Go with God

God said:

Seasons change, and you change, and yet there is a magnificence in you that stays the same through the seasons. Seasons have their essence, and you have yours.

You are not startled when the seasons change. You know the world is moseying along just the same. And you are too. Whether there are winds or rain or snow or hot sun, you keep your essence, and yet you grow. You grow every day. You grow in matters of the world, and you grow to Me.

Whatever details in the world that you may be involved in, no matter how engrossed in them you may be, you are growing to Me. The path you are on leads to Me. No matter what detours you may take, you are on your way to Me. You cannot escape your destination. I am your destination. Your destiny is assured.

You have safe passage, beloveds. No matter what gauntlet you pass, no matter the ravages, you have safe passage. With fear or without fear, your passage is safe. No matter what the events, you are intact. You are invincible.

I fashioned you, I did not make you out of cardboard. I did not make you throw-away, I did not make you temporary. I made you Mine without any exception. There is no death, so I ask you, beloveds, why you are afraid of death? Go with God, or go with fear.

You may say you go with Me, and still you have fear.

I understand, beloveds, that shadows of fear and death follow you. Nevertheless, if there is no death, why are you afraid to jump out of the plane? I tell you that you have a parachute, and you will not fall. If you must persist in the idea of falling, then know I will catch you. I will tell you that I will catch you even though I have caught you all along. Safe in My arms are you. It has never been otherwise.

The reality is that you are already lifted high. You are infinitely high, and yet I lift you higher. Every time you bounce, I pick you up and raise you higher. I pick you up, yet you were never dropped. You never fell. You never hit rock-bottom.

Whatever terrors you deal with, they have no basis.

I hear you screaming: "What, no basis? What if You had bill collectors, God? What if You missed a payment? What if Your wife left You and took the children? What if You had an illness. God, death is the least of it. It is the times after birth and before death of the body that are hard. Do you really expect Me to be laissez-faire when the wolf is knocking at my door?"

Beloved, I do understand that wolves chase you, and dragons chase you. I am telling you that even if a dragon reaches you and devours you, you survive it. Perhaps this dragon is to thank for tossing your awareness squarely to Me.

The real dragon, of course, is your fear. You have been caught up in the dragon's claws of fear.

The wolf at your door is a false belief. No matter if the wolf blows your house down, you are safe with Me. The wolf and the dragon loom large in your mind. They occupy your thoughts. They wreak havoc in your heart.

I am telling you that everything is all right, and you are saying that the wolf and dragon known as fear are mightier than I am! How absurd. Turn your back on the wild animals that have captured your attention and look at Me. I am speaking to you.

Read Comments

What do you think?

“I am your destination. Your destiny is assured.” I feel the truth of this in my heart.

Most of my life I have believed the exact opposite. I was taught that my destiny was not assured. And I believed it. This left me with a lot of motivation to find the key to the destination I wanted, or more accurately, to avoid the destination I knew I didn’t want.

I do not think I ever accepted the idea that a physical death was the end, but I sure did accept that I would probably be judged and my destiny could be forever painful and undesirable. Part of me rejected this possibility also, but the fear that came out of the POSSIBILITY that it might be true has been powerful for me, up until recently.

So now I accept this Truth, that my destination is assured. I no longer feel I have to do anything. The search for the key is over. There is no key, at least no key that I do not already possess and that we do not already possess. All of us. Without the compulsion to search for an elusive answer, I am free to consider many options in my life.

The real question, now, is what next? I can do whatever I want, but what do I want? Since my future is assured, this implies that anything I want that really matters, I will eventually have. I can kick back and do nothing without any significant consequence. This would feel like a waste, though. I know that there are courses of action that would be exciting in their potential. These are vague to me, unformed, not real plans at this point. I guess this is where I am at now, wondering about possibilities. Mulling over options.

In the back of my mind I am aware of all the suffering in the world. Surely there is a way to mobilize all of the power and potential of our new found insights and freedom to begin to change things in truly meaningful ways. I wonder if others feel this way also.

