Don't Walk into the Fire

God said:

Sometimes after a big disagreement, when the dust settles, you see that the issue wasn't important the way you thought it was. You may even look back and see that it wasn't important at all. It was really all about your ego fuming. You took whatever it was, a remark, an action, personally. You took it as inflammatory.

Think of what taking something personally means. It means you take words or actions as directed to you.

It may not have been nice what was said or done, and yet no matter how many times you have heard not to take something personally, once again you did take whatever it was personally. You bought into someone else's anguish or fury or question and made it your own. Even if they were really trying to assert themselves over you, you bought into their need to overtake you, and you got burned. Of course, you burned yourself, you understand. You didn't have to walk into the fire.

It was someone else's personal fire, and you decided to put it out. Of course, more likely, you fanned the flames.

Long after, perhaps not until the person who offended you leaves his or her body, your anger melts. It somehow gets all washed away, and you wonder why you had the anger or thought you had to have it. You can see now that there was a lot of fuss that didn't have to be. It was all lack of acceptance, theirs and yours. Perhaps it was your parents who upset you. They didn't view you as you would have liked to be viewed, and this was appalling to you. Yet, beloveds, you could have paid attention to your parents' love rather than their falling short. Through it all, whatever it was you saw, you see it differently now. Whatever you felt at the time, you feel differently now. You know better now.

But don't wait for death or illness or seriousness of any kind before you look at things differently. Certainly most of the time, perhaps even always, the real culprit is not what someone said or did. The real culprit is yourself. Why were you so eager to take offense? Why were you so ready to fly off the handle? Confess now, you were ready and waiting to take offense. You were armed to defend your sensitive ego. You were gung-ho. Didn't you know it was better to let ego go and not protect or defend ego ever again? That means your ego. Let yours go, and then you won't respond to someone else's either.

Beloveds, active ego will always get the better of you so long as you keep it around.

Perhaps you got upset because someone did not seem to think well of you. Did you think they would feel better about you when you got uppity and your anger flared? When did you ever successfully set someone straight? Most likely, all you did was light a match under them just like the match you felt they lit under you.

If you would really like to get rid of angry retorts once and forever, why don't you? Why must ego and anger snap their fingers at you, and you respond by running to them? You are not bigger than they are yet, so why get into it with them? When you are bigger than ego and anger, you won't stop for them. You won't get hot under the collar.

When a gnat bites you, you don't go into an uproar. You don't run to a therapist because of it. You are able to take gnats in stride and not take their bites personally. Others' remarks are gnat bites, beloveds. Gnat bites aren't about you. You just happen to be there. You can remove yourself and not get into a gnat match.

Read Comments

Wow Gloria! What good &

Wow Gloria! What good & timely advice! Thank you! I just forgave a friend tonight who kept making & cancelling plans at the last minute. And I'm avoiding responding for now to an email from my dad which really triggered my ego mind!!! I just read Dance of a Rich Yogi by a man you may know and his story is very good for learning to keep accepting and surrendering to what is to cut the ego. Namaste, Sasha

Beloved Sasha, You are

Beloved Sasha,

You are really turning to the light! You are setting an example of letting go of the past!

I smiled when you wrote about your friend who canceled her plans with you at the last moment. I think we all have a friend like that!

And you are letting go of the more heavy-duty past such as with family. It is your own feelings you are letting go of. You are not harboring them any longer. Beloved Sasha, let go of the accusations and condemnation as well for they just stir up the very feelings you mean to be done with.

There is a Heavenletter in which God tells us that we are not wonderful to forgive. We would be more wonderful had we not condemned in the first place. Can someone find this Heavenletter?

It could be this one: In

It could be this one:

In every case, beloved, it is not for you to condemn and, therefore, not for you to forgive.
Saying you forgive someone is presumptuous. Who are you to forgive? What made you so almighty that you can forgive another? Do you really stand on such a high throne?

But also important:

That's it! I thought you

That's it! I thought you would find it, beloved Jochen!

Forgiveness ?????

Jochen, dearest ONE:

You are so awake you don't realize that you are the personification of FORGIVENESS. Spirit's like that! That's why you're so beautiful! Spirit has no memory so it has nothing to forgive. The Master puts it this way to Peter: "70 + 70 is how many time you forgive, even when it's deliberate.

George with the plank in the eye


A lot of our discouragement is not even to do with our selves or our loved one it is the stress of the day. Try and teach yourself to let go of all that upset you before you exit the doorway that your stress began.

Ask god to take away your burdens and replace peace and love in your heart for your family you are going home too.

Is there a fire that does not burn?

This darling writer (Gloria) leads us to think that we can avoid the fire by avoiding the fire. She lovingly says: "You can remove yourself and not get into a gnat match."

Big PROBLEM. We always look back at what has happened. Looking out of the fire we quickly jump into the frying pan.

EGO works that way until you get like Gloria. Is she special? No, neither am I or you but she and I see life in the NOW for what it is. It is the unfolding of the infinite invisible sacred moment into visibility. This is visible only to the SPIRIT.

This only can happen to people who are awake to who they really are! You can't fake being awake if you are asleep. The Apostle Paul cries out to his beloved flock: "Awake thou that sleepest, arise from the dead, and let the Christ mind be your life."

"Oh, that's a religious point of view", you respond.

Nope, it's not religious at all, it's spiritual insight and comprehensive understanding.

You see, we have come to believe that the EGO is who we really are. Standing in the fire, or in the frying pan is all the same thing; an EGO thing.

Let Gloria show you the higher way that only comes via the THINKING PATH. What you think about you become whether or not you like it.
Read good stuff, think good stuff, become good stuff. It's like they say about computers: "Garbage in, garbage out." No way to change it.

The Apostle Peter says: "It's like dogs returning to their vomit." Paul uses even stronger words about thinking about religious stuff. "DUNG" The Greek translation is Bull do do to put it in acceptable words.

Play in the play ground of the EGO and you will always play with fire. Play in Spirit and you'll learn the melody of God's love. You can only do it and learn to BE it by getting very quiet inside. Then, and only then can you smell the flowers of the heavenly garden and hear, really hear what Gloria is trying to tell you in the Heaven Letters.

George with singed eyelashes

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said through it all
Pay attention to their love
Feel it differently

Love, Light and Aloha!


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