Beyond the Dream

God said:

Life seems as it seems, and yet nothing is as it seems. The ground you walk on is sturdy and strong, and yet it is not really there. Your steps may be firm, and yet you are walking on illusion. The idea that this life on Earth is a dream is accurate. There is a flip of a switch, and you adhere to life on Earth. It becomes your domain, yet your dream is an extended dream, and you play it out.

You are in a movie theater, and yet there is no theater to be in, and no movie. It is a pretend movie that everyone seems to exist in. There are colors and heroes and mad dancing and music so exquisite that you are transformed. The seeming you, the modified you, is transformed. From great energy, from great love, the music of the spheres is heard, and it is held in your heart, and it is held as a reminder of from whence you came, and where you actually are now.

Everyone sees you as a body standing or sitting there, and yet the body is made-up fiction, and there is, in truth, no one there to see your body so heartily believed in. This is the way of life. It is a made-up journey told at great length. It is a haunted house, and it is a princely kingdom, and it is nothing at all.

Until you wake, you believe the dream you only dream. Of course, you do. Dream on, beloveds. Cavort in this lingering dream. Soon you will wake up to that which seems like only a dream to you right now. Even though your finger can bleed, even though everyone believes in what they see, there is a greater dimension not yet seen, heard about yet not fully known or realized at all, yet is hinted at and circled around.

And yet the dawn of Truth will arise, and you will rise with this dawn. You will rise to your full stature which is not pie in the sky but the very foundation of the dream you dream. You are a soul walking around on Earth, and you know it not. You would like to know it, yet you know it not. You crave this full state of Being, and yet it seems like the dream to you. The dreamer dreams.

The dreamer wanders alone in his dream. He believes utterly in his dream. He believes more in what is not than he believes in what is. This is a fine kettle of fish, isn’t it?

Even so, you are growing beyond the borders of your dream. And, even as you do not grasp the Truth of it, underlying all the illusion, you do know. You see the frame and believe in the frame more than the true picture within it, and, yet, and yet, you know more than you let yourself know. You know there is something incredible that is almost too much to ask for, and yet you live this deeply incredible state. You don’t know it. You don’t really accept it, and, yet, at the same time you are awake. Truth and fiction are going on at the same time. You can’t get away from the Truth. The boundless Truth is where you are at, and yet you give credence to the dream and have not yet awakened to Reality. You are in Truth, and yet you believe the dream is the truth even when you have an idea that it is not.

Could We even talk about Truth unless you had some realization of what is beyond the dream? What would We be talking about if Truth were not in your sight?

Read Comments

not fully known or realized at all

Hugs, dear God, this is really beautiful, it's fantastic, it's – how do they say – wicked brilliant and truly funny and so poetic. Yes, this is a fine kettle of fish, "eine schöne Bescherung" in my language. And how sublimely subtle things are getting! Until now, when things got too puzzling, we could try to reassure ourselves with sentences like, "Oh, well, this is a dream", or "What do you expect, this is a film." Now it turns out it's not even a "real" film but a pretend movie. Wonderful, I love it.

Makes me think about launching an empty newspaper where everyone can fill in the events of the day in Somalia, Shigatse, Uranus.

This Letter is refreshing like a day in the mountains. And good old "soon" is there as well. Hi.

I dont understand

Is this saying the dream is real or not real ?

I think it means that the

I think it means that the dream is not real. It sure seems real to us, doesn't it, Robbie?

beyond the dream 1/25/11

I love these messages. This one must be read over carefully from two places at one time. Like it's nebulous subject --dreams & reality. I needed my mind to sort the meaning out, but could only internalize them, with my heart. It's pat head rub belly. Now that's funny! Perhaps understanding requires us to rub mind, and pat the tummy or the solar plexus, which is the feeling place (right beneath the heart... ) I think of the great laughing Buddha. The Dream is a great belly laugh? Does anyone get what I'm trying to say and can add to it? I wonder if God laughs too. He just must.
With Joy,


ah the Dream is a great belly laugh, yes because the wisdom is to breathe in and out properly.The story of how and where you discovered the rainbow is secondary to the rainbow itself. If you can find the rainbow, what is to prevent everyone from finding it as well? Rainbows exist for everyone. They are bridges cast across the universe.
The path of love could easily be a bridge of colors so bright, that you cannot do otherwise than laugh.

Beloved Nirmala,

Beloved Nirmala, interestingly, tomorrow's Heavenletter is about rainbows!

Life's a dream you make up?

Reading Heaven Letters will help you form the consciousness that'll work for you to construct your dreams with the loving help of the spirit. That's what life is.


construct your dreams

I am reading more and more of the old HL and also comments and here I found an excerpt that Gloria wrote to Berit on Dec. 2006 there she says: Yes, Heaven Letters are a path to God, but in no way does this imply the only path. God has said something like this: "The path to God is God." And God is everywhere!

Yes, dear George, you are so

Yes, dear George, you are so right when you say that we need the help of the Spirit. Yet the Spirit is in us as God is, but as blind and deaf as we are, we have to call upon the Holy Spirit's help to get out of that labyrinth and dream the real dream of Truth which is Reality. It is more than the Charlie's check point.

Norman, blessed Norman:

Norman, your beautiful words require no comment. They switch the light switch on.


The body is the dream

What is ego if not the physical embodiment of the wish to replace God with the self-attributed power to envision reality? Ego has to insist that the body is real. That is how it can start dreaming of controlling the world which is outside. The body is the basis of the universal belief of the world we see. Where do we think judgement, grievance, and condemnation come from? What does a murderer think when he kills somebody? Surely he thinks that by killing the body, he kills the soul. What do we really think when we think we are alone if not that "no body" is with us.

