God Has a Fortune Cookie for You

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 


Dear God, this morning I spoke on the phone to someone who was kind of rude, put-downish, and I stayed on the line and put up with it. I feel hopeless. All that You and Karen has helped me with, and I'm still a jerk.


This is not a happy feeling to wake up to. Do the reverse. Remember Whose child you are. Remember My adoration for you. I have high regard for you, and I desire that you recognize your self-worth. Do the white wand of light with these people who slight you. Do it now.

A few moments later…


Done. I realize that I have often taken the white wand of light and wielded it like a sword!

Dear Father, I ask You to help me speak up in the moment, not to defend myself but to honor myself. Please help me see clearly at the moment and speak clearly at the moment.


I see a wedge left in your heart. How can that be? A clot of blood stuck there. It is easy to remove. I suction it out. Now, mentally, take that clot and bury it deep in the sand.

Now from your eyes, we removed a protective film that you don't need. It is like you have a switch to turn on this film. This film has prevented you from seeing directly. It is like you tape the image and replay it later, having turned off the filminess on your eyes.

We remove that film now. The switch is needless so that is removed too. Now your eyesight and the mental apparatus for it are clear and timely.

Now We go to your throat. There is a lozenge in your throat. Cough it up. Now chew it. Break it into pieces, and swallow it. Melted, it will clear your throat and clear itself away from you. That lozenge was to be a clearer, not a blocker. Now your throat is clear.

Now, to your mind. We take away mist from there. It was a protective mist, a controller, a doorkeeper of what can be let in and what has to wait in a waiting room to be processed later.

Now all is processed as it occurs and taken care of immediately. None of it is stored. All goes down the assembly line. Only what is necessary is kept; all dross is removed.

God stays in your mind. God washes your mind with love. God recharges your energy. God sends you to the School of Today with lunch packed and spending money.

God sends you off today. He has put a fortune cookie in your lunchbox and a kiss on your forehead. Picture opening your fortune cookie. What does it say?

It says: "I am with you. We are with each other. Together we foster a day of love and joy. It is easy to do. Just step around stones and pits, and walk lightly through this one day of life, this treasure of life held out for you. It welcomes you like a chauffeur, offers you a ride. You get in, and off you go on the adventure of today. This adventure has a name. It is called: One Day in the Life of Gloria. Gloria's Life Today. A Parade of Life Led by Gloria.

"Gloria twirls the baton. Gloria beats the bass drum. Gloria trumpets the horns. Gloria does cartwheels. Gloria turns the corner of today."


God, that is a long fortune cookie!


It is a simple message. Carry it near your heart. Read it often. Pay no mind to what is not important. Today Gloria leads a parade.



What are your beliefs, Gloria? Do you believe that Bran or Lauren or this one or that one have any power over you? Do you believe that you are any more or less by their beliefs? Do you believe, deep in your heart, that they must be right — and therefore, you wrong? Do you believe that there are words from anyone that govern your life?




Yes. Then follow them. Listen to what I say of your worth. Listen to what I say of your purpose. Do not be detoured by briars and brambles. Do not pause at the side of the road to examine the dirt of the road. Your eyes go forward. Yours steps go forward. Gloria is a writer for God. She types for God. She illuminates the world with God's Name. Does such a one mind little blisters or other little manufactured torments along the way?

Do you have time for that? What are your beliefs. What do you value? Where are you going? Look not at where you have been. Look not at a map to figure out ahead of time. Just keep walking today. These steps. This today.

Leave suitcases of past clothing. Discard them. Take no luggage. Leave it. Take no map, no atlas. Carry no provisions.

Take yourself forward, pen and notebook and God. That is your life today. That is your top of the mountain. That is your view.

You are a describer and disseminator of Heaven. You are a mailman of My letters. That is what you do. That is what you are for.

You are not for inner debate of who said what and what did they mean and how dare they?

You are for Me. So, be for Me. Be My leader of mailmen who deliver for Me.

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Thanks for this

This was so helpful Gloria...I don't feel alone.......Heather