Being Yourself

God said:

To whom does your life, as you see it, belong?

Many of My Children grew up believing their lives belonged to others to whom they were accountable. There are those of My Children who perceived that their own lives were not quite theirs. They may have been encroached upon, and, consciously or unconsciously, assumed that their purpose in life was to answer to others’ wills and to please and be what others wanted them to be. They saw their main purpose in life was to be in line with what the world seemed to want from them. They were careful not to make a mistake.

In retrospect, their young lives seemed to be primarily about subscribing to avoidance of mistakes and falling right in step with others’ desires as a matter of course. This way of living sometimes pursued them, although sometimes they did wake up to what they now saw as bondage to others’ wishes. They had sought to conform. From their fear of missing the mark, they may well not have had a clue as to their true Selves.

If you were one of these children, you may not even have known at the time that you longed to be yourself. You had gone along with everyone else, as if other people knew everything, and you knew nothing. This appeared to you as the way of the world, and so you held yourself cramped in a double-bind, not even quite having the awareness that you were a person in your own right. Somewhere along the line, you had cut yourself off from yourself as if you were a know-nothing. You fell into that empty role by default. You were not looking.

However, you were beside yourself in that you watched your every step. You went through many motions in life with your eyes closed and forgot to greet yourself. You depended upon others’ opinions for validation. In effect, you threw your Heart and Soul out the window.

Even so, at some point, you may have seen yourself breaking out of this self-imposed reign of submission and sought yourself. No longer were you a baby bird in a nest. Now you became a fledgling breaking out of your shell. You began to catch glimpses of yourself. You began to see yourself in new light. You started to cash in on your Self. You started to look up and see with your own eyes and use your own voice and welcome yourself more the way I welcome you with a tip of My Hat. You started to fly and release yourself from your self-imposed confinement. You started to notice yourself and begin a relationship with yourself as you really are, more like the fruit on God’s Vine.

Now your footsteps can be heard. Now your footsteps are heard. No longer are you dead-weight in the world. Good for you. You have a voice and you have a say in the world you live in.

No matter how long it took you to reclaim your life, know that no life is wasted. Even when you may not have fully filled your own shoes and hadn’t sung your declaration of independence, your life was mulling itself over, readying to unveil itself.

I say it again: “No life is wasted.”

Never mind what the world may say. At the best of times and the worst of times, you serve a purpose. Even as you may have played a waiting game, you were serving your life’s purpose. Even if you were in a coma, unbeknownst to you and everyone else, Holy be thou, you serve the Universe.

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Even when you may not have fully filled your own shoes and hadn’t sung your declaration of independence, your life was mulling itself over, readying to unveil itself.

I say it again: “No life is wasted.”

Never mind what the world may say. At the best of times and the worst of times, you serve a purpose. Even as you may have played a waiting game, you were serving your life’s purpose. Even if you were in a coma, unbeknownst to you and everyone else, Holy be thou, you serve the Universe.

Oh sweet reader of this....You matter oh so much...and you do serve....unbeknownst to you perhaps...but stiil you serve and your light is pure and bright....I am honored to greet know you and be known by you....Loving you forever......jim(i)