Could we be angry if we did not have any body? Because, basically, we don't condemn people, what we condem is what they are doing in their body. So we definitely identify with the body which allows us to dream the outside reality. You can hate your body, you can humiliate it or you can praise the body, adore it and glorify it. The body stands at the center of our concept of ourself. We see ourself in a body and the truth or reality outside us. Ego has to choose the limitations of the body to entrap our awareness and trade it with dreaming the reality of what we are through a persona.

Of course, this is an upside-down perception that cannot bring us peace of mind. For it is the body that is outside us and the reality inside. God has told us so many times that the body is only a body, it is not us. That is to say that being without a body is our natural state.

So having a body or not having a body should not make any difference to God. What we can realize is that thinking with our body is what generates the dream. What sets limits to our powers is not our body but our identification to the body. So it is the ego that is limiting our powers.

If we stop thinking with our body then the ego won't have anymore power on us. Then we will stop dreaming and start to awake to Reality.

Did everyone happen to see

Did everyone happen to see yesterday's blog entry called God's Golden Light? I think it refers to what you are saying, beloved Normand.

In fact, beloved Gloria, I

In fact, beloved Gloria, I had read your blog entry "God's Golden Light" but when I wrote my comment, I did not have in mind, at all, that blog. Is Godwriting about synchronicity? Vielleicht. But, yes, it just fits perfectly, like a nice and soft silk glove.

something incredible that is almost too much to ask for

Once every five to ten years, in a dream of the night, I am given to see and to feel what ultimate fulfillment and love and returning home are like. Last night I had such a dream, waking up in tears of relief. The feeling may linger or it may not, but life is changed. What does linger, however, is a clear sense that my reasoning faculties do not have the tiniest point of contact with what the dream revealed. By extension I believe that my intellect is the most unsuited instrument imaginable for dealing with this magnificent Heavenletter.

Life seems as it seems, and yet nothing is as it seems. The ground you walk on is sturdy and strong, and yet it is not really there. Your steps may be firm, and yet you are walking on illusion. The idea that this life on Earth is a dream is accurate. I can think about this; I am not saying it's wrong to think about this for it may increase the suppleness of our mind; but no amount of even first-rate thinking will get me anywhere near this something incredible. Then what does get me near? Only my heart's longing, only desire, only intent.

Everyone sees you as a body standing or sitting there, and yet the body is made-up fiction, and there is, in truth, no one there to see your body so heartily believed in. This is the way of life. It is a made-up journey told at great length. It is a haunted house, and it is a princely kingdom, and it is nothing at all. Never mind understanding this paragraph – is there at least a way for me to paraphrase it? There is not. All I can do is long for what is called waking up here and which I did in my dream last night: something crystal clear about which nothing but a barely audible wow can be said.

Like other Heavenreaders, I love to play with all the concepts Heavenletters offer. I have also tried to do some serious thinking, but that is what seems (or is hoped) to be ending now. The analytic or – as Normand has called it in his usual brilliance – "enzymatic" approach of trying to understand things by dissecting them and taking in their constituents is effective for physical or mental digestion but will never wake me up.

But there is no injunction to be distilled from this, not even a suggestion, for whatever we do, we can't go wrong:

Even so, you are growing beyond the borders of your dream.

The comments, the comments.

The comments, the comments. So wonderful the comments.

May God grant that there will always be comments so beautiful and deep and good as the ones posted here so that I can read them and grow.

Gloria reminds me of One I love.

It's her voice that makes me think of God, they sound just alike.


Gloria reminds me of One I love.

It's her voice that makes me think of God, they sound just alike.


Jochen I'm glad you paid with pain for this vision.

Jochen; all I can say is "Joy to the world, the light has come." Thanks for sharing this golden dawn with us. We love it and you.


Dear Jochen, I simply share

Dear Jochen, I simply share your joy in communicating to us your live dream. I would dare to say that you really deserve that relief and fulfillment even if I have to say that you don't deserve it because it is your divine right to live that fulfillment. You are just reclaming it and that is what God expects from you. And only acknowledged innocence can open the door to that fulfillment.

Life is but a dream!!

Note from Russ Michael...When I physically died at age 18 and looked back toward my sudden body-death interrupted 'adventures' on Earth, I knew without a single doubt that life on Earth was only a dream--not real-- for the only 'reality' was the "I am" consciousness that I knew and that I was, am, on the other side of 'the veil' the Eternal Now.

And when God spoke to me, the message (still ringing through me to this date many Earth decades later) was short and to the point.

God said, "I am you and you are me. we are ONE."

So even while being deeply and pssionately involved in this grand Earth dream, I have alwasy known, in both the fore and the back of my mind, that everything--seeming so real to my humanly reimbodied "I am" soul identity--is truly as dear Master Shakespeare also so knowingly stated, "Life is but a dream!" And so it have a sweet dream...end of my note)

Beloved Russ Michael, you

Beloved Russ Michael, you know whereof you speak. You have experienced what most of us have not.

"I am you and you are me. we are ONE."

How beautiful is that!

Michael, you remind me that years ago I had a communication which I understood to mean: "The seeker and the Sought are the same."

We love such messages. We love them because they are true.

God bless you, dear friend. Thank you for persisting to get your important message up on the forum!

Does everyone know that this is Russ Michael who introduced Heavenletters to the Greek, German and Romanian publishers of Heaven's book? Russ Michael is truly one of the great givers in the world. For more about Michael, click Heaven News on the right. You will see where you can download many of his free ebooks.

Dream LIfe, Dream Character

I am realizing that this life is a dream, and so am I.


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