear God. A prisoner where there are no bars – that's exactly right. I almost envy prisoners behind real bars. At least they can imagine they know their situation. I can't.

But Your words, trailing Your love, are so inexpressibly beautiful. I count on that beauty. I have come to count on beauty alone, not meaning, not content, not consistency, not truth, not significance, not intelligibility.

How beautiful Jochen - I

How beautiful Jochen - I too have times when I feel so separated...caught up in the chatter of my fears and anxieties forgetting who I AM and then I feel God's Golden Touch upon me - the Grace - and it always comes...I send you God's Golden Touch - you are beautiful.

Beautyfulls or bads, for us

Beautyfulls or bads, for us they remain just words, words to which we cling so as not to drown into thin air, which stubbornly words we want to entrust our lives... prisoners inside the bar of own mind and alcohol fumes of emotions. Without thoughts, without words of our voice tells a story in our head, there is nothing, there is no hero with his sense of importance, with its need for gratification. There is any "Golden Touch" .

Only at the moment of death we perceive our illusions, because illusions have need time, tomorrow, and death will show us that we don't have more time to dream, that we have not ever had: the bar was closed because the alcohol is finished.

Dearest Jochen, if you are

Dearest Jochen,
if you are not separate from God, and God and you are Oneness Alone, if it is God who created you and not you to have created God, then the only very very very stupid and lost is God, not you... Nobody has created himself. Nobody creates from his own stupidity: this is a stupidity. Or is an Oneness of Stupidity Alone. :big

And yet My Golden Touch

And yet My Golden Touch touches you.
Meanwhile, you live in illusion of your own making, and you keep yourself prisoner there when there are no bars.

Your Golden Touch frees me from my prison...Your Golden Touch heals my body, mind and spirit. Your Golden Touch releases me from the thoughts which enslave me. Your Golden Touch is pure Energy which fuels me to create a phenomenal life to Honor You. When I drink in Your Golden Touch of Love and Healing...I fill up my vessel to overflowing and pour it out onto those around me and let it flow into the world....to bring peace....to bring love to bring all that matters - You!

Golden Touch

Hi marysunshine... oooh i felt Your Golden Touch today how lovely Luv Daisy

"You can look at My words

"You can look at My words without reading them, and they will reach you, just as all the colors of a rainbow affect you whether you look at them or not. What does not affect you, beloveds? Can any glance of Mine affect you less than a lollipop or a lovely breeze?"
Thank you God....denying this would be denying our own divine truths...beautiful reflections that impart sweetness and hues of radiant lights upon our paths...


Oh my goodness...look at the

Oh my goodness...look at the last paragraph again:

Meanwhile, you live in illusion of your own making, and you keep yourself prisoner there when there are no bars. Where can you escape to when there is only you, when there is not even really you, when there really is Oneness Alone, and that's it?

You mean...there is not really a "me" anymore? My goodness...thats either really scary...or a relief. Thank Heaven that Jimi is still around! Jimi.

This heavenletter was quite

This heavenletter was quite beautiful and spoke to my heart. The line below is a real ego killer.

"Where can you escape to when there is only you, when there is not even really you, when there really is Oneness Alone, and that's it?"

The description is not the

The description is not the thing described.
Understanding is not to be.
To who was necessary to put these words, these concepts? Who believes to understand these words, this concept? There must be someone, and this is ego.

We believe to understand

We believe to understand words, even when words are saying that they are not necessary.
But without those words, we don't know anything, and with those words, we don't understand anything the same: we only cling to illusion we understand because we have words.

Good to hear from you again,

Good to hear from you again, caro Danilo. What would our discussions be without you.

Now let me ask: Since you say "we" so often, has it ever occurred to you that really you can know only about yourself and perhaps, to a lesser extent, about a few people around you? What makes you so certain that no one hears the music?

And have you ever considered the possibility that what you think may be misconceived because of wrong conclusions you made at a time when you knew no better? Anyway, that's what I found out about myself. My image of, for example, "God" was formed very early on according to what I experienced. A doting God, a wrathful God and anything in between - my God is what I think He is because of what I experienced when I was little. For the same reason my world, my life, my Jochen, even my Danilo and everyone are what they are because of my conditioning. If I want to know, and live, WHAT IS, and as a matter of fact that's the only thing I want, then what is there to do but get out of that conditioning, get out of words, get out of everything!!!

Not possible? You seem to think so. I believe it is.

Dearest Jochen, discussions?

