God's Eternal Love
Dear Heavenly Father, what would You like to tell me this morning?
Why do you think you feel despair this morning?
My daughter is feeling unhappy. I don't stay neutral or separate. When she is happy, I feel great. I seem to go in sync with her. Also, I know it would be better if I thought of You more often, felt You more often.
Take a minute and think My Name in silence with your eyes closed. Does that bring Me closer to your awareness?
You are an example of the original perception of separation. You let Me fade. You become preoccupied with the details of physical life and its dramas, happy or otherwise, and you become so focussed on what appears outside of you, that you forget about Me.
It's like you left the phone off the hook. The connection is still there, but you forgot all about it. It was a mistake that you left the phone off the hook; you didn't know you had, but you had.
And then one day, you trip over it, and you remember. And you pick up the phone and talk to Me. Sometimes you really talk, and other times it's a formality. Your words move, but your thoughts are on something else, what to make for supper, or your thoughts are just faraway. You come to believe that there is not an open line. You may think it's all voice mail, and that you don't really get to the Source directly.
But you keep up with the protocol, just in case.
And then you make a visible connection, and you are heartened.
And then you get busy and run off again and forget you left the phone off the hook, forget even you have a line to God.
Gloria, I am always on the line, waiting for you. I am eager to hear from you, eager to hear your voice, and answer your questions and fill your order.
You still look for reward from here and there. You will have it from here and there because I will send it there for you, but for you to look for the reward here and there is looking in the wrong place.
You place your bets on an editor somewhere, or on this person or that. You make yourself dependent on them when there is no one to depend on but Me.
Rely on Me. Rely on yourself. Rely on the goodness of life.
It's a funny thing, how I talk to you, and you hear Me, as now, but you do not allow the awareness of My love to pour over you. You keep My Voice separate from your heart, as if I were a voice on the line that didn't belong to Me, or wasn't intended for you, as though you were listening in to someone else's call.
My messages to you are for everyone, and they are also for you, personal to you, aimed at your heart, arrowed there, ticketed there, and you let them glance off your heart and not penetrate.
I beat in your heart. You hold a diamond bigger that the world, and you shrug your shoulders and fret about — half the time you don't even know what.
You fret for the sake of fret. You do a nervous ritual dance and song that goes nowhere and keeps you in a small space.
Spend more time with A Course in Miracles because that connects you. Christ connects you to Me, and your heart melts in Me.
Thank You, dear God. Often I seem to stay neutral with You as You talk to me, but in relative life, where it is good for me to be neutral, my heart is all over the place.
Yes. You have a hot little layer around your heart. I would like to see that barrier go. I want Our communication to fill you with My light and not be far from you.
I am not putting pressure on you. Just be aware of this thin liner around your heart and have the intention to peel it off. It has outlived its usefulness. It doesn't protect you; it cloisters you.
Let's see if We can't pull it off now. It is like a thin strip that seals a bottle, but much less sturdy that that. It is only a faint line, almost a smudge with a soft pencil. It's hard to get a hold of, but now, here it is. I think it will peel off. Here's an end. You have to pull it; I can't do it for you.
Yes, it was just around the bottom of your heart, like gauze protecting a wound, except it was there preventive of injury. You will have no injury from Me, dear one.
Now, do you feel better? Is your breathing better? Do you feel released?
You have just taken a girdle off the bottom of your heart, and now love can flow and flow and flow.
This is an occasion for celebration. We have removed the bandages from your heart. I send a chorus of angels to fuss over you and wake up your heart to its new freedom.
You will feel shaky for a while, and then you will feel new strength and new opportunity and new surge of love for Me, your Heavenly Father, your Creator, your Finder, your Overlooker, you own true new Heart.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 273:
"The stillness of the peace of God is mine… Father… what need have I to fear that anything can rob me of what You would have me keep? I cannot lose Your gifts to me. And so the peace You gave Your Son is with me still, in quietness and in my own eternal love for You."
