Annette to God:
Dear God, why do You refer to Yourself as a He? Are You not the Mother/Father God? Whatever happened to the Divine Mother (Mother Mary)? When we talk to You, are we also talking to Mother Divine?
God to Annette:
Dear Annette, My delight!
I am God. I am Everything. I am God the Father and God the Mother. But I am neither male nor female and I am both. I am all.
Male and female are energies. "He" and "She" are manners of speaking.
There are three considerations here: What I AM. What form you may like to think of Me as. What words My children are comfortable with.
But I am not a figure at all. I am a bodyless essence. I am Creator. You could refer to Me as the Rainmaker or Sunshiner. You could call Me the Worker of Miracles. You could call Me the Mother of the Universe or the Father of the Universe. How you refer to Me or think of Me is personal preference, and it is all fine with Me.
Consider Me a rainbow. You may choose to look at this end of Me or at another. You can choose to look at this color of Me or at another. Aspects of Me can be referred to or talked about, but, at the same time, I cannot be taken apart.
All words are metaphors for the energy they represent.
You can look at it this way. When you talk to a child, you talk to the child in the choice of words that is right for him. You may say the same thing to two children but you may say it a little differently to each because you are talking to hearts. Certainly to a child who speaks French, he hears Me in French.
As a matter of fact, I have appeared in Heavenletters as Mother Divine, although it has been a while.
If you call to Me as Mother Divine, I bear that in mind in My answer.
But it is you who calls Me Mother Divine or God. Whatever feminine qualities you wish to identify with Me, you can. Whatever masculine qualities you wish to impart to Me, you can. All is fine with Me.
I am God/Goddess. I am Mother/Father God.
Consider how I appear to You as clothing I wear. I am I, whatever form I appear to you in. I am I, no matter what form you like Me to be in. It is a detail, dear Annette.
How you address Me is up to you. It doesn't matter to Me. You matter to Me, and I will respond to your heart.
* * *
Julie to Heavenletters:
Knowing what is going on with you and other Heaven readers strengthens the feeling of community we share. Is there a way to make Heaven more current, not a month ahead for you and month behind for us? By the time I know Gloria is feeling lonely (example) it is too late to stop by to give her a hug. Does anyone have a solution to the time delay issue?
In Joy.
Gloria to Julie:
When there are three questions coming from Heavenreaders all at once, sometimes God wants to answer them right away! Please know that questioners, at least, get God's answer emailed to them as soon as the answer is received.
It used to be that Heaven was written by hand, then typed, and sent out the morning it was written! It couldn't have been more current than that. Transcribing was too time-consuming to be able to get ahead then. I too miss knowing that we are in the same place together. I wish I knew a way to have everything all at once!
Anyway, dear Julie, we can be quite sure that what looms big today will have receded by the time you read it. Almost as sure is that something else will arise, which will also later recede!
I don't know a solution, although I am certainly open to suggestions.
And hugs are welcomed any time!