Be a New Moonbeam

God said:

Stay out of the mud.

Refrain from gossip. Your purpose isn’t to toss around words about others rapturously with glee while you put them down. This is not a high vibration whatsoever. Not a high vibration at all. You won’t hear me giving you any such instructions to cast anyone down. Only smallness would make you do this.

Gossip is a long-held paltry subject. Whole magazines are filled with gossip. Fill your heart and mind with merit and not gossip.

You have a whole Life ahead of you.

Gossip isn’t your business.

Infringing in others’ lives isn’t your business.

Who is having an affair with whomever is not your business.

Catastrophes are not your business.

Casting dispersions on others is absolutely not your business.

Faulting yourself is not your business.

Falseness is not your business.

Superiority is not your business.

Other people’s lives are not your business.

There is no profit in filling your Life up with other people’s doings and idle news and views.

Be with people who make you glad to be with them.

And you be someone who makes others glad to be with you.

Life does not have to be urgent, nor is Life to be wasted.

Life does not have to be superficial.

Raise yourself a notch every day.

Go higher and higher.

Don’t rest on your laurels. Times a-wasting. Life’s a-wasting.

Live your God-given Life. Make Life worth living and holding dear.

Now is the time for all good people to come together. Even if you are a private person, you can share your Being. Every moment is ultimately shared. There is always sharing. Share something worth sharing.

Reflect. Think of what you are doing. Make others’ lives the same way you would like your Life to be like. Have some good news and wonderfulness in mind to share. What stories do you tell? What upliftment will you give to a weary world that craves more goodness and mercy?

I tell you frankly that you have far more to contribute to the world than gossip or any kind of belittlement.

Scatter the world with Stars.

Multiply the Sun.

Admire the Moon that reflects the Sun.

Be you the Moon that reflects the Sun.

Lift the world high.

Enjoy Life more. Expand happiness. Lead the world and raise the world Higher.

You have your work cut out for you.

Begin. Begin now. No more as you were. Be a new Moonbeam now.

The world has been waiting for you. I have been waiting for you.

Jumpstart your Life right now.

No waiting for tomorrow. Today is the day you are painting. Don’t let the paint dry.

Wherever you are, whatever else you are doing, bless. Bless while you are at it.

Bless one sentient Being, and you bless all.

Read Comments

WOW! Just as I was reading gossip. I turned away to read this.

Something magical happens with Heavenletters. For such timeless messages the information is always on time. This is something I have been dealing with since a youth - other people's lives and doings. So focused on what others are doing, living, and thinking I forget to be true to my own values. I needed this in more ways than one. True manna from heaven.


Beloved Jahweh, as you

Beloved Jahweh, as you comment, you are scattering the world with stars! You have the eyes with which to see.

And, dear one, wait until you read today's Heavenletter, What If Every Outcome Blesses You?
Heavenletter #6083 Published on: July 21, 2017. This Heavenletter made me sit up straight!

You are right about the timeliness of Heavenletters. Each one is fresh as a daisy whatever day we read it, even if it were first written 19 years ago.

Even the Heavenletter that you commented on yesterday -- it was first written down about five to six months' ago. It would seem we are ahead! Or the Heavenletters always were!

Heavenletters seem to be Infinite.

And a Divine comment like this one of yours needs to be plastered everywhere so it falls on more hearts and God's blessings reach everywhere... well, like Facebook!

"Bless one sentient Being,

"Bless one sentient Being, and you bless all."


Just for You Scrolls arrive in Italy...

Berit....hope you don't mind....Im cutting and pasting your comments here from the forum comment section...

Dearst Jim and Jimi
I received your wonderful package, OMG this is amazing. I thought you sent just a few scrolls so that I could get the idea, instead I received a WONDERFUL basket FULL of scrolls of all sizes !! such a blessing. just at looking at them I felt overwhelmed, Love just flows from them while only looking at them. they are created with so much LOVE, it is amazing. I really really really love them !! the beautiful butterflies and the tiniest rubber bands in all colours to tie the scrolls rolled, so beautiful. I feel so blessed.
....and.....I would love to do them in italian. it is such an incredible beautiful gift just to flock on everyone....
I wonder if there is a file available with the quotes that I might take as reference and get them then from the italian HL.
I do thank you so very very much dear Jim, I can't really express my joy properly in words maybe, but I hope you can feel it all the same.
Biiiiiggest hugs and thanks and Love to you dear.
Loving you always.

Jeff, you sure do know how

Jeff, you sure do know how to delight hearts! And, Berit, you sure know how to write an amazing thank you note!

Hi Gloria...

I believe my new name must be "Jeff"....much love, Jim(i) and Jeff too.

dear Gloria, an

dear Gloria,

an overwhelming gift. today I took 2 little scrolls with me for "during the day", sweetest nectar from our Loving God....


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