A Meeting of the Stars

God said:

It is like I had love to express, and I was laughing in joy. And then I, visual effects' manager that I am, created pictures of what My love might look like. There were roses of My love and ducks and elephants and rocks and seas, and there was you, the million faces of you. This was such a crescendo of love. And then another volley of laughter, and another turn of the wheel, and, as in a kaleidoscope, the images changed and appeared and disappeared and swirled together in a wonderful ecstasy of rose after rose and face after face from all angles. The roses spilled out in profusion. The contents of My heart spilled to the ground, and roses were first picked from Earth.

My laughter was so great that stars popped out, and the night sky was placed around them for padding. The sun burst forth and the modest moon vaulted around the Sun, and planets gave themselves names and made up stories that were true and made up at the same time.

What a choreographer I am. What a composer of music. What a sailor. What an acrobat. What a tumbler. What an artist. What a writer. The image I made of you was love. I sculpted you and tossed you onto the potter's wheel, and off you flew, landing on a remote part of Earth. You rubbed your eyes, and made a flag you staked into the ground and said it was yours. You claimed only a small portion as yours. You could have claimed all of Creation, from stem to stern, from star to star, from one flight of fancy to another. You claimed only where you landed rather than opening your arms to all.

Then you protested you were denied. You unlearned joy. You divested yourself of it. You chose denser things instead and wrapped them around your neck and dragged them with you for safe-keeping. You unlearned joy and learned possession. You unlearned joy and learned labor. You unlearned joy and made laws to preclude the remembrance of joy. You assigned yourself dominion over other beings and made them your property as well. You forgot that I had blessed animals to your care, and you thought they were cattle.

You forgot who you were too. You saw everyone as less too. You lowered your eyes. You couldn't look at the sun unless you wore goggles. You stole glances at the moon, but mostly hung lesser lights and remembered them. You forgot the light of love, and love became shady. Rain was convenient or inconvenient.

You forgot it was God's creation that you walked on. You kicked it. You forgot to love it. You dug in it and stole from it. You preferred candy. You forgot the sweetness of the love you had flown from. You had dreams of Truth and called them folly.

You forgot to do handstands on the Earth. You plodded and plunged instead. You didn't listen to the Song of the Earth. There was too much noise for you to hear. You chose noise over silence. Silence became odd. Noise became familiar. And your heart cried out for the song you had forgotten and yet still, you hoped, was being played in some far-off distant land. You went from theatre to theatre, looking for the music you longed for and that, you pleaded, existed somewhere. Even if you couldn't hear it, you wanted someone to hear it. You wanted it to be true somewhere.

You called a meeting of the stars, but instead you gave a lecture. You didn't let the stars speak. It was against the by-laws. You didn't let your heart vote. You pretended you could count, and all the while you mourned for a faintly, very faintly, remembered song that wanted to issue from your throat. You held it back, waiting for someone next to you to sing first. You forgot you were supposed to sing first. You thought you didn't know how to sing. You forgot it didn't matter how well you could carry a tune. You forgot it mattered only that you sing. Beloved, sing a note now. Let it come from your throat. Music from your throat, the song Mine.

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Your music, My song

Sometimes, many times, it happens that I have to stop reading Heavenletters because my eyes get tired on the screen, I would never stop otherwise. This is another masterpiece.

Heavenletter #1646-دیداری با ستارگان

خدا گفت:

شادمانه می خندیدم و انگار عشقی برای ابراز کردن داشتم. سپس من، آن اداره کننده پیامد های بصری، تصاویری از آنچه می توانست شبیه عشق من باشد خلق کردم. گل های رز، اردکها، فیلها، دریا ها و تو، میلیونها چهره شبیه تو از عشق من پدید آمد. و این نقطه اوج تجلی عشق من بود. و سپس خنده ای دیگر، چرخشی دیگر، و درست مثل یک زیبابین، از هر طرف تصاویر عوض شدند، پدید آمدند، ناپدید شدند، سرمستانه در یکدیگر گره خوردند، گل رزی در رزی دیگر، چهره ای در چهره ای دیگر. گلهای رز فراوان روئیدند. آنچه در قلبم داشتم بر خاک روان شد و گلهای رز برای اولین بار از روی زمین چیده شد.

