On Being a Friend
Beloveds, I know you would never speak ill of others, but what are you doing when you speak of others' difficulties? If you must see difficulty, if you must see fault, if you must see downfall, no longer tell others about it, for then you compound it. You, in effect, affirm the very declivities you see. These are not for you to confirm. Who are you to proclaim anyone else deficient in any way? Who are you to broadcast anything you see as weakness in another? Think twice.
Waves of Loneliness
Loneliness has its good points. It shows a yearning for more closeness with the world and, ultimately, Me. It is a yearning to share. It is a silent knowing that there is more for you, and the more you seek is calling to you.
Is there anyone who has not experienced loneliness? Someone with many friends knows loneliness just as well as someone with one friend or, seemingly, no friends. Someone in a cave all by himself may not feel lonely and, very likely, isn't thinking about loneliness at all.
Be an Enricher of Hearts
The core of life is My existence, and not what is portrayed on the screen of life. On the screen of life the conflagration of minds at war with themselves acts itself out. The names of their acts are drama and tragedy. They are crying for attention, and they will be noticed. "See me!" they are saying. "See how you have denied me!" they are saying. "See how I make you notice me!"
And they are schoolchildren who carve their name on a desk. They make their mark. They sear their name across the sky of life.