name of God
The Name of God
There still exists the idea that God is somehow separate from life, as though I am a concession stand on the corner somewhere or I'm a faraway stranger on a street in a faraway land that you give alms to. Or perhaps you see Me as a slot machine you feed coins into that pays off now and again.
But I am not separate from your life. I am not separate from you. I am not an aside. I am certainly not a stranger. I am not an outsider. Far from it.
Know Thyself
I love to hear My name from your lips. An utterance formed by your heart, issued by the mind, tongue and lips. You call for Me, and I am already here, but I turn My face towards you fully, and We look into each other's eyes.
Sometimes you do not see Me. Your heart flails, and you say, "God, where are You?" And all the time I am right here, square in front of you, square in your consciousness.
Despite your distractions, your heart and mind are much directed toward Me. Some kind of awareness of Me is always with you. You may know it as longing as much as you know it as fulfillment.
God God God God God
Every time you think the word "good," substitute the word "God." Instead of "Good morning!" say, "God morning!"
You are aware that you presently substitute other words for God. Instead of saying "For God's sakes!" you often say, "For goodness sakes!" and so on. Now I advise you to try your hand at the reverse.
God is a good word to think and to say. Say, "God God God God God." You cannot think or say it too often. Whatever language you are accustomed to, say My Name in it.
In the Name of God
Remember that you are an angel. You are My angel. I gave you your wings. They are in your heart. It is your heart that makes you light. It is your heart that makes you soar. You must soar, beloveds, because the world needs angels. Have a higher regard for yourself at the same time as you think about yourself less.
Analyzing yourself is living in the past. Analyzing yourself is akin to stabbing yourself in the back. The past is full of reproaches. Live today, and you will honor yourself. You will feel the sprightliness I have given you. You will carry the world on wings of light.