Dearest Jochen,

discussions? Yes because we are and have only words, concepts.

You believe it possible? Without words, anything can appears to you. You must create an immagine with words to understand something. In words, just words, it appears possible. But you can reverse the trend? Do you can stop an illusion "you" haven't started? Have you started something, including words, or the words have started "you"? How can the words take over the words? And who?

What exists outside of the mind, out your immagination, your interpretation? What and who exists in the sleep? What can you believe more in sleep? What effort do any more? What Heavenletters you bring with you? Your experience of yourself, your convictions, your statements, last only as long as you don't go to sleep.

About exists outside of the mind? Like crazy, everyone believes to be healthy because believes that all others to see the same things. Being in the majority, doesn't make anything more real. A collective belief, only creates an illusion instead of general staff, but the sum of many illusions, doesn't create any truth. Nothingness that was, nothing remains.

But we live with beliefs and hopes, we are the product of beliefs and hopes, day after day, Heavenletter after Heavenletter.

Well, the important thing is how you feel. At the end, in our situation without lobster, it's true only what works, what makes us feel good in our self, in our ego; it's only ego always needs something: to feel good, to feel safe, to believe to have a purpose, a future.

See? I cannot resist to the temptation to speak! Words produce words and we, in our turn products of words, we live in the world the words create instant by instant.

Have fun!
Go(od) night and go(o)d luck. :)

Beloved Danilo, let us no

Beloved Danilo, let us no longer write about ego on the forum.

Let us make this forum for inspiration and upliftment. Will you do it for us, caro Danilo?

With love and blessings,


Dearest Gloria, yes, to

Dearest Gloria,

yes, to each his own: for you to inspire, for me to despair.

I am sincerely happy for you all.

Thanks you.


Why not be happy for Danilo?

Why not be happy for Danilo?

Just a few things, dear

Just a few things, dear Danilo, cause I'm terribly busy today:

You said, "Do you can stop an illusion "you" haven't started?" My reply is, But I have started it. Who else. Please tell me, Danilo: who else?

"How can the words take over the words?" They can't, of course. But isn't that what you are trying to achieve by more words and then still more words? Be done with words, get out of words, end of story.

"Your experience of yourself, your convictions, your statements, last only as long as you don't go to sleep." Yes, and isn't that wonderful? And, by the way, my sleep lasts only as long as I don't go experiencing again. And when this body dies I will finally know everything. Really, just being there as the illusion I am is like winning the lottery!

Majority? Well, yes, there are collective illusions, history (e.g. the German or Italian one) shows that. You are saying there is nothing but illusion and I say, Okay, if all is illusion and there is nothing Real beyond illusion, then illusion is the only reality which means that illusion = reality. Isn't that a hilarious nonsense discussion. I'm a great lover of nonsense. Unless it's serious nonsense.

Please, this time, hear me, Danilo: This is not about words, it's about music. Music may be illusory but it can be beautiful, don't you agree?

The problem lies not with words or mind or illusion or ego or nothingness. But where? What you call difficult is something else, something very personal, and beating about the bush with clubs called illusion or whatever isn't going to do any good for anyone. You have made those same statements many times. Now what?

Embracing you warmly again,

"You are in a new realm

"You are in a new realm where words like thou and I are immaterial. They do not represent Truth. They represent illusion. And you are a purveyor of Truth. Truth will be known, and it will be known through the illusion of you."

Affirm Reality: Heavenletter # 1114

Beautiful, Danilo. A good

Beautiful, Danilo. A good reminder for all of us.

With love and blessings,


This is really beautiful. It

This is really beautiful. It becomes more beautiful the more often I read it. It has something freeing about it, making room for....... well, let's try this from Heaven #1648, What is there to gain by not having joy?:

If you did not feel that you had to prove something or protest, would you not have joy? Let joy be what you prove, rather than protest a lack of it. Make joy instead. Wrest it. Proclaim it and claim it. I will you to have joy. This is My commandment to you today. Make joy. Entertain joy. Have joy. Be joy. Be My joy.

Wow, hasn't God said it

Wow, hasn't God said it all!!!

Yes: we can educate

Yes: we can educate ourselves to choose at least this!

Thank you.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said more than words
My golden touch touches you
Bringing awareness

Love, Light and Aloha!

HI Each God Is Luv Karen

HI Each God Is Luv Karen

You can look at My words

You can look at My words without reading them, and they will reach you, just as all the colors of a rainbow affect you whether you look at them or not.


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