And in My eternal love for you. My love for you is a banner across the sky. Ribbons of sunset are symbols of My love. Rainbows, sunshine, and cloudbursts. All you can name is evidence of My eternal love.
Draughts? Floods?
Balance of nature evidences My eternal love. The thoughts of man and his attending to the earth make droughts and floods necessary.
Man builds dams to block the water from where it flows. Force of nature has to be stronger than man's sovreignity.
Man and nature can be compared to the ego and God. The little ego thinks it can stem the tide.
When there is an imbalance in man's thoughts, an imbalance in nature arises. Man's niggard thoughts and withholding cause droughts.
When there is flow of hearts, there are no draughts. How important is the word flow. Both droughts and floods have to do with stemming the flow.
Man's thoughts contract the universe or expand the universe. Nature gives man much notice. Man often doesn't hear the notice or listen to it.
Are You the same as Nature?
Nature is what I have unfolded. I set it in motion. I do not direct its every move any more than I do yours.
But nature is more consistent. It follows what has been set out for it. You can call it laws or you can it flow. If nature gets blocked, you can't blame nature. If a river flows downstream, you don't blame the river.
Man thinks too much and doesn't think at all. He puts poisons into food and thinks that's okay, if not good. But all will balance. Nature can't do anything else.
I heard somewhere that the cyclops in Greek mythology were actually caused by biogenetic engineering.
Man tries to improve on the natural order of things. Important to ask, For what purpose? Man's actions have preceded science fiction. Science fiction didn't come first. Creative literature merely points out what goes on.
Ego says, "What is good for me?" God says, "What is good?"
The Emperor's New Clothes is not a fairy tale either. Fairy tales also represent what is.
The glory of God also represents what is, and gauze will be removed from all hearts.
So everything is an expression of Your eternal love?
Even hate?
Even hate. It is distorted, but it is from My same energy. One who is hating has turned the energy against himself. He has clamped his love force, hammered it into hate, and found an object for it.
The original energy is My love. All is evidence of Me. If it is from My child, it is of Me. If it is from My creation, it is of Me.
There are clearer messages of Me and those less clear. But all are My fruit.
Remember, hate isn't real. It's a distortion.
All the toil and turmoil of the world are not real. Pure love is real. I am real. Souls are real. The rest is mirage. The mirage, too, is evidence of Me, but drawn in smoke, a magician's trick.
You really love me, God?
Yes, I really love you.
Yes, you. I love you with all My heart. You, Gloria, writing My words, I love you when you do and when you don't. I love you when you know Me and when you don't. I love you as Myself, which, in fact, you are.
The question is: Do you love yourSelf? Do you love that individual personality who struggles with the effronteries of relative life? Can you love Gloria who so needs to be loved and who needs to know that she herself is love, made of it, for it, to extend love to other globs of love who are herself in other bodies.
I think, when the bottom of your heart gets used to being freed, you will know love, know your own love, lovingness, and be unable to separate it from all the hearts' love and Mine.
Why do people laugh at skeletons?
They are recognizing the ephemerality of human existence. In a sense, they are acknowledging the reality of soul and the nothingness of body.
One day their bones could be the butt of a joke.
Yes, and it won't matter to them one bit. Bones are bones. Souls are souls. Souls do not vanish or deteriorate. Souls are eternal. You are eternal.
Nothing matters, dear one. Nothing at all. How your table is set. What food you serve. None of it matters. It has no importance. It becomes important because you say it is. Or the world does, and you concur.
But it does matter that you do whatever you do with love, with love uppermost. Ask yourself: Is this love, or is this unstressing? Is it for love or to satisfy vanity? Is it for love or for appearance?
And love yourself first. Bran or anyone will take you as you are. Your house doesn't have to be spotless. You don't have to have perfection nor do you have to overabundance.
Consider what comes first. Peace and harmony or spotless?
You know, God, I'm nowhere near spotless! A modicum of neatness and cleanliness would be great.
Even a modicum of mess is all right. Someone likes you for you.
Thank You.
Will you relax a bit now?
Do your meditation and sink into My arms.