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Dog Rescues and Adopts Kitten

Dog Rescues and Adopts Kitten

Two years ago, Kathleen and Kathleen's beloved dog, Bear, drove to an Auto Body Shop in Veneta, Oregon.

In the yard was an abandoned kitten. Bear bounded over to the orphan to befriend it. The tiny kitten tried to scare Bear off by poofing up its fur and looking as large as possible. Which amounted to the size of a furry apple!

Bear was instantly intrigued, and the animals played the entire time Kathleen visited her friend.

When it was time to leave, and Kathleen called Bear to go home, he stood his ground. He would not leave. It did not matter how Kathleen tried to coax him into the truck.

She called him again. Bear looked at her, looked over at the kitten, bent down, and picked up the kitten in his mouth. He carried it to the truck, and jumped in.

Talk about picking your own friends! What was Kathleen going to say! Her dog now had its own kitten! And they named it Citizen Kane.

Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"

Dearest Mary Ellen, many

Dearest Mary Ellen,

many thanks for sharing this wonderful story of love, it made me smile and it's ever so tender. Indeed Bear is most proper name and suc a lovely and tender love is so uplifting !

Many thanks dear !

Love and blessings

This is such a beautiful

This is such a beautiful unforgettable true story. What a heart Bear had. And that lucky little kitten.