Your Fate
Once in a while, you have glimpses of Me, glimpses so unmistakable, that you can hardly believe in your good fortune. The only reason you can hardly believe is that you have an inaccurate picture of yourself. Perhaps you see yourself as unworthy far more often than you see yourself as worthiness itself. What you really need are more glimpses of yourself. Then you will see Me right and left.
So You Fly through the Air
How did your individuality come to be you? How is it you have the talents you have? How is it you are influenced by urges within you? How is it that one person becomes what is a called a great success, and another does not do well in terms of the world? How is it that one can come from a favorable background and not do well, and someone from an unfavorable background with all the odds against him can do exceedingly well?
How much is fate, you ask, how much is karma?
Beloveds, it is not fathomable. You cannot understand what you cannot understand.
The Far Reaches of Your Life
When I say that each one of you on Earth is indispensable, you find that hard to believe. But it is true. Each of you fills a place in the weave of the world. I did put you where you are. It was not a flip of the coin. I chose you to do something for Me. You were needed in the spot you are. And now you can make something of it. You can just fill space or you can enliven the space you fill. The point is that I picked you for something important that only you can fulfill.