
God said:

Here's a new idea. Nothing has to thwart your love! Nothing has to block it nor detour it. Nothing has to step on it. Nothing has to cut holes in it. Nothing has to thin it out. Nothing has to be made of it but what it is. Love is. Love rises. Love is its own engine.

No one is the master of your love. In truth, no one is the recipient. Love flows, and it flows everywhere. If love were a helicopter, We might say that it alights here and there and takes off again. But love is not a helicopter. It is a sun.

No other rays need penetrate it. No sword prevents it. Nothing takes away from it, and nothing adds to it. The sun is mighty. There is nothing mightier than love. All the presumed negativity in the world is but a thimbleful next to the power of love. Love is undaunted. Love is like a puppy that you tell not to lick your face and who keeps doing it again and again. There is no end to the faith and power of love.

Be confident in love. Have confidence in the love in your heart. It is not its fault if you have kept it under wraps. Now unwrap the love in your heart, and then your heart will be open. Your heart will be the dawn of the day.

What do you care where love lands? Love is a commoner. It is not an elitist. Love runs to ground. It looks up wherever it is. Love is not a wind-up toy. It needs no winding up. It just needs to be allowed. You need to allow it. Give your love free rein. Tell it to go where it will. Tell it to stop nowhere. Tell it not to be shy. Tell your heart to be a volcano of love that catches everything in its path. What love catches is yours forever. Love catches itself and so there seems to be more of it. Of course, there cannot be more of it. Yet it revolves more so you give it in every direction, and you receive it in every direction. You will finally know that the whole of existence is love and nothing but love. And you are the whole of existence, and therefore you are love unadmonished. You are a fulcrum of love. You are the summit of love. There is nowhere where you and love are not.

You are the eagle and the wren. There is nothing that is not you. You are everything. You are not isolated. You are premier. You are vast. You are everything, and you are the everythingness of nothingness. You are love. I branded you love. I seared love into your heart, and you cannot get away from it. You have tried, and still you come back to love. You are surrounded by love, and you surround it. You try to get past it, when there is no getting past it.

You are a swimmer of love, and you swim in an ocean of it. You are a splash in love. You are the center of love, and there is no periphery. You are the fountain of love, and you are the pump of it. You are all of it. There is nothing else for you to be.

Accept the love that is yours. Concede that you are love. Acquiesce, and you will radically beam love from your heart, and you will know nothing else but the All that exists.

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Tamil Verses of this Heavenletter

Love is. Love rises. Love is its own engine.

There is nothing mightier than love.

Love is like a puppy that you tell not to lick your face and who keeps doing it again and again.

There is no end to the faith and power of love.

You are everything, and you are the everythingness of nothingness.

You are the center of love, and there is no periphery.

Please click the link below to read the Tamil Verses of the Quoted Passages of this Heavenletter.



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