Beyond Excitement

God said:

Be on an even keel. Excitement isn't needed. Evenness is. When you know Who you are in the depths of your heart, you have all the excitement you need, except then it isn't excitement but enlightenment. When the food is already finished cooking, you don't have to stir it anymore.

Sometimes you wear yourself out with excitement. It is as if you ride a roller coaster daily, or take a pill that electrifies you, or you speed in your car.

I do not tell you to sedate yourself. I am simply saying that the good gifts life brings you are to be expected. Take them as your due. Be grateful for them, but the bedazzlement of excitement doesn't belong to you any longer.

Do not take this to mean that you are to strive for calmness. No, it just means that you no longer have to strive for excitement.

Does winning the lottery really have to be more exciting than being My Child? So hooked are you into illusion, I hesitate to ask you which you might prefer, lottery or God. I will not ask you to make that choice. You are not ready for it. Anyway, you can have both, beloveds.

If there were not need for excitement, perhaps there would be no need for war. Peace allows you to grow in equanimity. Perhaps equanimity is the last thing you want. Upheaval may be more attractive to you.

What lies beyond excitement? That you have now. Enlivenment and excitement are not the same thing. Enlivenment is being ready for life, raring to go. Excitement is revving up your energy full blast, when all along, easy does it.

If life were your horse, how would you treat it? If you were your horse, how would you treat yourself? Would you make it race nose to nose all the time?

When did serenity become isolated from regular life? When did it have to mean putting on loose clothes and going somewhere else to find it, making an appointment with it? Serenity belongs to you. Serenity isn't meant to be a recreation apart from your life. You don't have to go to a spa or a mountain top for it. Just stop a moment where you are and breathe and luxuriate in the wonderfulness of life.

It would seem you are either racing to meet life or racing away from it. Just pause where you are. Let energy go out from you like light. You don't always have to be taking it in, feeding off of it. Let your energy settle down. Your pioneer days are over. You have found your stake, and it is here. You need go no further. You are home, and peace is at hand.

Beloveds, you like to be enchanted. That's why you scurry for entertainment. You like to go to sleep too, so you bounce yourself back and forth in life. One side of the net is excitement, and the other side is boredom. One side is activity, and the other side is quiet. Meet at the net and shake hands with equanimity. Have the idea that you want it.

Equanimity is a watering place. Drink deeply. Replenish.

There are five gears to the car of life. One is cruise control. If that's good enough for a car, why not for you? Your tank is full. What is to stop you from knowing it and driving accordingly? The idea isn't to use up as much gas as fast as you can. Nor is the idea to use as little as possible.

There is nothing you have to do now. You cannot do equanimity. You can invite it however. I have just invited it for you.

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Very funny, Dear One, funny and loving. I love it.
I hesitate to ask you which you might prefer, lottery or God. I will not ask you to make that choice. You are not ready for it.
Perhaps equanimity is the last thing you want. Upheaval may be more attractive to you.
When did serenity become isolated from regular life? When did it have to mean putting on loose clothes and going somewhere else to find it...
There are five gears to the car of life. One is cruise control. If that's good enough for a car, why not for you?
You cannot do equanimity. You can invite it however. I have just invited it for you.