An Oasis Called Heaven
Bring your attention to My love. You call to Me for love when I have swamped you with it. But you have been careless in observing it. You have passed love by. It hasn't overlooked you. You overlooked it. You looked past it. You looked too fast and too far and missed what was right here.
It is not that you must look for love. You must look at it, see it. Experience the love in your heart and not wait for love from others to fill it. I have already filled your heart with love. My love I gave to you. It is yours still.
What in Heaven's name are you on earth for if not to share My love? Sharing means receiving as well as giving. Receive the love that abounds. First you have to notice it.
The outline of trees in the early dawn is My love. The very air you breathe. The sound of birds. What do you think they are singing if not My love? What do you think a car passing by your house is if not love? The rain that falls, the sun that shines are love for you. A traffic light is love for you. A red light is love for you. A corner you turn is love for you. A nightingale's nest is love for you. A blade of grass. Dew on the grass. A withered leaf is also love for you, love for the asking, love for the receiving, and love for the giving.
Whatever your feet rest on is My love laid out for you.
Each book on the shelf, read or unread, is My love poured out for you.
Before you doubt the preponderance of love in the universe, recall that love is energy. Will you accept that there is much energy in the universe? That this very energy is My love splashed everywhere? Let it fall on you.
Look at the world around you differently. It does not withhold from you. Contrary to common parlance, the world is rife with love. The world is adrift with love. The world is soaking in love. You cannot escape it, but you can ignore it. And that is what you have been doing. And that is how you ignore Me.
How sad it is to be hungry amidst food. No need for it. The feast is for you, but you have to partake. No one is going to spoon-feed you. No one is going to hammer you with love. That is not how love works. Accept that you are surrounded with love, and then partake. Avail yourself of the love that abounds in the universe. Pick it up. Look at it. Love the universe. Attend to the love in your heart. Shoot it out. It needs not an object.
Love needs a subject, and you are the subject. You are the one chosen to shine love on all, everywhere, all the time. Let that be a premise you start from instead of the unholy premises you have had. I will not even discuss the premises you have been operating under except to say that you thought you were thirsty in a desert when all the time you were dripping wet in an oasis.
Where I am is an oasis called Heaven. I am everywhere. And I am within you. Life cannot be arid unless you have been denying something. Perhaps you have denied Me. Perhaps you have denied your right to Me. Perhaps you have refused to believe the abundance you are in the midst of. You are not on the fringes of My love. You are in the center of it. That is what you have to know. You can know it now. Deep in your heart, you know the truth of life. It is not all those facts your mind has cluttered unto itself. Facts are not truth. Love is truth. And you are My love made manifest on earth. That is the truth.
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