خنده ام آنچنان طنین انداز بود که ستاره ها ظاهر شدند و آسمان شب به مانند پوشالی گرداگرد آنها را پوشاند. خورشید بیرون جهید، و هلال ماه قوسی در اطراف خورشید زد، سیاره ها بر خود اسم نهادند و افسانه های واقعی ساختند.

من عجب طراح رقصی هستم. چه آهنگسازی. چه دریانوردی. چه بند بازی. چه آکروبات بازی. چه هنر مندی. چه نویسنده ای. تصویری که من از تو ساختم عشق بود. من پیکره ات را تراشیدم و روی چرخ سفالگری گذاشتم، و تو شروع به پرواز کردی و روی نقاط دوردست زمین فرود آمدی. چشمهایت را مالیدی و پرچمی ساختی، در زمینی که فرود آمده بودی نشاندی، و گفتی اینجا متعلق به من است. مدعی سهم کوچکی از آنچه متعلق به تو بود شدی. می توانستی مدعی تمام مخلوقات باشی، از آغاز تا انتها، از ستاره ای تا ستاره ای دیگر، از پرواز خیالی تا پروازی دیگر. به جای اینکه بازوانت را برای در آغوش کشیدن همه آنچه که بود باز کنی مدعی جایی شدی که در آن فرود آمده بودی.

سپس ادعا کردی وجودت انکار شده است. شادی را فراموش کردی. خود را از آن محروم کردی. چیزهای سنگینی از جهان مادی انتخاب کردی، آنها را به گردن آویختی و برای محافظت از خود به دنبال کشیدی. شادی را فراموش کردی و تملک را آموختی. شادی را فراموش کردی و کار کردن را آموختی. شادمانی را فراموش کردی و قوانینی وضع کردی تا مانع یادآوری شادی شود. به خود حق تسلط بر موجودات دیگر را دادی و آنها را جزئی از دارایی خود فرض کردی. فراموش کردی که من حیوانات را برای محافظت از تو متبرک کرده بودم، تصور کردی آنها رمه ای از گاو و گوسفند هستند.

حتی فراموش کردی خودت چه کسی بودی. دیگران را نیز کوچکتر از آنچه بودند دیدی. چشمانت دوردستها را نمی دید. نمی توانستی بدون عینک های محافظ به خورشید نگاه کنی. درخشش ماه را ربودی و چراغهای کم نور بیشتری به در و دیوار آویزان کردی و آنها را به خاطر سپردی. روشنایی عشق را فراموش کردی و عشق تبدیل به چیزی نیمه روشن شد. باران مفید یا غیر مفید بود.

فراموش کردی زمینی که روی آن پا گذاشتی مخلوق خداوند بود. به آن لگد زدی. فراموش کردی آن را دوست بداری. در آن حفاری کردی و از آنچه بود ربودی. آبنبات بیشتر مورد علاقه ات بود. شیرینی عشقی را که از آن به پرواز برخاسته بودی فراموش کردی. تصویری از واقعیت در ذهن داشتی اما آنها را احمقانه پنداشتی.

فراموش کردی روی زمین بر روی دستهایت بایستی. درعوض با قدمهای سنگین راه رفتی و روی آن پریدی. به آواز زمین گوش ندادی. پرهیاهو بود. ترجیح دادی به جای سکوت، گوش به همهمه بسپری. سکوت دیگر چیزی عجیب و غریب بود. همهمه و هیاهو آشنای گوشت بود. قلبت در اشتیاق شنیدن آن آوازی بود که از یاد برده ای، با این حال امیدوار بودی که هنوز در سرزمینهای دوردست در حال نواخته شدن است. از این تئاتر به تئاتری دیگر رفتی در جستجوی آن موسیقی که در آرزوی شنیدن آن بودی و فکر می کردی در جایی دیگر وجود دارد. اگر خود قادر به شنیدن آن نبودی دوست داشتی کس دیگری به آن گوش دهد. می خواستی واقعا در جایی وجود داشته باشد.

