Desire and Intent

God said:

The solution to all difficulties is love. Difficulties would not arise when there is enough love going around. If difficulties did exist when there is love enough, no one would be bothered by them. In the thrall of unbounded love, who cares!

You know, of course, that the love We speak is not of greeting cards and sentiment. We are speaking of pure intent. If everyone desires to have love come first, before fear, insecurity, avarice, judgment, selfishness, self-righteousness, then what difficulty of note could there be? The desire and intent are enough to turn the world upside down. You may think I exaggerate, but I do not exaggerate.

If everyone woke up tomorrow with the following in mind, imagine the amazing love that would shine through:

"I send love right now - beforehand -- to everyone I meet today. I also send love to everyone I do not meet today. I send love to all those I have met and to all those I have never met. I am one who sends love. I send love to my family, my neighbors, my town and on to all four corners of the Earth. Further, I send love to the universe, including all the known planets and unknown. I send love to all the stars, named and unnamed. I send love to however many suns and moons there are. I send love to all the angels in Heaven and on Earth. I send love to all the children, born and unborn. My heart is a water-wheel of love, and it spins all day long.

"Today love comes before catching the bus. It comes before pride. It comes before any other duty, for I know that my one duty is to put love first. Wherever I go today, I will send love before me. Whatever I look at, I will look at it with love.

"If any negativity crosses my mind, I will tell it, 'Shoo! Go away,' for today I allow only love in and out of my heart.

"All the love I generate is a small thank-You to the God of the Universe Who gives me great love and Who only asks me to send it on. God gives me so much love, what can I not do for Him? How God can love me so much, I don't know, but I do know He does. When He gives so much, I am avid to do the same. I will dig deep into my heart and pull out diamonds and rubies and golden coins of love. God says that the love in my heart is as limitless as His love. Furthermore, He says that the love in my heart is His, and He has made the lovely request that I share His love the way one gives candy to children - happily, glad to.

"Another way I can describe my simple giving of love is that I am thirsty to give it on behalf of my Heavenly Father. I will give His love the way I drink water when I am thirsty. I will give God's love in big gulps. I will spill and splash it everywhere. I am so lucky to have so much love to give. I have need only to give, not take. I will never quench my thirst to give love, for I have so much of it, and it wants to move.

"When I contain so much love, how can I possibly keep it to myself? There is no stockroom that can hold it. All I can do is give it away freely. No one has to ask for it nor order it. I simply allow the love that God poured into my heart to pour out. Could anything be more fair than that?"

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This is my favorite Heavenletter of All! is...iit truly is...until I read the next one! Love you all. Jim and Jimi


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