Be a Delightful Surprise

God said:

How necessary is it to you to take everything seriously? What if you didn’t take to heart every instance of perceived rudeness? May I suggest that you be more considerate of another person even when they are rude?

You must think that something is at stake in your life that you insist upon every consideration you are entitled to. You may be absolutely right that another person needs to be more considerate of you. When this is the case, will you then be extra considerate of the other person even when he wasn’t considerate of you? When consideration is lacking, perhaps this is time for you to be the most courteous of all. If you want to give the other person a lesson, there is no better way than by example.

If another person literally steps on your toes and does not say, “Excuse me,” then you say it. You say, “Excuse me,” and say it with a smile. If someone borrows something of yours without asking you, perhaps you can say, “What else can I offer you?” Think a moment of the difference in the two scripts, one with a retort and one with extreme courtesy. Do you really want to follow a script of taking offense and being equally rude or would you like to be a pioneer who offers a generous heart?

Perhaps you are dealing with life as you have always dealt with life. Perhaps now is the time to find new alternatives, ways that do not cut between you and the other person. Perhaps you are really seeing someone else than the person in front of you, someone perhaps from the past that you had to defend yourself from. Do you really have to defend yourself from this person across from you who was thoughtless for a moment in time and space?

And if the other person does not respond genially to you, what have you lost? You presented an opportunity for harmony. What matters most is your response to life and not another’s. Think of it. You rose above a situation. You did not respond in kind. You responded as a true lady or gentleman. There is a lot to be said for manners. True courtesy never goes out of style.

If you want to be more than ordinary, then you will be creative and original. You will be novel. Your responses will be unexpected. You will be a delightful surprise, perhaps even to yourself.

Today is a new day, and you can be new. You can come from a different place. You can be agreeable rather than disagreeable. I think you would like to be. I think you would like to be gracious and uplift the world. I know you would. I know you would like to be the leader of the pack, and that calls for your being a shining light on Earth. You break the mold. You smoke a peace pipe. You turn life around. You are a magician in life. You are a master diplomat and inspirer of good action. No longer do you react in the same way you are treated. You have become a cut above.

There is no merit in tit for tat. No merit unless someone has been wonderful to you, and you respond in kind.

When someone’s words or actions are less than exemplary, all the more reason for your words and actions to be generous. I will go so far as to say divine. Take all the good will that is in Heaven and make use of it on Earth. This I ask of you. This I ask.

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Being courteous and understanding is a very good solution, I have often seen it work. Only, there are cases where it doesn't work. We can con everyone else, even for a time ourselves, but one day, perhaps when our stomach or gall bladder or heart starts rebelling, we will have to admit that we are still hating and raging and unforgiving (even if, as it does in many cases, it looks like something else, like sadness, for instance, like depression, confusion or any number of things). What can we do then?

Blind selfishness takes the form of rudeness and more or less total lack of consideration for man and beast and the Earth herself, but that is not the worst part of it. The worst part is the dishonesty about it, and it's the part you may be unable to respond gentlemanly to. Something in you simply and adamantly refuses to rise above and make your heart big enough for even the lies. You don't club anyone to death, of course. You just smother yourself into oblivion (or whatever your personal strategy looks like). That's how far civilization has come.

I'm finding that many of the suggestions Heavenletters make aren't working for me. Sometimes I feel disappointed about myself, sometimes I feel quite angry with Heavenletters for telling me so many things that aren't workable. And I envy those for whom all the amelioration projects seem to work. Sometimes I feel there is something fundamentally wrong with me, too wrong for even God to mend. But I always remember after some time that "wrong" is not possible and does not exist. So even if I cannot follow God's advice, it still has to be all right somehow. How? For myself I found: Don't force yourself to be understanding, patient, loving etc. when you simply aren't. Stop trying to torture yourself into acceptable ways of feeling and behaving. Just get out of there. I don't mean physically (although that can be a useful stopgap). What I mean is that I drop just everything, that I remind myself that nothing at all is important, and then everything, without exception, slides off and is gone. There is nothing for a moment, no Jochen, no God, no annoyance, no trying-to, and this nothing is breathing so easily.

big bang

So there is great merit in "trying" hard, as it leads to "drop" it all.
You accumulate energy ( under the form of anger, rebellion, frustration, sadness, confusion) then you release. What a bang!

