A Rising Star

God said:

Beloveds, it is not necessary for you to impose My Will upon yours. This is a fine line you are treading. Yes, follow My Will, yet not impose it upon yourself. You may not truly comprehend as yet what My Will is. You may have your own version.
In all instances, do not impose guilt upon yourself. Do not make Me your conscience. Do not judge yourself. Just know you are My beloved. If a child breaks something, he made a mistake. He is not in jeopardy. His parent may be upset, but his parent is not going to throw the child out.
The difference between the parent and Me is that I do not get upset. What kind of God fumes around upset? Not I. I Who am beyond your understanding understand you very well. I do not penalize you. I do not throw stumbling blocks in front of you. There are stumbling blocks, and you may meet them. Do not think I threw them there in your path. They may be there, and you have to get past them. It is not that I threw them under your feet. They were there.
It’s very possible that you planned a trip. Obstacles you meet were already there.
What I want you to know, and to know deeply, is that I never throw you onto the train tracks. What I want you to know, and to know deeply, is that I never will keep you out of Heaven. What I have given to you, I will not take away. What is yours is yours.
In the world, you perceive loss. All the numbers you count total up to gain and loss.
Consider following My Will as coming to know yourself better. No matter how many so-called wrong turns you may take, you are going to reach the destination that is yours. Slow or fast, you will reach your destination. Everyone alive on Earth or who has ever been alive arrives at the same destination. Trips may be delayed, yet the destination is yours no matter how many delays there may be.
At the same time as I tell you there is no time to waste, there is also no hurry. All is assured. It makes a difference to you how long it takes, yet the slow winding road also takes you to Our awaited meeting-place.
There is no mess you have to stay in. You are always free to rise. Nothing can really hold you back. Move forward, beloveds. Let go of the past.
I tell you quite frankly that self-recrimination keeps you back. Love yourself, and zoom ahead. Anything that contributes to your not loving yourself is a hindrance. You are your own hero. The world may consider you a villain, yet you can turn on a dime right now. It is never too late, nor is it ever too early. You can accomplish millenniums in one day.
Time is not real any more than space is real. Time and space are not destined to hold you back. Of course, you can let them, yet imagined time and space are not your gods – or, are they? Turn in My direction, beloveds. Regardless of the direction you start from or revert to, you are going to reach Me in your awareness, and I am right here in plain sight. No matter what, you are going to meet Me. It will be no surprise. Delight, yes, but, surprise, no, for you have never been without Me. You are a rising star. All stars rise. And you, you are going to rise to everyone’s delight. Welcome Home, Brother.

Read Comments

In all instances, do not

In all instances, do not impose guilt upon yourself.
Anything that contributes to your not loving yourself is a hindrance.
You are always free to rise.

The key for to heal and to reach my True Self?
God bless you all,

Gloria, today we are

Gloria, today we are offering a two-for-one deal. In the third paragraph which begins "The difference between . . .", the third sentence from the end is "They may be there, and you have to get passed them." PASSED should be PAST. You would not be able to hear the difference in these two words as spoken. I don't know what the technical labels for these two verb forms are and I suppose it doesn't matter.

The fifth paragraph starts out "What I want you to know, and to know deeply, is that I never throw you under the train tracks." This is grammatically correct but a logical inconsistancy. You would be thrown under the train or onto the train tracks, but not under the train tracks. Not that God couldn't do that, but it wouldn't make sense.

I'm guessing this is exactly what you heard and that it didn't seem odd to you at the time, or you would have asked about it. I don't know what to do about it other than to bring it to your attention.

Thank you so much! I see

Thank you so much! I see that an angel fixed the first editing you did. Of course, you are right. Do you know I proof at least three times, and I simply hadn't caught the error. Surely that is something I know.

For your second edit, I had to read it several times just now until I got it!

Then I found a third! It was in the next paragraph:

All the numbers you count total up gain and loss.

I suppose someone could build up a case that this was okay as it was, but I added the to which seemed clearer to me.

I seriously think we need you to catch errors before the Heavenletter goes to press.

I'm quite capable of not

I'm quite capable of not seeing these things until it's too late. They don't happen all that often anyway.

I just read todays HL, "A

I just read todays HL, "A Rising Star" Beautiful! Made me remember my beloved son Jin so much. Specially at the end, when God says: "you are going to rise to everyone’s delight. Welcome Home, Brother" made me very happy. Also other parts of the HL was as writen specially for me. I really need it so much to hear thouse words. It was incredible how much that Heavenletter talked to me. I thank God, I thank you Dear Gloria for the beautiful message. It touched my heart!

Beloved Adela, I don't know

Beloved Adela, I don't know what I would do without Heavenletters. They give such meaning to my life. Somehow in one Heavenletter, God makes it that so many of us, no matter where we live, no matter our life situation, feel in our hearts that the Heavenletter was written especially for me. How does God do this?

It is wonderful that your love of God has brought you to translating Heavenletters into Spanish, dear Adela.And now I believe there are three, Jaime who is the coordinator of Spanish, you and now Miguel has also arisen on the scene. Angels, all.

Beloved Gloria, everyday at

Beloved Gloria, everyday at night, I look for the newly arrived Heavenletter in my mail box. It is already part of my life. In each HeavenLetter I find joy, so much wisdom and, what I like the most: how God tells us about His Great Love for all his children. The world would be different If everyone of us could feel his inmense love present in our everyday! And that is what HeavenLetters do, make us have always present in our hearts the infinite love of our beloved Father.

I just began to translate my first HeavenLetters into Spanish. It is challenging but at the same time, very rewarding when I think that the translation with its beautiful message can touch the heart of many more spanish speakers around the world. Thank you for giving me this opportunity! God bless you Beloved Gloria!

Beloved Adela, thank you for

Beloved Adela, thank you for posting your beautiful heart here to stir all our hearts. You certainly stir mine.

Thank you for giving us translations.

It kind of like we are warriors for God. We get right out on the front lines and do all we know to do for Him.

Heavenletters has given me

Heavenletters has given me so much when I most needed. Has inspired me and helped me to look at the bright side again. Through Heavenletters I can feel God speaking into my heart. I hope many more will be able to reach this beautiful messages full of hope, light and love.

Beloved Gloria, I feel blessed to have this opportunity to help in the translations. You are right, there is a lot to be done for God in the world, and Heavenletters is certainly one of the ways, and a very special one! God bless you beloved Gloria!

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said I AM yours
Time and space are not your gods
What is yours is yours

Love, Light, and Aloha!


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