A Moving Star

God said:

Would you like a Heavenletter today? Here it is. I give it to you. Every Heavenletter is a little poke. Heavenletters beckon you into the realms of your DNA. DNA seems like your past all set, yet your inheritance moves you forward. Ultimately, your DNA is Mine. Whatever details it may contain, your DNA is My say-so, for you and I share DNA. Your DNA is not a fixed star. It is a moving star. Your DNA has no bounds. You dance to the tune of your DNA, yet your DNA dances to the tune of your Heart’s Longings.

Let’s have a lovelier name for DNA.

Let Us call it Dear New Aspirations. Let Us call it Dreams Now Alive. Let Us call it Dedicated Neutral Actions. Let Us call it Destined Natural Alohas. Let Us call it Love.

There is no getting set in life. Life is movement. Life is a surprise. Life can be anything it is.

It is no kidding when Hamlet said:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

And Hamlet also says:

And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.

Yes, welcome life. My beautiful children have a tendency to let life be unwelcome and attend overmuch to the hum-drum or to the unkind.

Consider that this day before you -- every day before you -- is new and filled with the unexpected. No one knows what today will bring.

Many times this makes you feel insecure, and you become tense. You hold your head down in the hopes of avoiding heartache. What is this safety that you crave? What is this surety you cry for? Have you not known that you are on an adventure in life? Do you really and truly want life to be the same every day? Life is not a closet you sit in. It is not a tiny place where nothing happens.

Life on Earth is a vast place where anything and everything can happen.

Every day of life is exactly that – the unknown. Life is the unknown in its relative aspects. This means everchanging. Nothing stays the same in the relative world.

The movie reel spins. What combination of changing colors will today be? What breezes will blow? What hems will fall down? What textures will today contain? What happiness and what sorrows? What will you remember, and what will you forget? What will you imagine, and what will be real?

This whole surface of life that seems so real is not. It is a fantastic fantasy. Sometimes it is riding on a rollercoaster. Sometimes it is basking in the sun. Sometimes it is a swim in the lake. The surface of life is what it happens to be. You can be sure that, whatever it may be, it will change. Change is the name of the game of life on Earth. Have I said this before? And, yet, you would like to hold the reins of the steeds of life. You would like to hold them back, or you would like to spur the steeds forward. You want life to be both ways under your jurisdiction, of course.

Remember that you are to be open in life, not closed. This is another way of saying that life can pick you up and toss you in the world. Life can never be the same. You can never stay the same. There is a tide to the Ocean of Life. Waves lap the shore, and waves leap away from the shore. The Ocean inhales and exhales, as it were. You breathe in, and you breathe out. There is exhilaration, and there is the pulling back and then the going forward.

Life is also what you make of it. Ride the waves, beloved. All is well.

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Two fascinating messages

This letter contains a couple very intriguing ideas.

One is about the complexity of DNA. Many geneticists have thought they had known all there was to know about DNA. And many thought that the clear sequencing of all the base pairs in human DNA would provide us with ultimate answers about our bodies and our illnesses.

Well, now that the sequencing has been accomplished, scientists were disappointed to find that through this process the anticipated answers were not found. If you look at the bigger picture of what we know about DNA, though, we see some hints about the huge amount we do not know.

Many have thought that the relatively large amount of protein surrounding our DNA played very little role in its function, but some are finding the proteins play a large role and their actions are modifiable by our life experiences. Many also thought that the majority of DNA sequences in our chromosomes were just place holders that have been called “junk DNA.”

Now we are finding that the extra DNA seems to somehow work with the proteins surrounding our genes to help control our body’s day-to-day structure and functions. Even further, others are finding that our DNA has a magnetic component to it that plays fundamental roles in how it all works. As this letter implies, we are seeing just a tiny tip of a very large iceberg in what we are discovering about our DNA.

Another fascinating idea that this letter focuses on is much more personal for me: “Life on Earth is a vast place where anything and everything can happen.” Looking back on my life, I now see I have spent a whole of lot of my efforts trying to understand what is going on in my world. And much of this effort was really about trying to find more stability and safety. But divinely inspired messages are clearly saying that I am already safe. The worst that can happen to me is some temporary discomfort. And stability, if I were to be successful in actually finding it, would be boring. I find the implications of this part of the message to be reassuring and comforting. Instead of pushing against the uncertainties, I just need to relax and enjoy the journey.

Love to all,


2 perceptive revelatory

2 perceptive revelatory comments, Chuck. You make me want to know more -- lots more.

Just a side note: I know nothing about DNA. I have no understanding of it. A Heavenletter about DNA makes it very clear that God whispers these words.

Thanks, Chuck.


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