Allow your heart to flow.

God said:

I will go so far as to say that no one has wronged you. This is what you must understand. They have wronged themselves. Who they think they are and what they said to you or did to you have nothing to do with you. You are not less because of them.

It is like this. A driver of a car who does not see you runs his car into yours. It is not personal to you. You happened to be there. This is the true story of how life is in the world. There are drivers who hit other drivers.

When someone is angry with you, it is the same. Even if someone goes out of his way to find you and let you have it, the anger he happens to lash out at you is his anger. His anger belongs to him. It is not meant to be yours.

And the same goes for you, beloveds. You are also a one-man show. The anger you have, the hurt you have, the coldness you feel, are yours. Your reaction is yours. You find justification for your resentment, and yet I will tell you that there is no justification. There is no justification. Because a wrong has been done where you happen to be standing does not justify your resentment.

If the driver of a car hits your car, you don't then ram your car into his. Nor do you think: "He can't do that to me." He did that, but he didn't really do it to you. The driver of the other car is also a one-man show. He didn't see you. It could have been anyone.

Someone else's anger does not come from you. You do not cause it. Their anger was ready to be set off. The same goes for your anger. If you must be angry, be it, and then be done with it, and do not let burning embers of anger be long-lasting. You are meant for greater things than holding a grudge.

Let there be no obstacle to love in your heart. Not one. Free all those who threw their anger or poor behavior at you. Free them. Free the whale of your heart.

You have heard this before: "You only hurt yourself." Whatever you do to another, you do to yourself. If you are a victim, you are a victim of your own reaction. Leave the scene of the crime, beloveds. Get back to the street of love where you belong.

Do not think I am speaking only to others. I am speaking to you. I am speaking to you with all the love in My heart. I am asking you to abandon any feelings in your heart that are not love. They have been there long enough. Any feelings in your heart that are not love are barriers to yourself. Take down the ramparts. Allow your heart to flow.

There has been too much accumulation of wrongs. No one can go back and rewrite the script. In that sense, no one can right a wrong. Yet you must right the wrong that got stuck in your heart. Who is going to remove it if you don't?

I am asking you to remove pent-up anger and hurt and such in your heart. I am asking that, once and for all, you dispense with it. What are you saving it for, beloveds? Throw it away. Throw it away now, and be done with it. Let all you never really wanted get out from your heart where it never belonged in the first place. Hold your heart above the throng. Hold your heart high. Your heart is Mine.

HEAVEN #3281 A One-Man Show, November 18, 2009

super super super super super super super, so happy to have read this one super super super

You ask me to be the light,

You ask me to be the light, I will be the light. I promise to heed your word. I promise to be a beacon for right decisions for the highest good of all. I promise to be the voice of reason when there is fear or unworthiness. I promise to speak the words you put in my ear to help me understand my choices. I promise to be a peaceful warrior and not rise up with my body, but with the power of my mind. I promise to teach as best I know how, with what knowledge I am given. I promise to be a leader in my new peaceful world and to be a good example. PLANT YOUR INTENTIONS FOR YOUR NEW SELF CREATED REALITY AND MAKE IT AS BEAUTIFUL AS YOU CAN. ONLY FOCUS ON GOD AND THE PEOPLE UPON IT! DO NOT LOOK AT THE NEGATIVITY BECAUSE IT JUST FEEDS IT.


Being courteous and patient...

It is nice when the whirl of events in our lives...unwhirls and slows so that there is no urgency to "get on with things". Just to be....without a need for a particular outcome...without an agenda....except maybe just to be. And in this beingness....inevitably love appears...and is felt...and out of this a patience and a courtesy appears. A patience and courtesy with ourselves...and "them". Loving you, Jim and Jimi.


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