Created for Joy

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 


Sometimes you feel loveless. Let Me tell you how much I love you.

I have been with you since before time began, and you have been with Me. I blew breath into you and gave you life so you would keep me company and travel with Me throughout eternity. And so you do. You are not the lone body who feels sad this morning. You are My morning star, and together we climb the horizon.

Sadness comes, and sadness goes, and you and I are forever.


I think I am an ungrateful person.


Think a moment of what that means.


I am not happy with what I have. I know I have much to be happy about, and yet my heart aches, and this morning I woke up crying or started crying soon after.

For many years, it was routine for me to cry myself to sleep. And today I find myself finding sadness in the morning.


Lack of thanks is lack of appreciation. Lack of appreciation means lack of grasping, catching on, understanding. It is not the world outside you that you lack appreciation for, though it may seem so. You do not grasp yourself; it is your self you do not appreciate. It is yourself to be grateful for.

Lacking appreciation of yourself is doubting Me, for you are My creation. As much as the Sun and Moon, are you My creation.

I created you for joy, and you cling to sadness in the heart. What is sadness but holding the heart in. What is joy but letting the heart out?


I think it's getting uncomfortable with Lauren supporting me so I can get Your words out.


Lift your eyes up to Me. I am the only Constant. As soon as you have some income, you will feel better.


Isn't it amazing, God, I have You. I mean I begin to know You, and I need money to make me feel better. And You acknowledge that!


You need your independence in the relative, but let Me remind you that you are not dependent on anyone. You need not rely on anyone but Me. I am the only one you can rely on. Rely on Me to help you. I will see that you have finances and the respect My child deserves.

There is Someone Who says you are important, and it is I Who says that, knows that, requires that.

I am your Father. You are My child. On that alone, My children deserve respect, attention, appreciation. You agree?




Then start with yourself. Today respect your own self. Respect your courage. Respect your dedication. Have confidence in Me.

Now start your day, and know I am with you, and I desire your happiness, and I hold great respect for you. Look to Me today.



How many times did you think of Me today?


Not enough, dear God.


Find a way to remind yourself. There is a tendency for you to give Me your attention at these set times when you write, and the rest of the time you forget about Me. Is that so?




Try tying a string or three or five on your wrist or fingers, and take them off as you take a few moments to remember your Father in Heaven. You will figure out something. It will be very good for you to do that.


Thank you, Father, I will. Is there more You would like to tell me?


The same. Remember Me. Remember Me. Remember Me.