Chips of Gold

God said:

Of all the virtues, thankfulness is one. There is such a settling down when there is gratefulness. Gratefulness is always humble and humbling because it recognizes the solidarity of love.

As you have progressed along the path of your evolution, physical gifts themselves do not hold the meaning for you they once did. Now you treasure the givingness and the receivingness. Another's heart has spoken to you, and you grasp, no matter how subtly, that I arranged the gift. And so you thank an individual for their wanting to give you a gift from their heart, and you accept it from Me. You are grateful and cognizant that all gifts come from a greater Source than the hand that drops it in your lap.

It is a wonderful gift to be a Human Being who makes gestures to other Human Beings and so reciprocates My love, stirs it around, professes it, claims it, enjoys it.

The gifts I speak of are far more than the material. They are upliftment. You soar another's heart because your heart leaped to leap into theirs. It is as if your fingers press a button in their heart, and their heart comes alive.

All gifts come from Me, beloveds. You are merely My emissary. I say merely in order to emphasize that you are the hand who passes gifts from the Creator on to the created. You are truthfully My GREAT emissary, for is it not greatness that passes love from one to another? Even a molecule of love comes from greatness. There is nowhere else love can come from.

You are elves of Heaven, miners of love sent to Earth, sent to deliver My messages of love. You take chips of My love, and you distribute them. You mine My heart, and you deliver the gold to others. What could possibly be in My heart but gold? Not tin, not even silver, only gold, pure gold, pure molten gold from the heart of God, spilled on Earth, running through the Universe, picked up by you so that you may deliver it. To whom you give matters not at all. That you give matters greatly. Consider that it is for your well-being that you circulate love in the world. If My love is gold, and you mine it, it is your hands that touch the gold most of all and it is you who thus becomes most familiar with it.

Handle love all day. Grasp that the physical is illusory. When you hand a piece of paper at the office, you hand a token of love. You drive a car, not as a physical feat, but as a gift of love perpetuated upon Earth. Your mission in life is to give love, silently and well.

Gratefulness is love. It is the receipt of love. When love fills your heart, your heart overflows in gratefulness, perhaps even awe. A word from you is a gift. Make your word in keeping with Mine. Make your word reveal truth. And what is the truth but love?

Gratitude is a kind of mercy. It releases the hold you might have had. Gratitude releases. Gratitude says: "Here is my joy of your gift of joy returned to you. Like a child, you gave Me something from your heart, so full was your heart with the spreading of joy, and, like a child, I hand my own gift to you. Your love that overflowed, I restore it to you in full knowing that we both maintain the flow of love that we are saturated with. We swim in our God-given gift of love."

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Gratitude is a kind of

Gratitude is a kind of mercy. It releases the hold you might have had. Gratitude releases. Gratitude says: "Here is my joy of your gift of joy returned to you. Like a child, you gave Me something from your heart, so full was your heart with the spreading of joy, and, like a child, I hand my own gift to you. Your love that overflowed, I restore it to you in full knowing that we both maintain the flow of love that we are saturated with. We swim in our God-given gift of love."

I am so very grateful for my life now. Sometimes I forget to be grateful...but now...yes...I am so grateful. I do not know what the day may bring...and yet I am still grateful. Thank you God for my ability to be grateful. I love you so much. Jim and Jimi.


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