A Safe Harbor
Although for some it may be a good idea to speed up, for many it would be good to slow down. You may be one of these. Pause a moment. It might be good for you to become more lackadaisical. Your work gets done, or it doesn't get done. What is all the furor about? What is the urgency? Sometimes you like to live in a revved-up catastrophe mode, racing to you- know-not-where.
Your stay on Earth is temporary. Your life really isn't about how much you get done or don't get done. If you are a CPA, the figures will always be there for you to count. You will never run out of them. They are infinite. And work is too, it would seem.
Imagine that I am your Employer. How might you do things differently? Wouldn't you right now relax, perhaps smile, and know that you are more than a producer or accumulator of piles of things to be done? Let My Will be done.
I certainly don't want you getting out of breath. I don't ask you to run up any mountain. Stroll up, I would say. Or leap in joy. Give yourself some incentive to acknowledge that, if you are temporary on Earth, the work here also is not forever. You can get out from under.
Your thoughts put you under a work spell, and now your thoughts can remove the spell. It was self-imposed. No matter what the outside influences, you imposed demands upon yourself.
You do not work in the mines. But if you did, the same work, the same hours, can have a different lilt to them. Even when you punch a time clock, you don't have to be at the mercy of time. Even in chains, you don't have to be enslaved.
You are not at the mercy of anything but your thoughts. Enter a new dimension of thought. You have persuaded yourself of many things. You have persuaded yourself of colossal things. Now persuade yourself that life and work and relationships are meant to be easy. Serve yourself notice that stress and strain are over. Have you not thought that they serve you? That you needed them for energy?
You are not your work. Your work is not the sum-total of you. I am the sum total of you. I say that in all modesty. You may have entered the wrong game, and now you can get up from it and go through a different door and enter a room not yet entered. A sign over this door says Ease. Enter life through this door. Leave all fretting behind. All rushing, all exertion. The pressure is off here. Come mill around. See what it's like. This might be Paradise, where only schedules of the heart are kept. There are no alarm clocks here. There are no alarms to be set off. There is nothing to be alarmed about. There is no fuss here. No fires to put out. No fires to start. This is an even-temperatured room. It is not slow-motion. It just isn't frantic motion.
This is a safe harbor, and this room is yours to enter. Enter now. I take you by the hand. There is no hurry. We are so easy-going, we move seamlessly. There is no scurrying. There are no piles of papers. There are no rules and regulations. There is no flurry. There is Ease.
It is easy to know that you live in My heart and that there are no deadlines here. There is just you and I.
This is all another way of saying you need not be attached.
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