Find Another Window

God said:

When something lovely and new alights on your life, when something is so outstanding that it takes your breath away, when you feel enormous appreciation and are at a loss for words, be glad you have no words to say. Be glad when the world is so marvelous that you are tongue-tied. Be mute then. Be silent. Let the appreciation of the created world run through your veins. Let your tongue be still. Let your hands be still. Let your heart do all the clapping for you. Let great appreciation seep through the world.

You are here on Earth as a spectator and as an appreciator. Whatever particular lode of life you follow, you observe and you appreciate. How simple life is when you turn your heart toward loving the world you live in.

The birds sing sweetly to you from outside your window. Sunlight falls on the Earth in a way it never quite did before. No sunrise is exactly like another. The light that falls on the leaves of trees sings a new song every day.

And you tell Me that life has gotten humdrum? You tell Me that life is the same day after day? What aberration is this? Beloveds, do a handstand right now, and change your position in the world. You were never meant to be disgruntled. Be enchanted, not disenchanted. Do not say you have no toys to play with. There are infinite toys in the world for you to play with. The key word here is play. Play your heart across the Universe, and let it alight, like the sun, in a way it has never quite done before. If you want to be new, look for newness. Seek it out. Beloveds, catch the rays of the sun.

If you perceive life as boring, then you have to shake a leg.

If you feel discouraged in life, then look for encouragement. Swim in another pond, beloveds. Swim.

If the view from your window has worn out its welcome, then find another window to look through. What could be simpler? Get up from the seat you are sitting in. Change your position.

Where do you get off feeling blasé about the world? If you think you know better than the world, stop thinking you do. Walk through the world. Inhale and exhale for it. Breathe new life into it. Dance a jig.

The world is made up of you. Reach for another rung. Climb another stair. Get to the top of a mountain, and see what you see. See what you didn't see before. Keep your eyes open for what you want to see. Set the periscope of your eyes in the direction you would like to go. You are the one who turns the world before your very eyes. Spin the world, and spin another tale to tell. Be a diviner of the world. Make it what you will. Don't sit on the couch and read the news, beloveds. Revamp the news. Sew new stitches into the robe of the world. Do what is before you, and do it in gold.

It is not that you are to patch the world. We can say to embroider it with your love. Perhaps even get another pattern for the world, one that fits. Take out the hem you sewed. Cover the world with glory. See the glory of the world, and you can only glorify it and reveal its Truth.

Heretofore, you have been looking at illusion. Your dreams are not illusion. Your dreams are real. Get your dreams and the world together. By your very perception, you will. By your very perception, you follow My Will. My Will is for you to see, beloveds. See now.

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I wrote a post similar to

I wrote a post similar to this just this morning on my blog. Life is meant to be lived, noticed, and appreciated!! That's what gives the variety and the excitement of a well-lived life!!

:D Have a great day!

Yes AprilDaisy... true beloved! Life is a glorious accordion...breathing in and the movement of our hands and hearts. Don't miss a note...not one precious note! The song is for you and me and all of us. When we cloak ourselves with tales of the past...or anticipations of the future, we seemingly exit this miraculous entry point into the Divine called Now!!! And the entry point is always Now...cause Now is all there is...Loving and blessing you...from this melodious Loving space. Jim.

"You are here on Earth as a

"You are here on Earth as a spectator and as an appreciator."

As a walking practicing Master Appreciator myself how could I not smile at this!?!

I would add be a Blesser too! Bless this Experience the good the bad the other.

Much of the World is in undeniable problematic pain and suffering. Perhaps much of it needless. Yet even here, we can Appreciate and Bless the challenge we have created before us.

Appreciation and Blessing always create, send and shape good energy so wonderfully needed and welcomed.

"The world is made up of you. Reach for another rung. Climb another stair. Get to the top of a mountain, and see what you see."

Oh so now we have a message of a motivational speaker now! (laugh) Yet a nice reminder.

"Don't sit on the couch and read the news, beloveds. Revamp the news. Sew new stitches into the robe of the world. Do what is before you, and do it in gold."

I like to Imagine that we have way more intelligent leaders and politicians than we may currently feel is in evidence. That's how I "Revamp the news" I see this by envisioning and feeling what I desire to see and bring more of that out.

Appearances may currently say otherwise, I get that, my new practicing vision, if held consistently will move that said vision more into alignment and appearances will change for the better. Maybe even influence others to join in that vision.

That is part of the work the play and grace we are now engaged in.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said here on Earth
Observe and appreciate
And see the glory

God said play your heart
Across the created world
And the Universe

Love, Light and Aloha!


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