God Carries Us

God said:

When something is hard for you to do, call on Me. Allow Me to be by your elbow. Allow Me to help. Please know you are never alone. It doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing, I am with you. I am with you in every sense of the word. I am here. I am here. I am here.

Invite Me. Even though I am already here, invite Me. Let Me be your Life Assistant. Let Me carry you through the hard times, and let Me carry you through the good times. You deserve Me, beloveds. You deserve to have Me at your side. That's where I am anyway, and yet it's good to know you have Me, just the way you like to pat your pocket and know that your wallet is there. Or your cell phone.

Unlike your cell phone, I need no charging. Unlike your cell phone, there is no way you can possibly leave Me somewhere. I am as connected to you as your heart, your ear, your nose. More than those. More than anything, I am connected to you. You cannot leave Me anywhere, even if you tried. I am chugging along right beside you — well, even closer than that. Inside you. Here I am. I am here. I am here with you. I am ever near. Closer than near, you understand.

What is it that is hard for you to do today? A telephone call? Let Me do the dialing for you. Let Me speak for you.

What is hard for you to do today? You have to make an appearance, perhaps give a talk? Why, let Me do it. Know that I stand with you, and I will do the talking for you. Tell Me, beloveds, what is too hard for you to do when you know I am solidly with you?

In one sense, it doesn't matter where you are so long as I am with you. I know you want to be walking through flowered fields or sailing the ocean, when you may have to go to work or to school or to prison, and you don't want to go any of those places at all. Remember I am with you in flowered fields or sea or work, school, prison, or anywhere at all the same. You can't be without Me. I am totally connected to you. You cannot make one move without Me. I AM you. For now, just accept that I accompany you.

Not only do I accompany you, not only am I with you, I am with you with all My heart. I encompass you.

Knowing that, see what you can do about squeezing joy from any and every encounter, situation, condition, undertaking, event, annoyance. If knowing that you cannot go anywhere without Me, if knowing you cannot be subjected to anything without Me, might that make a little difference for your happiness? I want it to.

Just think, I am with you, beloveds. Inexorably with you.

When you leave the house in winter, you remember to take your coat. Then take Me along with your coat. And if it is the cold of winter and you do not have a coat, then let Me be your coat. And if it is the heat of summer, and you are in a desert, and there is no tree, and you don't have a hat to give you shade, let Me be your shade. If you have to walk twenty miles, and your legs are tired, well, then, let Me be your legs, or let Me take you on My shoulders.

It certainly won't hurt for you to know that I am with you in every instance.

Read Comments

Oh yes, it does when it

Oh yes, it does when it remains abstract knowledge and your ego still does not allow you to feel it even though it sounds perfectly reasonable to you. I could say You're wrong on this count. But then, You clearly know just how much learned bull can clutter up a human heart, crowding out so much of what life could be.

Anyway, hurt or not, thank You for not teaching a doctrine. Thank You for the freest "teaching" there is on earth. Words usually close, asserting that something is so. Your way of using words opens opens opens out into unheard-of, boundless freedom. I'd love to learn that. Thank You for words that lead nowhere because they lead everywhere because they say that nothing is ever just "one way". Even if I never make it into the realization of the intimacy You are speaking here, Your words must be true. Says my heart because it cannot detect that strange aftertaste words like "love" and "freedom" have everywhere else. I don't know why it is today that I feel moved to say this. Thank You.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said call on Me
When something is hard for you
Allow Me to help

God said let Me in
You deserve Me Beloveds
Let Me take you in

Love, Light and Aloha!

And so, indeed, everything

And so, indeed, everything is a blessing a serves a purpose, what ever problems we migth face, my it be physical pain or relationships or else.
This Heavenletter is wonderful, it's sweetest divine love.

"It certainly won't hurt for you to know that I am with you in every instance."

Much love

Dear Gloria and all Heavenangels

Here I am posting on the forum, since Gloria always tells me to post...

I have choosen this Heavenletter for right now I'm dealing with physical pain. I was in such a hurry over things that I fell down the stairs and so this year Christmas is with a broken ankle.
I've had the second check this week and they did put me on a real big plaster (I hope it's the correct name), it's ever so heavy and to tight. Well, will be freed of this beginnig of january and hope to return to normal life.
That's why I didn't post, can't stay seated for long.

Wishing all a wonderful white Christmas and hope to be able to be more present on the forum.

A big big hug to all Heavenangels !!!

I'll count the days together

I'll count the days together with you, dear one. May the healing be swift and complete, leaving no trace of discomfort!

A warm hug to you too,

move over,dear berit. i was

move over,dear berit.
i was careless on the treadmill and broke my right arm in two places
loving you all

Sweet Gloria, oh my, you

Sweet Gloria,

oh my, you must have had such a pain dear, I'm so sorry !! I'm for sure learning to be VERY PRESENT in the moment, not doing one thing and thinking another with my mind.

Dear Gloria, my best wishes for wonderful Christmas to you dear and all your family. May this be a most wonderful time to stop the worlds request for a while and just enjoy being all together in God's loving arms.

....you can't imagine the amount of things that the italians cook and eat on Christmas, it's incredible and I never manage to keep up with it !!

much much love dear and a tender hug and much thanks

Beloved Gloria ~ you

Beloved Gloria ~ you too!
Thinking of you and sending you lots of Love.
May angels surround you both, nurtering and healing you!
Love & hugs
Mary :)

Dear Jochen, thanks for your

Dear Jochen,

thanks for your sweetness and love. it's a time of learning, and what I'm learning and observing, God's messages in many diffrent forms, is so important and indeed could only be accomplished in this situation. So, of course, everything is well and perfect thanks to His loving care.

Wishing you a most wonderful and blessed and white Christmas, to you and your loved ones !

A dear hug to you

Beloved Berit, May your

Beloved Berit, May your ankle heal swiftly and perfectly for you. In the mean time, enjoy the opportunity for rest & relaxation that it has provided!
Thinking of you and sending lots of Love
Mary :)

Dearest Mary, thanks for

Dearest Mary,

thanks for being so sweet dear. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and boundless love and joy !!!

love and a big big hug



This can't be a coincidence so I think God wanted to both of you have a real rest during Christmas HOLIDAY.
Please get well soon.
Love you beloved friend.


Dearest Engin, indeed a

Dearest Engin,

indeed a REAL REST this !

Hope you are fine dear, let me know how you are doing !!

much much love and wishes for a wondeful Christmas with your loved ones dear !!!!

meryy christmas

Canim Berit

I wish you too a merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.




Dear Berit, I missed this

Dear Berit,

I missed this message about your accident! Please know that you are in my prayers
for a timely and pain-free healing. Your kindness always shines through in your posts
here in Heaven.

Sending you blessings for a lovely Christmas and a "Happy and Healthy New Year".

Love, Light and Aloha!

Dearest Karen, all my love

Dearest Karen,

all my love to you dear, what a blessing you are to all of us.

My best wishes for a most Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year !!

much much love and joy and thanks !!!

I Am with You.

"What is it that is hard for you to do today?" God says, "Let me take care of that for you." What a concept ... turn everything over to God.

Love to All,


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