Catch the Heaven Train

God said:

Come, sit down with Me. Let Us recall Truth and forget everything else, for all else can only be imagined. You thought of all else. You feared that Truth is a wolf at your door, ready to eat you up. Soon, before you know it, you will not be what you have imagined. You will never be the same, the same as you imagined, for fear will have left your side.

Ah, what you can be when fear has gone out the window! What a bug-a-boo fear has been. You have fallen for a trick of the mind and abolished Truth. You have worked hard at abolishing Truth. Abolish fear now. Open the windows. You have believed in shadows, and you saw not Truth.

You thought the wind was banging at the windows. It was Truth knocking. Let Truth in. How long will you try to keep Truth out? Truth can only vanquish you which is to say Truth will win you over, and you will be winner of the day. Truth has been waiting for you around the corner. Actually, Truth has been waiting for you within your heart. Truth has stood on its head to get your attention while your attention has been on something else, perhaps the details of life on Earth. You mistook the details for Truth. You misled yourself. You got yourself off track. You caught a train that took you nowhere. It took you to the outback somewhere and left you to wander.

Catch the A-train. It is the Heaven Train. There is no ticket to buy. You have already arrived. It's just that you haven't believed it, as if it were too much for you to believe that from Heaven you came, and that in Heaven you are and nowhere else. There is nowhere else. It was easier for you to believe in lesser things. You accepted less and foreswore Greatness. Nevertheless, Greatness will not be silent for long. Greatness has an impelling voice. You were born to Greatness from the first day I thought of you. From Greatness comes Greatness. Discover your Greatness now. It is not new. You went off on a tangent, and now you are returning from your tangent.

All the turmoil in your life on Earth was simply a picture-show. You simply had a bad dream of a wolf appearing at your door. You were fascinated with his appearance, his big teeth and all. You mistook the picture on the screen for the screen, and, therefore, you allowed yourself to be terrorized. You are recovering now. You are finding the underpinnings of yourself. Soon you will burst into song, and you will declare of the Truth of your Self Who art Everyone, which means you are I. There is no place like Heaven. There is no other place than Heaven. Of course, your imagination has done a good job of imagining. You believed in distortion over Truth. Distortion was right in your face. Heaven was in your heart, and yet you chose distortion and called it real.

Your heart was not convinced, however. Your heart knew there was much more than the surface of life. Your heart knew, and yet your heart was not listened to. Your heart has always known. You chose discontent over the simplicity of your heart.

Of course, how can a King be satisfied with less than His Kingdom? How can you be satisfied with less than Truth? You simply have kidded yourself and gone off in many directions. You were an explorer and did not immediately find what you were deeply looking for. You were looking in the wrong places. You have to turn around and come back Home in order to find yourself in all your brilliance, for brilliant you are.

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We Are Home.. and EnJOYing The Train Ride :) Thank You, My LOVE



Thank You, dear Angel Gloria.....I JUST LOVE this New Way of Answering to God's Heavenletters :) We will be Here many Times... :)

God IS Blessing You, but You already Knew that, right? :)

Your Sisters of The Light
Carola & Corrie (my Beautiful Angel Mother, who just crossed over on the 5th of Februar 2012.... A Beautiful Shining Star :) ~☜❤☞~

How welcome you are, beloved

How welcome you are, beloved Blue Butterfly.

This is your mom in this photo? She left Earth on February 5, this year, and she is now indeed noted as an angel.

Do you know that my father died on February 5 also, many many years ago. I never forget the date, and despite all I know about the splendid journey he is on, and after so many years, my heart aches and aches.

There's a Heavenletter I would like you to read. It is called In Memoriam to Sandy Hessler. It was written August 19, 2004. I'll come back with its number in a minute. Here it is: #1372

And thanks again, beloved Carola, for posting Heavenletters so generously on your Facebook page.