My dear. What do I want? I

My dear. What do I want? I think many of us in that time don't know what they want. Because we are new. We semply want new things and our orizon has changed and we haven't anymore old securitues. There is a new world in front of us and it is the world we have chosen. The next doesn't mean, it will be so wonderful as you have wanted it. If you don't know what to do, don't do anything. This is the best moment to do anything. Relax and enjoy, here is the cup you won.
What is left to us is dream new dreams and much more big than ever. Dream biggest dreams, said God.
I too am awake of suffering in the world. But I am much more captured towards thoughts of new beauty and lovely all around the world. Now I belive much more in love and beauty than suffering.
I think, I hope, this my new sight will bring much high the world and every is living on It.
This is my feel about it.

Turn your back on the wild animals that have captured your attention and look at Me. I am speaking to you.

This is the phrase I resonate with.


We are already changing things in the most meaningful and difficult way, by changing our thoughts and DNA. This requires all our attention and purpose.
"Suffering in the world", "peace in the world", just ego's traps.
Possibilities, desires, options, I am interested in none of them, if they belong to myself.
"What next?" , I hope nothing of what I have already seen.

Do what you can

Rise above the fray, do what you can, and more importantly do what "feeds" you, what you love. God has freed us with these words...freed us to live in the Now. THE POINT OF POWER IS ALWAYS IS THE PRESENT MOMENT. Selfless service unclutters the Path ahead. Your insights serve you well.

dear heavenley father, thi

dear heavenley father,
thi is wodeful news in our destenation in you ,,
thank you so much God father you give os to strong
to belive in our destenation in you, life is a gift you give
to os and i thankfull derfor am injoy life aslong we stel her
in the earth, thank you so much God father it a gift you give os to day,,
love and life,

Beautiful -- all the

Beautiful -- all the comments.

Our attention and intention on peace, our appreciation, all of what we post here, all our thoughts are contributing to a world with greater happiness and less suffering. The more of us feeling and thinking as we do has to make a difference. I am feeling with the postings here more of an understanding of our helping God and -- dare I say -- His need for us.





I know lots of people who need to read your DIVINELY CARING WORDS TODAY!


This deep truth

Dearest One, The depth of this truth is so exquisite it moved me to tears. It's a blessing to be reminded of such important truths.
Always with love.

Beloved Barbara, thank you.

Beloved Barbara, thank you. Do you know there are a couple of recent blog entries about you!

To be or to do

The comments above have been stirring a little debate in my mind today about doing versus being.

It seems that a major message of Heavenletters is to concentrate on letting go and being rather than doing. Doing does make a big impact, though. I invite you to follow along with me as I try to lay out my train of thought.

Gloria, You sit and type up at least one Heavneletter every day. You, with Santhan’s help and the help of others, distribute this to thousands of us to read every day. Each one of us interacts with dozens, often hundreds of other people each day. Each of those people interacts with dozens of other people,.and it goes on and on. We read our Heavenletter and our spirits are lifted as we focus on God through His words. This changes us, and as a result, our day is lived at a higher level of vibration, we are the beacons of a little more love to the hundreds we impact and they to the hundreds they influence. If you multiply these numbers out it doesn’t take long to reach into the millions and billions. However slightly or however dramatically, we are all raised and this line of thinking takes into account only the obvious physical interactions.

Now consider the great ones who walked the earth. It seems to me that instead of focusing on the Divine for only a few minutes each day they were totally focused. They continuously radiated their waves of loving vibration. We have seen the impact of their steady focus and easily trace it throughout history. I suspect that it was just this focus that made them such powerful forces.

Is this grandiose to compare our daily efforts to the great ones? I am not so sure, I suspect that God’s message here is that we are all great ones, we have just been selling ourselves short. It may all be just a simple matter of intensity and consistency of focus.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
You are on your way to Me
Without exception

Love, Light and Aloha!


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