Be a Spark of Light

God said:

When We talk about where you put your attention, that is the same as talking about where you put your energy. That may well be the same as talking about where you put your money. If you fritter your energy, you may well fritter your money the same.

If you have a piece of crayon in your hand, and you draw your hand around in circles on paper, you will have a rendition of clouds. There can be a soothingness to this, and there are times when it may well be appropriate to doodle. But you cannot only go around in circles. When you go all over the place, you go all over the place.

When you draw straight lines, straight lines are the result.

We could equally say that energy is the crayon you use, and with it, you circumspect your life.

Much Human energy in life is dissipated in repetition of the errors of Humankind, dwelling on them, the world at large, and the individuals close at hand. When you dwell on recanting the past — no matter how near or far away the past — you are squelching your energy, locking it in a small roundabout channel. When you do that, it must satisfy something in you. But what? Your need to be victim, righteous, dramatic, discerning, sensible, smart, appalled, angry, fuming, upset, uneasy, superior, inferior, succinct, insightful, deleterious, center of attention, narrator of the past …?

The expenditure of your energy need not be serious, but it makes sense not to waste it hither and yon where it can only smolder itself.

Everything in world life is a metaphor for something within you. There is no object in the relative world that does not encapsulize some aspect of you. There is no event that does not. There is no thought that does not. There is no movement or gesture that does not. Everything about you reveals something of you.

And there is no one that you cannot learn from.

Do not let your energy go up in smoke. Or perhaps you intend dissipated energy to be a smokescreen that keeps you from knowing yourself. You may not be looking, but you are always revealing.

Reveal yourself forward. Impel your energy toward your greatest dreams. Consolidate your power. Winding around is not necessary. Detours are meant to be for a reason, not for no reason at all.

When you embrace everyone in your path, regardless of what inconvenience they may have caused, you cohere your energy. What good does your not embracing do? What does it serve? Certainly not the other person. Certainly not you.

When you feel frustrated, rise above it, and all is smooth flow. Do not catch yourself in it. Observe and move on, and that is the most you can do with life. If you feel you must fix someone, then fix yourself, and even that is a thankless task. You will move on from yourself soon enough and vent on something else.

You may have said that you don't need frustration and obstacles in your life, but you must think you need them or why would you come across them so frequently?

Love energy is the only energy worth having and giving. Retrieve it. Anything else is a waste of energy. Regardless of situations, somewhere within yourself, you can call up love. Love yourself enough to rise above situations. Otherwise, you calumnize yourself. Otherwise, you sentence yourself to less than love.

You are to be a spark of light that falls everywhere.

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Dear God, You can be quite

Dear God, You can be quite blunt at times, You know:

When you dwell on recanting the past — no matter how near or far away the past — you are squelching your energy, locking it in a small roundabout channel. When you do that, it must satisfy something in you. But what? Your need to be victim, righteous, dramatic, discerning, sensible, smart, appalled, angry, fuming, upset, uneasy, superior, inferior, succinct, insightful, deleterious, center of attention, narrator of the past …?

Yes, all of this, depending on circumstances.

If you feel you must fix someone, then fix yourself, and even that is a thankless task. You will move on from yourself soon enough and vent on something else.

Yes, I have tried to fix myself for decades and found it useless. Good to have Your corroboration.

You may have said that you don't need frustration and obstacles in your life, but you must think you need them or why would you come across them so frequently?

Yes, it does sound quite obvious when You are saying it. It's true, that is what I have been thinking. Oh, let's get out of there.

Love energy is the only energy worth having and giving. Retrieve it. Anything else is a waste of energy.

Love energy is the only

Love energy is the only energy worth having and giving. Retrieve it. Anything else is a waste of energy.

That's really who you are dear Jochen, it is for everyone to read, see and feel in all your postings and all you share so gently.

Wonderful Heavenletter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