With love and blessings,


God Morning Gloria and All of You, Beautiful ONES :)

Thank You for Welcoming Me, dear Gloria.... Finaly Here :)

And Yes, This Is my Mother Cornelia/Corrie.... and The Date I will never forget Too and Your Father neither, Thank You for letting me know.... :)
I know that letter !!! I use this Letter often if someone needs these words... God guides me to the ones in Need....And These words heal a lot of Hearts, as You know.... Thank You for BEing One of the Open doors for God's Words to flow into this World!!!

I Know that my Mother isn't gone, She still very alive and with me Now :) for Me there is No Death....I have contact with her very often and also with my Dad... and a lot of the Other Brothers and Sisters in Spirit :) ... They are Reunited and that feels like A Wedding in my Heart.... as I always feel a Wedding in My Heart, A wedding, Jesus and Mother Mary Touched my Heart back in 2006.... and I AM soooo Grateful in my Heart to have met You in my Heart... 3 years ago and now your Dad and All the Other Beautiful Angels who post here very often.... :) Thank You ALL for BEing YOU.... God IS Blessing You as He/She Blesses Me :) We are ONE :)

HOP ON & EnJOY the RIDE, my dear Angels.... ♥ It's The PEACE TRAIN :) ♥ ♥ ♥ I love You "Untill the Twelfth of Never.... ♥ ♥ ♥ You ARE Brilliant!!!

♥.•*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ`*•. We Are One ❀Lღ√Ƹ&Truth☼◠‿◠)*❤


This is simply too beautiful

This is simply too beautiful for words. I thank you. Love you.


"You have believed in shadows, and you saw not"

It is so hard to believe that we actually took the heaven train, ended up in heaven but have been told that it is earth and we are earth being rather than who we really are, "Beings of Light that have always lived in heaven." This Heaven Letter must be read many times for us to grasp the mystery of who we have always been and who we are right now as we learn to open our middle eye.



Infinite Perspective


...Each and every one of us is part of the infinite perspective seeing reality through our own individual awareness......

Without one of our views there wouldn't be absolute fulfillment and completeness.... …..

Sweet Aloha dear George, The Shining ONE :)

Just Had to share this One with ♥You♥ :)

I AM not the Owner of This Beautifull Picture/Painting, but I have permission to use Akiane's Paintings....

Heavenletters came into My Heart and Life at the Right Time at the Right Moment :) But You know what I mean, don't You, dear George.... GOD is GOOOOD !!!! ♥ Gloria, Gloria, Hallelujah ♥ :) and Now I meet You, The George, in my Heart... The ONE who always Post such Beautiful Words for Every New One Who Enters Your Heart of Gold :) I Love to read about You and Your Love for Your Beloved One..... I AM very Gratufull To BE here with You, Gloria and All The Other Beautiful Lights of God ♥

Thank You Again, dear George for Welcoming Me into Your Heart ♥... As I Welcome You into my Heart ♥ You are BRILLIANT!!!
I Thank God for You and All the Other Beautiful Angels of God ♥ for BEing You, The LOVE You were Created to BE....

.♥.•*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ`*•. We Are One •*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ`*•.♥.

"Beings of Light that have always lived in Heaven."

God IS Blessing You, but You already knew that, Right ? :)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Your Sister of The Light

Carola writes: "and Now I meet You, The George, in my Heart..."

Precious Carola: It's like you steamed open God's envelop of the most secret things of Love and lyou capture the fragrance of God's most aromatic Source of Power, God's LOVE.

Your words and your sparkle and are un-touched by EGO's powerful grasp, because you flow from God's SPIRIT, with the purity of Light, that flows from the star of God's Purpose.

Thanks to you and your beautiful family.


Thank you for all your love

Thank you for all your love and light, blessed Carola. Bright, bright, bright!

Darling, I have to ask you to go easy on pictures. I have little bandwidth here in South Africa, and one picture takes forever to load. I may not be the only one that has difficulty loading pictures.

God bless you. With love, Gloria


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