From God’s Desire, the Perfect Universe

God said:

There is a solar system. It is a system. It is not random. You can count on the solar system, for I set it up. I also created your system, your nervous system, circulatory and all those. I did not think any of these systems through, however. I desired them. I intended them. It is as if I threw a bucket of stars up into the sky, and all the stars, as of themselves, fell into the right configuration. It was not fall as they may.

From My desire, arose the perfect Universe with you in it. The whole Universe is based on a desire, My desire. I desired a universe, and then everything fell into place. It was the heart of Me that desired, and My desire was fulfilled.

This is how desires get fulfilled. Analysis does not fulfill your desires, unless your desire is to analyze.

The mind does not desire. It runs around trying to figure things out. The mind is something like a scout who goes out to get the lay of the land and discover danger or some such. It is the heart that desires, the innocent heart.

It was as if one day I said to Myself: “I would like a universe.”

The next day I thought: “It will be beautiful. It will have all manner of beautiful things. My universe will be like a flower that bursts into bloom.”

Then the universe came from My one song of love. My song sang itself into bloom. My song burst forth, and the universe burst forth the same way the song itself burst forth from My throat. From My desire and the joy of My song, the universe arose, lush, joyous, perfectly capable of replenishing itself.

I was and am pure love. My pure love radiated out then as it does now. No difference there. I simply wanted My love to have an object. I wanted to see My love in action. I wanted the one verse to be harmonious, and so I sang a song of harmony. I did not feel I was dividing anything. I wasn’t making My love smaller. I just wanted pictures of it. You have to know that the world, as I created it, was totally the fullness of the beauty of love. There was nothing else but love beautiful. And from the burst of joyous color, you were born.

I gave free will to the beautiful Human Beings I created. I gave the people of Earth the opportunity to have thoughts of their own. In full freedom, I gave you this great opportunity. I would continue to have desires, while you continue to have free range. I did not give you too much freedom. I simply gave you freedom. You have always been free to think as you will. I would like to encourage you to not over-think. This possibility always existed, that you would think too much. And now you are learning to think less and, therefore, know more.

You may have perhaps asked enough questions now about existence and life on Earth. You are a traveler who comes to a crossroads and wants to know how he got there and which road he should take now. He wants to know the whole mechanics of it and be reassured ahead of time that he makes the ultimate choice. There are paved roads from which he can choose. There are paths worn down by many feet. And there is the grass yet un-walked on. There is so much freedom of choice. This is where it may be better to close your eyes and turn around three times and simply go where you are led. You are destined to move on.

Read Comments

"This is how desires get

"This is how desires get fulfilled. Analysis does not fulfill your desires, unless your desire is to analyze"...This one is a great one.

And "You are destined to move on"...That's the fact that when we accept, We can stop analyse things....Like has been said "You never get it wrong, And you never get it done...."(Abraham)

Thanks Gloria for bringing back our inner knowing.

I love this stuff. It

I love this stuff. It inspires beyond measure. I have recently forwarded these heavenletters to my family and friends. A couple of times due to my enthusiasm I have replied instead of forwarding, and Gloria responds with the most touching comments to let me know I have made this error. Today she reccommended I share my comments here.
Turn around 3 times and choose your path. We cannot choose wrong. God is complete greatness. I love knowing this and living this. We try so hard to understand our minds when it is our hearts that we need to follow.
Gloria, I thank you and I thank God for your wonderful loving messages.


Dear Wendy, I'm glad Gloria

Dear Wendy, I'm glad Gloria did recommend you to share you comments, what a beautiful posting this here. How well you have expressed yourself, indeed Heavenletters inspire beyond measure as you say, dear.

How true what you say:
We try so hard to understand our minds when it is our hearts that we need to follow.

So let's just turn around 3 times and choose our path of love.
Hope to read some more postings from you dear !

Love Light and Joy

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said I gave you
The ultimate choice of love
For this you were born

God said know the whole
I was and I am pure love
Harmonious love

Love, Light and Aloha!

You may have perhaps asked

You may have perhaps asked enough questions now about existence and life on Earth. You are a traveler who comes to a crossroads and wants to know how he got there and which road he should take now. He wants to know the whole mechanics of it and be reassured ahead of time that he makes the ultimate choice. There are paved roads from which he can choose. There are paths worn down by many feet. And there is the grass yet un-walked on. There is so much freedom of choice. This is where it may be better to close your eyes and turn around three times and simply go where you are led.

God's Perfect Universe

We cannot choose wrong, we can't do wrong and we can't even GO wrong this very blessed it is to be alive as a human being.

The Way God Creates

I don't know why, but I suddenly remembered there is a Heavenletter in which God tells us about His manner of creating this universe and us. After some rather intense search, several hours of it, I found what I was looking for – and it's even more beautiful and illuminating than I expected, or remembered, it to be. So beautiful and convincing. Thank You.

Dear Rover, is this the

Dear Rover, is this the Meeting of the Stars? It may be my all-time favorite. It's poetry, isn't it?

Love, Gloria

The Meeting of the Stars

Dear one, no, it's the one above, "From God’s Desire, the Perfect Universe". But I'm going to read your favorite now.

Oh, dear Rover, how happy I

Oh, dear Rover, how happy I am to read the Heavenletter you discovered. How can it be that I have no recollection of it. That's a wonder, isn't it, wouldn't you think! Of course, we -- we have no idea what new Heavenletter is yet to come. I love the variety of Heavenletters and how each Heavenletter comes out of the blue. I always loved poetry. Of course, God has no competition with Himself whatsoever. I love how God gives us Heavenletters so easily. God never wracks His brain, and He always delivers.

Come back, Rover. Tell us more of what God means to you.

All blessings. Love, Gloria


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