به ملاقات با ستارگان دعوت شدی، اما تو سخنرانی کردی. نگذاشتی ستاره ها صحبت کنند. بر خلاف قوانین ات بود. نگذاشتی قلبت اظهار نظر کند. تظاهر کردی که می توانی اعداد را بشماری با این حال در سوگ آن آوازی بودی که به طور مبهم به یاد می آوردی و می خواستی بخوانی. مکث کردی و صبر کردی نفر بعدی اول شروع کند. فکر کردی نمی توانی آواز بخوانی. فراموش کردی که اصلا مهم نیست چقدر خوب بخوانی. فراموش کردی تنها چیز مهم این است که فقط بخوانی. دلبندم، اکنون نتی آواز کن. بگذار از حنجره ات بیرون بیاید. موسیقی از حنجره تو بیرون می آید و آواز از حنجره من.

You held it back, waiting

You held it back, waiting for someone next to you to sing first. You forgot you were supposed to sing first. You thought you didn't know how to sing. You forgot it didn't matter how well you could carry a tune. You forgot it mattered only that you sing.

This is the story of what happened to me during the Workshop. I have been always feeling a song in my throat needed to be sung. I always felt that… but didn't know how to sing… because I had never learnt how to sing properly. I think that "feeling" finally got an outlet to be free. You, Gloria told me sing and I sung… I could not help it. It just came! :)

Oh Gloria, Thank you for

Oh Gloria,

Thank you for sending me this. Your Heavenletters always come at the
precise moment I need reassurance and I am so grateful for that. I
have been going through a lot of turmoil and pain lately, and on
Wednesday I finally fully recognized that I have been keeping myself
from my Self. I have conformed to the structures that I have learned
to submit myself to instead of simply existing. I have lived my life
in stressful environments so I have become programmed to think that if
I am not struggling I am not doing my best and will not succeed. I
have lost appreciation for who I am and with that lost self love. I
simply have not been healthy. Ignoring myself for too long and being
pressured and expected of in ways that are not cohesive to who I am
and what I offer.

There have been many moments in my life where I have experienced pure
being, where I have breathed in my own essence and felt complete,
where I have been able to be full of love and capable of letting love
go. I am more than ready now to remember those feelings of
absoluteness. I am ready to feel like I deserve this. I am ready to
get to know myself and be the best that I can be.

Thank you so much for existing Gloria!
Sending you a lot of love <3


A Meeting of the Stars

Thank you Gloria for sharing this wonderfull HL

Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you so much!
How much you love us, your creation!
How beautiful and peaceful it is to be in harmony with YOU and YOUR creation!
I have to kick my critic away, and then rise to you!
I need no image of myself at all!
I let myself alone. Let YOU take care of me. Let You tell me what to do and be. Let YOU put me together instead of taking myself apart.

A heartwarming hug to everyONE

So beautiful said dear

So beautiful said dear Kristian. Your prayer makes me want to pray too. Thank you so for sharing,
Much love to you,

creative dance

Gloria, thank you so much! I experienced the joy of dancing with the Creator when I read this piece. And to think….this Creator invites us into the joy of co-creation!

Ah, Deb, you take me back to

Ah, Deb, you take me back to an early Heavenletter that I especially love. Thank you for posting here!

A Wonderfully Poetic Heavenletter

Thank you, dear Gloria, for pointing me to this most precious, deeply touching and wonderfully poetic Heavenletter! What a masterpiece!

It fills my heart with joy - and at the same time with some kind of distant melancholy - how could we only forget God's creation and the joy and love we were born from and made for??

The most funny part of it is God's self-description as "visual effects' manager" - priceless!!!

I love all Heavenletters yet

I love all Heavenletters yet especially love the poetic ones!


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