God's love

We Will All Canoe on a River of Love

God said:

What words can begin to speak of all the love in My heart for you? The biggest word is not big enough. The loftiest thought is not high enough. What words can convey the depth and breadth of love that I hold you in? Even the word love cannot. It tries. It means to, and yet words do not have the strength to convey all the love that there is to convey. And, yet, love is conveyed. You know love when you see it. You know love when you don't see it as well.

God Says You Are His Love

God said:

Where shall I take you today?

Where would you like to go?

What would you like to leave?

What would you like to enter?

Then come with Me.

How patient a teacher am I!

Eternal patience is My love. Patience, as strong and as inviolable as My love, surrounds you.

When you know My patience, then you are better able to hurry.

I wait for you as long as is necessary.

You don't have to wait for Me.

I am beside you.

You are beside Me, but I have to wait for you to acknowledge our inseparability. There is nothing else for Me to wait for.

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