And the Soul So Great

God said:

By what right do you suffer? You may say you were set up, and that suffering comes unbidden to you, yet I would like you to think anew. Do unwanted events occur? Yes. And yet, can you not be the willow that bends and not the unbending oak?

You perceive life as having to be a certain way. You perceive life as good or bad, right or wrong, beloveds. You judge life. Therefore, you propound suffering. For example, on one hand, you see that death of the body is inevitable. On the other hand, you hang on to bodies, yours and those of your loved ones, and yet the body is so little, and the soul so great.

Yes, on so many levels, judgment is a great burden.

When you consider something wrong, you are inconsolable. Many emotions come into play. Do you really want such a long list of emotions to choose from?

When you see something as objectionable, you naturally perceive that you must object. And what is objection but resistance? And where does resistance lead but to tension, and where does tension lead you to but more tension and suffering?

Compare this to a meal put in front of you. You may not like cooked carrots, for example, yet you don't have to protest them. And if they are on your plate, you don't even have to protest eating them. In life, too, it is not always possible to order off the menu.

Beloveds, everyone will have loved ones who leave their bodies. Someone will experience money in short supply. Someone will be talked to crossly. Someone will lose a diamond ring. Someone will crash his car. No one likes any of these. No one is overjoyed. But is it a requirement that you be miserable as well? Must you add suffering on top of what occurred? Must you tear yourself up?

Over very tiny things you often have suffered and made them big. There is heartache and heartache. When something greater in the sense of calamity happens, in contrast, you see how really little something was that you made yourself suffer over before. Sometimes, beloveds, you indulge yourself in suffering, as if suffering all by itself holds comfort for you. Will you consider that suffering is a side-line, and you don't really have to participate in it so much? Rally around joy more than you do suffering. Will you do that for me?

What good does suffering do you?

I do not say to pretend you are joyous when your heart is breaking. I am saying, must your heart hurt so much or hurt so often? Suffering is not meant to be a way of life. It is not to be your meat and potatoes. It is not a sign to be put up. It is not a medal to be pinned on you. You are not intended to have a cross to bear. You don't need it. I don't want you to have it. You are not meant to be burdened. You are meant to be unburdened. Unburden yourself, beloveds. Even when life is hard, must you also be hard on yourself?

If you cannot yet dispense with grief, can you not dispense with anger, guilt, envy, resentment and other sub-emotions that batter some of your days?

If you cannot yet dispense with grief, can you not yet find joy? Does the sun rise, and can you see it? Is there not still a sky and a horizon to look up at? And twinkling stars and a white moon? And is there not yet a God Who loves you with all His heart Whom you can love too?

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Dear Heaven -- These past

Dear Heaven -- These past several days I have been on the 'cusp' of a profound change in my perception...I have felt it percolating in the unmanifested and here the words gave form to what I was trying to formulate on my own. In the past year, I have made many profound changes in my life - leaving the 'security' of a full time job to follow my bliss and to spread God's word through my poetry and to set out on a course of physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
God has blessed me with everything I need yet I find that I tend to focus on - why has this one not paid his/her bill; why has this one or that one not yet ordered my book - why has this or that not yet happened...why haven't I won the lottery yet? And these past several days, I had the profound realization that I need to feel the joy and the gratitude and the freedom and see the world through Your eyes, loving Creator and to see the glass not only half full but overflowing with Love...And I need to notice EVERYTHING -- like this morning - here in New England we have gentle snowflakes falling...the earth is made new with white and these little snowflakes - each one so unique and rare are God's message to me to be gentle and loving with myself and to feel the joy and wonder in God's creation.

Yay God...hip-hip-hooray:)

Yay God...hip-hip-hooray:)

Oh yeah -- and if

Oh yeah -- and if 'something' doesn't happen 'right away' (according to my inner child's timetable -- oh my God...that reminds me of something I read here about being less impatient) it is because there is something even more wonderful and magical that is being created in this amazing Universe!

So sweet

So sweet Marysunshine...Thank you for your honesty of heart and your courage. Love and blessings, Jimi.

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

It amazes me how often these

It amazes me how often these messages speak so pertinently to me, and what I have just been dealing with in
my life. I spent yesterday angrily stewing over a conversation with my roommate where I felt she didn't appreciate
me and just wanted my money . I was ready to do some more of that today and this letter reached out a Hand
and helped me out of the ditch. Thank you!

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said think anew
Judgement is a great burden
Unburden yourself

God said Beloveds
Can you not yet find great joy
And the soul so great

Love, Light and Aloha!

Gloria, some of your

Gloria, some of your sentences take wing and fly all the way to my "favorite quotations" page. Here's my favorite thought today:

"In life, too, it is not always possible to order off the menu."

I'll be looking at menus with new eyes from now on.

Love and aloha,

Gloria, some of your

Gloria, some of your sentences take wing and fly all the way to my "favorite quotations" page. Here's my favorite HeavenLetter thought today:

"In life, too, it is not always possible to order off the menu."

I'll be looking at restaurant menus with new eyes from now on and appreciating that sometimes I CAN order what I want.

Love and aloha,

Tracey, dear friend, why you

Tracey, dear friend, why you can always order what you want!

The receiving is sometimes a different story!

The odds of receiving are better when we do ask!

I love the quote you picked out too!

And sometimes we order a

And sometimes we order a caesar salad and God surprises us with an amazing lobster feast (I'm from New England .:)


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