Attachment Means Boundaries, Beloveds
To become unattached does not mean to give all your worldly goods away. What you have to give away is your attachment to worldly goods. Attachment is an idea. It is an idea that you have to hold on rather than let go. Give away allegiance to the idea of attachment, and you give yourself freedom. Attached, you are tied. Unattached, you are free.
Who Is Being Realistic Now?
When you say that life is hard, what you are really saying is that life does not always give you what you want or what you demand and insist on. Demand and insist all you want, and you show your belief in winning, and you show your belief in losing as well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. When you venture, the venturing is your gain. That you applied yourself is your gain. In the going for, you gain.
When you can accept that life does not have to deliver what you order, how hard will life be then?
What if everything is all right as it is, even when it doesn't live up to your desires?
Freedom and Christ
You all say that you want freedom, and yet you keep attaching to what is around you.
In order to be free, you have to release your attachments. You do not have to give all your worldly possessions away, but you must release their hold on you.
Free means to not be bound.
In order for you not to be bound, you release all that you have been bound to. Of course, you have not really been bound. You just thought so, and that has been enough to keep you bound. Binding is mental.
Even surrounded by prison walls, you are free.
Even in a prison, you can let go of attachments.