Come Back

God said:

Effort does not bring your awareness closer to Me. Direction does. The direction of your thoughts. The direction of your thoughts resembles your willingness, so it is your willingness that brings your awareness of Me closer and closer. In willingness, you walk up a step, and another. Or you sidle over closer to Me, or you turn around and see Me. You begin to see the Reality of Me.

You sense.

You sense My nearness.

You sense My presence.

You pay attention to Me.

Your willingness beckons Me. You call Me over to you. You invite Me. Your awareness nudges ever closer to Me. Your awareness stalks Me as a lover looks for the sight of his love in every street.

There is no dearth of Me. I am plentiful.

Sometimes you have wondered where I can be, or if I am. And all the time, I have wondered when you would look up and see Me before you. There is no place I can be that is not before you. There is no place I can be that is not for you. I am for you. I am not only available to you, I am inseparable from you. You have heard that before. Now listen.

My eyes look into yours with such love that you feel overwhelmed. There is such instant recognition of My light that you are taken aback. Awareness of Me is such ecstasy that you back away in disbelief or disavowal. You tremble before Me.

It is a paradox that you, who are made of My vibration, tremble at awareness of My vibration. I am a note so high that you are afraid your ears will burst.

Your lids close when your eyes meet Mine because you fear that My light so bright will disintegrate you. My light so bright is the making of you. You do not need to be dazzled at My presence. I am an Old Friend. I have always been with you, and you cannot make Me disappear. You can only close your eyes and try to stay the same.

Wayward propaganda has led you to fear the Oneness that is ever-present. You have come to think that I am a foreigner, a dignitary from on High who visits only a select few. But I am not a God Who picks and chooses. I am a God Who loves, and I cannot help loving you.

All My splendor is yours.

Start having new beliefs.

Start believing in Me and My love for you. No, not believe, no, not trust. Recognize. Start recognizing My love for you. Feel it. I have placed a warm blanket over you. Do not kick it away. Do not say you prefer rags. Do not say you prefer to be without Me. Do not say that you can be without Me.

Why would you run away from your Benefactor?

Why would you run away from the One Who loves you utterly and has from the beginning?

Why would you allow thoughts of sin or any misbefallen thing to keep you hiding from Me? I assure you that I do not hide from you. I do not cover Myself. I have no skin. I wear no sun-glasses. I am easy to spot. I have nothing that separates Me from you. But you have thoughts that separate your awareness from Me.

The angels around Me are not guards. They do not keep you away. They usher you to Me. They wave the fog away from your eyes. They lift you.

Do not scurry away. You are My magnificence bound to return to Me, freed to return to Me, earmarked to return to the Infinity from which you have come. My reverberation must return to Me. That is the law of love. And you are My reverberation. And you are returning to Me. Don't delay. Just return. Why not now?

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God is loving us right now...

"...Your lids close when your eyes meet Mine because you fear that My light so bright will disintegrate you. My light so bright is the making of you. You do not need to be dazzled at My presence. I am an Old Friend. I have always been with you, and you cannot make Me disappear. You can only close your eyes and try to stay the same...."

I am happy to receive and recognise the wondrous love of God...right now. This is the part we intend to...and recognize the love of God that is already present...with no strings attached or any preconditions.

This is really the good news that is conveniently denied or swept aside or viewed with an endemic sceptism.

And is!!!! Loving you. Jim and Jimi.


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