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Bumber stickers, Book one, and spreading the word.

Dearest Gloria,

I received the bumper stickers with the envelope that says The Great, then my name. That is so wonderful, I have started pasting the stickers.

I took the book you send to me "love letters from God book one" to a bookshop (though a bookshop own by a catholic church near my house) and asked them why the book is not in their bookshop and their reply was that they have not heard of the book before.

I gave them the book to go through and maybe they can order the book. I intend to take the book to all the bookshop I know in my city. I trust that more orders will be coming from Nigeria soon.

I trust that my book is going well now.

Thank you.

with gratitude and blessing.

Your beloved


P.S. Try to talk to at least one person today about Heavenletters book. Remember it all start from us.

Ekene you are wonderful, a

Ekene you are wonderful, a real blessing !

Gloria Angel, is there an italian book available ? pls forgive my ignorance,but I'm so used to read them on the web that I really don't know.
I know about a German edition I think, but here in Italy I would need something in italian language.

Do you think it would be possible to have the file by which these bumper stickers are made, so that I could make some in italian language? We have enough italian Heavenletters from which to choose.


It is Pedro who has made the

It is Pedro who has made the bumper stickers and donated them to us.
Ekene is a master at distributing them.

We have some bumper stickers that just have the web site.

Shall we ask Pedro for some of those for Italy?

Do you have a short quotation you would like?

Beloved Paula translated the Heaven book into Italian, and you know she did a beautiful job. We need to find an Italian publisher who will publish it.

Paula, do you think Magda would have some ideas for a publisher in Italy?

It's very difficult to find

It's very difficult to find a publisher in Italy for spiritual books, or for any books, for that matter. Anyway, I'm working on it. I think Magda is in the same condition as I am.

There was also an e-book translated into Italian, but somehow it disappeared who knows where, when the website changed, as did all the Italian pages of the website. Well, if someone wants them, just ask, and maybe they will turn up again.

Safe in My arms you're only dreaming. -
Al sicuro tra le Mie braccia state solo sognando.
Love is the Answer.-Amore è la Risposta

Dear Paula, are there some

Dear Paula, are there some books available which you could send me ?
On the 22nd and 23rd september I will be participant to a spiritual center, two days dedicated to XI Congress of Global Health, see (Gloria, I did send the website in case you should want to have a look although it's in italian, no advertisement was meant).
I will be there for a presentation and I thought of preparing a kind of folder to present also Heavenletters. I thought of printing as much italian HL as possible, different samples, to be given freely.
I could translate how Gloria began to write Heavenletters (if it's not already done), and I would kindly ask you to check the tranlsation, if you have time. If some books would be available in italian I think it would be great.
Let me know what you think of this and any suggestions are more than welcome!!
Love and blessings

Oh, Berit, see how this

Oh, Berit, see how this wonderful endeavor is spreading in our awareness since Engin went public! Thank you, beloved Berit, for your ideas and for your desire to share God at this conference. It is very beautiful. .

Please note that it is fine to mention anything and everything relevant to Heavenletters on this forum! What a beautiful thing -- a Congress of Global Health and you for putting your heart out there, Berit.

Dearest One, I talked about

Dearest One,

I talked about intention and now we are on it, well done to you Angels in Italy. I trust we will all make a great impact in bringing love along as we move in this great path way of life.

The strength, wisdom, fulfillment and joy in doing this is always with you in every moment.

With gratitude and blessing.


Beloved Paula, It is easy to

Beloved Paula,

It is easy to find a publisher for Heavenletters! It is the easiest thing in the world! And you have done so. Keep your beautiful heart uplifted. Stir the joy. What you are doing is primary. The results are secondary. You must give yourself great big stars every time you send out your translation. We have God cheering us. We are not attached to the results, but to the love!

Let us love these publishers and wish them every success and send them God's blessings. They are free to publish or not. We love them either way. Think of the power of our thoughts, cara Paula.