concept of justice
Cleanse Your Heart
Inner turmoil comes because there is a block in your heart. You think something outside you caused concern. Something occurred outside you, and, concomitantly, the heart is blocking itself. When the heart is clear, nothing is a stumbling block.
The Human heart is clear in love. It is murky when its aorta is pinched by sense of anything other than love.
Your heart registers its dismay at being out of love at any moment. Of course, this is a mirage, and this is what your heart wants you to know and tries to tell you.
Be an Enricher of Hearts
The core of life is My existence, and not what is portrayed on the screen of life. On the screen of life the conflagration of minds at war with themselves acts itself out. The names of their acts are drama and tragedy. They are crying for attention, and they will be noticed. "See me!" they are saying. "See how you have denied me!" they are saying. "See how I make you notice me!"
And they are schoolchildren who carve their name on a desk. They make their mark. They sear their name across the sky of life.
Something Missing
When you see something missing, fill it. When you see something amiss in your life, fix it.
Let Me make it clear that I am not saying you are to correct others. If that were successful, there would be nothing to correct by now.
When you see a situation lacking love, then fill the situation with love. Even if you are three thousand miles away, fill the situation with love.