Control and Judgment Go Hand in Hand
When you have a need to control, that also shows insecurity. One who controls may look confident, but that is a false front, beloveds. The need to control comes from lack of confidence.
You cannot control everyone in your house. You cannot even make yourself do all that you wish you would. Pin yourself down, if you must, and then you won’t need to pin anyone else down. But I am not asking you to control yourself either. Control reveals a narrow vision. You are not a sled dog that needs to be controlled.
Leading is different from control. A true leader inspires, and his inspiration comes from Truth. He makes you happy. There are those who are not true, and they can also make you happy for a while. But We are not really talking about other people now. We are talking about you.
When you feel a need to control, take that as an alarm going off. Control is deeply related to judgment. You are trying to make someone go your way whether they see it your way or not. Of course, you mean it for good, but that is not good enough. Release your need for control. First of all, you don’t need it. You are better off without it. The whole world is better off without it. Control offers very limited opportunity. It is a sliver of life whereas life is boundless.
You cannot choose another’s life for him without mutual suffering. When there is control, there are hard feelings. You can count on it.
Where there is freedom, everyone breathes better.
When you have control issues, and so many do, you not only infringe upon others, you infringe upon yourself. How easily you become irate when your will is not followed. Abandon control. Listen more instead.
Beloveds, remember My will, and I will that the bell of freedom ring.
Where did this idea of control come from anyway? Control is not empowerment, yet it seems to pass for such. Control is no more than trying to get your way. Even when you succeed, your joy is short-lived. You yourself know it is a hollow victory. It is a poor bargain, your will over another’s will. Isn’t it taught in kindergarten that you cannot always have your own way?
You don’t like it when someone else tries to control you. In fact, you get mightily annoyed. Are you to be the only person in your life to exact control over another? Have some laughs instead. How serious control is. How it must be obeyed in order to keep peace. How insolent it is really. Choose fun instead.
Say what you think, but don’t be bossy. Don’t order anyone around. Invite. The most you can do is to invite. The least you can do is not try to take control.
Control is rampant, and it is so unsatisfying. Whether control comes from an individual in his home or from a nation in the world, control gives a poor showing. Not one of My children is to be subject to another. You are not meant to be a Tsar, and no one is meant to be subjected to you. Do not be dependent upon control for your sense of self-worth, and do not make anyone dependent upon your will.
If you want joy in life, you have to let go of your perceived need to control. Beloveds, I request that you abandon any remnant of your need to control. Throw it away like an old rag. Control is of no use to you. No use at all.
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