confidence in God
Have Confidence in God
Have more confidence in Me. You do not have to direct the world. You do not have to direct your life so much as you do. Certainly, it is good to take the bull by the horns, and it is also good for you to take it easy as well. It's not so much that you have to sort out responsibility, but you do have to let some of it go, or, otherwise, you find yourself in a tizzy. In terms of the relative world, you cannot be everywhere at the same time. You cannot do everything at once, and there are matters it is wise to leave to Me anyway.
Have Trust
I, your Father in Heaven and on Earth, have given you everything.
How is it then that you can lack confidence? Confidence I would give to you. Have it now. We commune in confidence. Now have the surety that goes along with My confidence. When I have trust in you, why do you not have trust in yourself? There are two things to be most confident in — Myself and yourSelf. In God and Self We trust.
You Are on a Treasure Hunt
Remember My promise to shower blessings upon you. When it rains, remember this pledge I make to you. When the sun shines, remember My vow to you. Let everything be a reminder to you. Think of Me. Remember Me and the blessings I will inevitably pour upon you. Know this. Know this more than you know anything else.
Godwriting, Godliving
When you write My words, you do not know where they are going. But you write them anyway.
I may say, "There are three points to consider." Having no idea what the three points are, you nevertheless write down: "There are three points to consider." Boldly you write down what you hear Me say. You have trust that that is what I said, and you have trust that you heard it. You have trust enough so that you write it down.
You follow My words. You follow My thought. You follow My Will. That is Godwriting.
And this is the way to live life.