A Weaver of Words

God said:

And you are a weaver of words. Words are also like stitches you sew. You baste threads of words across the Universe. Certainly the world is joined by words crisscrossing it. You take big stitches and little stitches. Your words go in and out. Your words sew the world up tight, or they let the world loose with plenty of room to grow.

In the world, you do bite off the stitches of words you weave in and out. Your words intersperse with other words, and so a diagram is made. This diagram is unseen, yet it is made.

Your words are like the Greek chorus that sings off stage, and yet what happens off-stage is significant to what happens on-stage. Your words come back to you. You ordain your world. The world that makes no sense to you has heard your words and has heard your tone of voice.

Your words are like notes of music. The notes resonate in your mind, and you play them to the world. Your words are the shot heard around the world. Your words are the arrows that penetrate each heart. Your words are your thoughts expressed. The timbre of your thoughts is also heard without your knowing it. Unheard unseen words are heard and seen and materialized.

Get up off the bed of words you have been telling yourself and the world.

Turn other pages of your thoughts.

You can do this. You can wake up today without the same old thoughts. You can be the sun for the world this morning and rise in great light. You certainly are aware that you light up your own world, or, if you aren't lighting it up, you dim it in the shadows. Your thoughts reverberate in your mind and in other minds as well. You can change your thoughts, yet you cannot turn down the volume of your thoughts.

Your thoughts are the rug the world walks on. Steady your thoughts, beloveds. You are the foundation of the world.

Your thoughts are bridges that cross the river of life. You do not make bridges just for yourself. You make toll bridges, and you pay the toll.

Your thoughts blow like dust. Your thoughts wander like the air, and you breathe in others' thoughts as well.

Your thoughts are like your children you send off to school. And then later they come back home and often bring their friends with them.

No thoughts are singularly your own. No thoughts are idle, beloveds. Words have their work to do. You may toss them. You send them off, and you don't know where they may land, and yet you can know that they return to you. Your words are like homing pigeons.

Your words are like a grid across the Universe.

Your words are not silent. Your words speak for you. Issued from your voice or from your mind, your words are like scouts you send out to survey the scene. Only, your scouts set up the scene. They describe it.

Sometimes words are written. Written or spoken, words cannot be taken back. Even when you erase words, they cannot be undone. They will return. They have their route to take, and they will alight.

Yet other words can supersede them. You can send out new messages, and they will also be heard around the world. You are like a general who can send out new troops. You can choose the troops you send. You can send out peacemakers.

You can send out ribbons from your heart. You can adorn the world. You can dress it up in finery. You can dress it up in tatters. You can make the world beautiful. You might as well. In any case, you leave your thumbprint.

Read Comments


oh my God,
me i feel of this letter we talk it other God
ferts i want to thank of this day and beautefullight,
you give to as,
words like musik for me, to breing masseges,
to play the world so de can see and hear,
and im remember your letter say you are not far from as,
i always trust your words like i trust my self,
we are your matirial in the world,
to bring masseges your words,
that all i know my self,
and thank God you created me,
to be in material

Sweet words

Carmen, darling,

Your sweet words echo the beauty of this lovely letter and open up your soul to us for our delight!


Words are thoughts. And thoughts are VERBS

«In the beginning was the VERB». VERB means to speak formally. Verb is the materializing force of thoughts. The name or noun of things come from the VERB intending to create something. An object is the produce of a verb intending to express or create something imagined. So that you cannot separate your thoughts from the act of verbalizing your thoughts. So when you verbalize any thoughts, even without expressing them externally, you materialize them somewhere in the universe. And you have your free will to choose the verbs to materialize what you are thinking. So start thinking SILENCE because SILENCE is the greatest of VERBS in any imaginable language.


Yes, as YOU say, Maestro, we are weavers of words. So, today, this morning, I have

decided to choose to rise like the sun and be a light for the world. The sun doesn't speak

words, but the sun DOES bring such good cheer. It says, "here I am again, illuminating

the dark that enveloped things for a while." The dark helps us to sleep and dream.

Light, Light Light - I want to have the sun's cheering effect on the world today like Brother

Sun, and I know Sister Moon also lights up the night and shines on the water and makes

shining silvery paths on oceans and rivers and lakes. I choose to be your Child of Light



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