God's Messengers

God said:

A messenger is fleet of foot. He dashes through small places. He scales heights. Neither rain nor hail stops him. Neither desert nor flood, cold nor heat. A messenger delivers the message entrusted to him. No matter to whom the message is to be delivered, no matter how many times, nothing prevents the messenger from delivering the message he was given to deliver. He was assigned to deliver gold.

Sometimes a messenger forgets what he carries and substitutes, in his mind, tin or brass. Sometimes he forgets that he is a messenger. Sometimes he loses track altogether, winds up on the wrong street, stands on a corner waiting for a message to be delivered to him. Sometimes he makes a mistake, and sometimes many times, and sometimes he delivers the right message even when he is unconscious of his supreme assignment.

But you who hear My Voice now know Whose messenger you are. And you know the message you are to deliver. You have it memorized backwards and forwards. And you were given ample energy to sustain you through a short lifetime of delivery.

Lest you forget the message that you were deemed worthy to deliver to the world, I gave you a fail-safe heart to remind you of how well you are fulfilling your mission or of what you have yet to do. Even from a vague sense of something missing, your heart twangs and reminds you of the message you were given to deliver.

You were not given assorted messages to deliver. You were given one simple one. There was not just one recipient. There were many. In fact, the addressee was clearly: Everyone you see or know or hear of and including those you do not see or know or hear of but who also exist somewhere. They are of the same lineage as you. The addressee was Everyone. No restrictions. No C.O.D.'s. Just simple delivery of a simple message, one that cannot be heard too many times, and is not heard enough.

What can be so hard about delivering a message for God? I would have you deliver it. I signed and sealed it and placed it close to your heart. I blessed your heart and I blessed you, the messenger of My heart, and I bid you Godspeed.

You are a Messenger of God. What would you be on earth for if not to represent Me? And you do not mistake the message that is yours to deliver — how could you?

You were not given to the world to deliver a message of greed, or disorder, untruthfulness, self-centeredness, ungainliness, upheaval, distress, fear .The list is long of that which you are not to deliver. The message you are to deliver is short.

You are to send a message of Truth. The words of the message you are to deliver are: Peace, Love, Joy. In a Word, Oneness. But the message is not to be delivered by word alone. Words are a thought. Thought of the message is insufficient. It is good, but it is not enough.

Let there be no mistake about the message you are to deliver. Let it be conclusive. Let it shine from the mountaintop of your heart. Let it be emblazoned across your life. Let it be delivered from your eyes. Let your eyes touch others' hearts. Let your eyes see for Me and deliver Me and reveal Me well on earth. Be My grace incarnate. Bless the harried world for Me.

I ask nothing of you but to be true to Truth. The false gods you have been chasing don't need you. I need you. I need you to propagate My message on earth. Come forward. Don't keep Me waiting.

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Lost message

Thank you for a simply Divine Message A beautiful reminder that we are here with purpose and have a message to deliver. Our consciousness here is such that I have forgotten the Divine message. I can only pray we are all able to recall Your Message, Dear Lord. I pray you grant us the memory of what Your message Is.

Thanking you Dear Gloria and Jochen for sharing your light with us. With much love

"But you who hear My Voice

"But you who hear My Voice now know Whose messenger you are. And you know the message you are to deliver. You have it memorized backwards and forwards. And you were given ample energy to sustain you through a short lifetime of delivery."

wow ! Thank you !
Love you so much.


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