'Cosmic Journey'
Hello everyOne!
Do you remember the wonderful space images that dear Nomvula posted on the forum earlier in the year?
They were so beautiful, and I wrote to Nomvula at the time, to ask her where she got them from.
She very kindly sent me a couple of urls, which I have now made good use of, as I have just created a short 5 minute video using spectacular Nasa images. There are no words in the video, just 5 minutes of beautiful images, showing the vastness and magnificence of God's Holy Creation.
So, if any of you would like to join me in a 'Cosmic Journey', then just click on the link below...
Love & hugs
Mary :)
Spectacular, Mary! You are
Spectacular, Mary! You are on a roll!
This is our Universe, isn't it!
Look at all that God has done!
Bless you Gloria, thank
Bless you Gloria, thank you!
I am thoroughly enjoying mySelf!
Love & hugs to everyOne
Mary :)