Eternal Being

God said:

Is it not hard for you to think of a time before you were born? If you go to the year of your birth, and then to the preceding year, doesn’t it seem strange to think you were not? And is it not strange to think of a time in the future when you are not? It seems strange because there is a knowingness within you that you cannot not be present. There is a knowingness within you that you are eternal everlasting ever-beautiful Being of God.

You are not here today and gone tomorrow. You are here today, and that is to say you are not absent from the past nor from the future. There is no before you nor after you. There is you, beautiful child. There is you, ever present -- omnipresent.

There never was a time preceding you nor is there a time later without you. There is no time at all, and that is to say there is no beginning nor end to you.

Surely, your minuscule identity will fade. Your identity as one who goes barefoot or one who wears high heels -- that will go. It can go only because it never was real. That fictional identity wasn’t much anyway. That which is real never leaves. Therefore, you are forever in the realm of no time, no less time nor no more time, no time whatsoever. This is the field of Beingness. You are solidly in this field. Whatever apparition you may be or see, you are an established Being of God. There is absolutely no extinguishing of you.

There are so many words in language attributable to the concept of time and the concept of space. These concepts hobble you.

You are so much grander than you give yourself credit for. You tied your shoes’ laces to a bench, and, so you think you are relegated to the bench and can only move so far. Untie the laces! Remove the shoes altogether, and you are indeed a free spirit of God. Where is there you cannot go? And where is there you have not been? And where does any place exist when space is a mirage as empty as time?

Verbs have tenses while time itself does not exist. A great temple of language has been built to time, to demark it, establish it, to pretend it into reality. Also, many words exist to delineate space. Remove all the time words and space words, and you will know you live in a simpler reality than you have been lead to believe. Language perpetuates the illusion that you are a temporary being when you are Eternity itself.

Your thoughts, your beliefs – they are only thoughts and beliefs. That’s all they are. Thoughts! Beliefs! Why, they change before your very eyes and sometimes change back again!

What in your life will change when you accept that you are an Eternal Being? If God exists, and I assure you I exist, then you can only be an Eternal Being. When this sinks in, what will it do for you, beloveds?

You will have a strong and deep foundation. It will reach from the center of Earth to the Vastness of Heaven.

What will faze you then? What can harm you, destroy you, undermine you then? When there are no rafters to shake, how could you feel shaken? When you are firmly aware of your infallible Eternity, what earthquake can quake your heart? Whatever flood -- how can you drown or even get wet? You are ever-alive with or without a humble body.

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Thank you once again for

Thank you once again for showing us what we already know and are beggining to remember. We are all part of the great I AM and their is no division. Truely we are all eternal, without begining or end. I love the part of my experience I experience through you. Bless your day!

being is eternal

"Remove all the time and space words, and you will know you live in a simpler reality than you have been lead to believe." Wow, thanks again pointing in truth's direction! Mega-encouraging...Centered within the stillness of my being, I AM THAT I AM.


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