Consider for a Moment

God said:

It is not just a snippet of your thoughts that must change. It is not a tweak here or there that is needed. You need a fundamental change. You need to start thinking for yourself. You think you already do, but that thought is another example of world thought that you have bought.

Propaganda has been propagated upon you, and you have swept yourself up in it. You think you are an original thinker, but you have submerged your originality. You do not know what you think.

You are so surrounded by thoughts and noise every which way that you have surrendered. But now you can withdraw from this surrender of your thinking. You can take your own heart back. Find your own being now. Accord your own thoughts to yourself.

No one has to be original for the sake of being original. You just do not want to concede your truth for expediency unawares — it is one thing to decide to go along with mass thought and another not to know you are.

No one hypnotizes you. You hypnotize yourself.

You entered into a partnership. You willingly agreed to world thought. You thought there was no other. You took the premise that the world knew what it was talking about. Perhaps you complained, but you complained within the framework set out before you. I am giving you a larger framework, not to complain in, but to move in.

I do not tell you to despair of the world. I tell you to make your way in it, and the world will follow you.

The world tells you that you do not really come up to par. I tell you that you far exceed any requirement of the world.

If you knew deep in your heart how wonderful you are, you would pause a moment, wouldn't you, and you would stop chasing you-know-not-what. You would become calm. You would draw deeper breaths and you would draw greater energy to you.

You would stop rationalizing. You would stop many of the demands you make of yourself, and you would stop the excuses. Excuses are just the other side of reasons you give yourself. Perhaps the reasons are not true. Perhaps you entered the wrong race. Perhaps you are running where there isn't a race at all. Perhaps you are running in the wrong direction. In terms of the world, perhaps you will never catch up. Perhaps you need to turn around a little. At least, pause to find your direction.

Indeed, there is no race to run.

Walk slower, and you will get there faster.

You have been running away from yourself. You have been running away from yourself because you feared you would find out that you are lacking. You think that is the truth of you. That is the propaganda you bought. You think you are incomplete as you are, and so you want the world's approbation of you. Approval is what you chase. You seek approval when you already have Mine. If you seek approval, you have bought an untruth, for you were made in My image and you do not need to attempt to approve of yourself through the eyes of another.

Consider for a moment that you are wonderful, that you are complete, and you have nothing to prove.

Consider for a moment that there is no world, that there is you and I, and that is all there is.

Consider for a moment that the world is a fantasy you are chasing, and for one moment you wake up from it, and you find yourself with Me.

Consider for a moment that you are on top of a mountain and you survey the whole land before you. Consider that there is no one to tell you what you see before you. What would you then see? What majesty would you see?

The world has taught you to despair in yourself and apportion your despair to the world around you. It has taught you what there is to see, and so you have seen through narrowed eyes.

Now see for yourself. See what you are made of. See what you have not seen before. See your own majesty before you. Let your vision be clear. When you see, the world as you know it will change before your very eyes, and you will see what you have never seen before even though it was there before you all the while. And it is here now.

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for a moment

Consider for a moment that there is no world, that there is you and I, and that is all there is.

Consider for a moment that the world is a fantasy you are chasing, and for one moment you wake up from it, and you find yourself with Me.

Consider for a moment that you are on top of a mountain and you survey the whole land before you. Consider that there is no one to tell you what you see before you. What would you then see?


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